Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Little Stitchin' Finish, and a Little Stitchin' Start

Gentle Friends, so I wrapped up 1798 Quaker last night and made a teeny tiny start on my next piece.  Here are some snaps of both projects.... first up...

1798 Quaker Sampler by Goode Huswife
40 count "Barn Owl" from Linens by design
Using the Called for NPI Silks
1/20 - 3/18/2019

It was a really fun piece to stitch.  I loved the colour changes and the use of greens and browns.  I modified many of the initials and even changed one of the motifs from a small over 1 section to a larger over 2 medallion.  

My next stitchity project is from stash... it's a chart I've had for years and years languishing in the pile.  I really don't remember how I found out about the sampler in the first place, I must have seen it on a blog.  Here's the tiniest of starts...

Swan Pond Sampler 1797 
by The Knoxville Tennesse Chapter of the EGA
40 count "Ale" from PTP
Various Overdyed Flosses

It's a great sampler with two alphabets, a great depiction of the Ramsey house, a couple of bowls of fruit and a super border. Could you ask for a better-built sampler!! You can read more about this great Historic Home HERE. I love the idea of this sampler and that the local EGA created this piece in honor of the house and the history of the area.  Although the sampler is charted for DMC I again chose to work out my own floss combination from my overdyed floss stash.  

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds!


  1. Congratulations on a wonderful finish, Edgar!

  2. I've enjoyed watching this piece grow! What a beautiful finish!

  3. Beautiful finish, I have that old love/hate relationship with the. I finish one and say never again ,then well you know.

  4. Edgar, congratulations on your fabulous finish! You are off to a good start on the new sampler. Thank you for providing the link to read the history. Off to do some reading!

  5. Such a lovely green in your finish.
    The new one is going to be beautiful

  6. That looks like a wonderful historic house to have a sampler connection. I think the hose would be lovely. I am looking forward to seeing the stitched version. Terrific job on the Quaker, it is wonderful!

  7. Well done on a beautiful finish, I really like the colour palette. x


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...