Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Skipping Work

Gentle friends, as my Granny would say....

... "I'm feeling a little puny"....  
so I stayed home today...I've have had a couple of shots of NyQuil... 
now all is right with the world... for the moment.....

I'll be back posting when I feel a bit better........

Take care,


  1. So sorry, Edgar... take care of yourself and bid the bug farewell soon as you can. Hot toddies often do the trick.

  2. Oh my, it's that time of year. The horrible virus is everywhere - there's no escape.

  3. Oh I know.Have been down with the flu for 15 days (all the holidays off school).Get well soon.AriadnefromGreece!

  4. Take care Edgar. There's an awfully nasty bug going around.

  5. Oh dear ! Edgar I hope you feel much better soon! And I do hope it's not that darn flu that's going around! Sending you healthy thoughts!

    San Pedro, CA

  6. I hope it is a short-lived affliction, Edgar and you are feeling better soon.

  7. Sending hugs and prayers for you. Hope you feel better soon. x

  8. Oh no... The germs have certainly made you look different Edgar! Lol ....get well soon.

  9. feel better soon edgar, and plz keep that nyquil far away from your stitchin...

  10. We have the nasty up here too. I have coughed so much!! UG! Take good care and sty nice and warm.

  11. Sorry you're puny! Something is going around and everyone's got it!
    Hope you're better soon!

  12. Oh! Dear!!! Hope it's not the dreaded flu!!!!! :(

  13. Take special care, Edgar, there's a lot of bad bugs out there this year!

  14. Take care, and do some binge I usually choose Doctor Who with David Tennent. I always feel better watching him , so sweet and usually fun. Although a few years ago when I was under the weather I watched all of Upstairs Downstairs , that was fun too. I miss good tv shows no violence or swearing, just great stories, the good old days. Edgar be well .


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...