Monday, October 22, 2018

A Little Stitchin' and a Road Trip....

Gentle Friends, still stitching away... and a fun day out on Saturday...

... Smith sampler is coming along, that branch will eventually hold a bird...

On Saturday instead of the usual running around the City we took a road trip with some friends up to the Russian River where they are restoring a 1920's Cabin as a second home...

 ... the cabin is on Rio Nido Creek a tributary of the Russian River,  this is looking down the road towards the house...

... the Main cabin is almost done, you can see a smaller cabin above that is one of two ( the second is out of the shot) and a third was even higher up the side of the hill on the property and was pulled down.  That space will eventually be a hot tub!!  The next stage is the renovation is the two smaller cabins and an additional bathroom between them...

...inside the main cabin, the big open main room.  When they bought the cabins this one was broken up into 5 very small rooms... all those walls and the ceiling they pulled out and opened it up to make a big open space.  They also put in the skylights and replaced all the failing windows.  Very little to nothing had been done to this building or any of the other buildings for many years so there was a lot of work to do and still lots more before everything is done!!

... looking out the windows towards the canyon and creek into all the redwood trees...

... looking down the canyon and creek, which is dry this time of year...

... there are lots of redwoods and various other trees...

 ... the redwood canopy...

 ... we walked down to the Russian River, which is also very low this time of year, but some of the trees are changing color...

... we drove around some and then headed over to Duncan Mills, a very tiny town of about 85 people with some fun little stores...

 ... we hit the tea shop and I picked up some Lady Grey, which is basically an Earl Grey with the addition of lavender... I made a pot of it last night and it was very good...

 just before we packed it in we went to see the cow... you can see how dry the hills are...

... before we got back to the City we stopped in Novato at the A&W for lunch....  
it a really fun day!!!

There you go sports fans thanks for stopping by do stop again!!  
Working on the next France installment...

Take care,


  1. Your stitching is, as always, simply beautiful. Glad that you've enjoyed your visit with friends!

  2. Your stitching always looks so exquisite, you must have so many to rotate around your home. I love the idea of a country hideaway, how wonderful for your friends. x

  3. The Smith Sampler is looking fabulous, Edgar. What a great looking cabin your friends have and are renovating. It looks very peaceful.

  4. The sampler is beautiful. What a fun trip. That home is lovely and what a special location!

  5. Stunning cabin in the woods, very tranquil.
    Nice progress on the stitching too


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...