Friday, March 29, 2019

A Little Poem

Gentle Friends, on Monday, a neighbor in our building that we've lived by for the past 13 years passed away.  He was a good guy,  kinda quirky, he was single and lived by himself.  His family/friends have already cleared out his townhouse...

Whenever confronted with death I have often turned to the poetry of 
Emily Dickinson... one of my favorites is...

The Bustle in the House

The bustle in a house
The morning after death
Is solemnest of industries
Enacted upon earth, -

The sweeping up the heart,
And putting love away
We shall not want to use again
Until eternity.


Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds!

Monday, March 25, 2019

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends,  still plugging away on Swan Pond and here's a snap...

... I've started up the left side of the border and filling in the alternating flowers.  I did a little research on the internet and landed on some information about wildflowers and Tennessee.   I think that the flowers might represent a "swamp rose" and "whorled sunflower".  Both of these wildflowers are native to the eastern part of Tennesee.  There was no information about the border in the instructions so I'm going with a swamp rose and sunflower.  The photo makes the roses look quite orange, but the floss is a pinky red filled in with a dustier pink color.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds!

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Little Thrifting

Gentle Friends, although we're out and about every weekend there's not been too many things that I wanted to bring home from our travels.... so I've collected up some of the stuff I did bring home for a little post ... here's a snap...

... from L to R... I picked up the French hard paste mid-19th-century floral saucer at a Salvation Army... I knew it would fit and work with the cup I had picked up last year... and it did as you can see... The Roseville "Laurel" vase is in perfect condition and was totally mismarked and I got it for a super price!!... the small Edward VIII Coronation cup I just picked up on Saturday, I collect Royal memorabilia and even though he abdicated, I had never added an Edward VIII piece so this fit the bill... the plate is French and from a series called  "The Nations" made in the 1870's this one is Germany... the gilt and violets bowl was another super find.  The mark on the back  I knew was an early Derby mark from about 1800 so I snapped this up for a $1... the sterling butter spreaders I really didn't need but again a good price gets me every time and the tiny little Wedgwood piece was just too cute to pass up!!~  

So, there you go sports fans, thanks again for stopping by do stop again!!  Have a super weekend!!

Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Little Bit of Spring

Gentle Friends,  as we move away from Winter towards Spring I must once again post a bit of lovley misuc that really incapsulates the feeling of the season... In honour of the First Day of Spring, here's the first movement of La Primavera by Antonio Vivaldi...


We've had a couple of warm days recently but are once again gonna get some rain tomorrow and over the weekend... Happy Spring!!

Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds!


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Little Stitchin' Finish, and a Little Stitchin' Start

Gentle Friends, so I wrapped up 1798 Quaker last night and made a teeny tiny start on my next piece.  Here are some snaps of both projects.... first up...

1798 Quaker Sampler by Goode Huswife
40 count "Barn Owl" from Linens by design
Using the Called for NPI Silks
1/20 - 3/18/2019

It was a really fun piece to stitch.  I loved the colour changes and the use of greens and browns.  I modified many of the initials and even changed one of the motifs from a small over 1 section to a larger over 2 medallion.  

My next stitchity project is from stash... it's a chart I've had for years and years languishing in the pile.  I really don't remember how I found out about the sampler in the first place, I must have seen it on a blog.  Here's the tiniest of starts...

Swan Pond Sampler 1797 
by The Knoxville Tennesse Chapter of the EGA
40 count "Ale" from PTP
Various Overdyed Flosses

It's a great sampler with two alphabets, a great depiction of the Ramsey house, a couple of bowls of fruit and a super border. Could you ask for a better-built sampler!! You can read more about this great Historic Home HERE. I love the idea of this sampler and that the local EGA created this piece in honor of the house and the history of the area.  Although the sampler is charted for DMC I again chose to work out my own floss combination from my overdyed floss stash.  

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds!

Monday, March 18, 2019

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, starting to wrap up the 1789 Quaker with the addition of all the initials... here's a shot of where I left off...

... I'm adding in all the bits, pieces and extra stitches along with the charted initials for fill.  It's interesting that they, the initials are scattered about and some are over 1 and some over 2.  It almost feels as I stitch that they were added as an afterthought where there was space.  Oh, well, trying to puzzle out why something was stitched over two hundred years ago is futile so I'll just move along and work it out until I finish up.

I've picked out my next project.  Something I've had in my stash for years and although not a "Historic" sampler, it's a sampler all the same.  Based on mid-Atlantic pieces the piece I think it will be fun to stitch up... and it has a great border!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Good Words, Good Thoughts, Good Deeds!


Monday, March 11, 2019

A Little More Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, it was a nice quiet weekend.  The high point was having dinner at a friends house, then they screened "Chinatown" in their home theatre, so nice to see a great film on the full screen!!  
I sort of stitched on and off throughout the weekend and here's where I left off...

... I think I've come up with a good idea for stitching in the initials and bits to replicated the fullness of this stitched piece.

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds!


Monday, March 4, 2019

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, not too much going on, so here's a quick snaperooo of the 1798 sampler...

... it's a wrinkly mess, but you get the idea of how it's coming along...  

It's a very wet rainy Monday here by the Bay and it'll be a rainy week so we'll be mighty damp for quite a few days!!

There you sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...