Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Thanksgiving Weekend - Lots of Photo's

Gentle Friends...  our Thanksgiving weekend started off with us heading over to Pier 39... 

... to meet up with Vonna, The Twisted Stitcher!!  
She was out here visiting her brother and his family for Thanksgiving.

... we had a lovely long lunch ... and I knew from our years of cyber-friendship, she was a delight!!!
... here we are in front of the giant tree ... Rico , Vonna and me.

My sister, BiL and niece were all in attendance for Thanksgiving......
... my annual shot of us sitting down to dinner,....  the menu : 

Rosemary Roasted Turkey & Gravy
Cornbread & Sausage Stuffing
Triple Cranberry Sauce
Dinner Rolls
Watermelon Pickle
Sweet Potato Casserole
Caramelized Brussels Sprouts
Green Bean Casserole

Marionberry Pie
Peach Pie
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Cream Puffs
Christmas Cookies

On Friday we headed to Alcatraz, my sister had gotten tickets a few weeks before... you get catch the ferry to Alcatraz at Pier 33....

... the gun to the left in the picture is a replica Model 1861 10 inch Rodman Cannon since Alcatraz began as a US Army Fort it was designed to defend San Francisco Bay from enemy attack.  at the height, of the Civil Was, there were more than 100 heavy cannon the island.  The Rodman Cannon ranged in size from 8-inch caliber guns up through 15-inch caliber models - the largest could weigh in at nearly 50,000 lbs.  by 1869 the US Army had shipped 39 Rodmans to the island.  The last of the cannons were donated to a scrap drive in 1943.  This replica weighs in at about 20,000 lbs, could fire a solid 128 lb cannon ball, with a range of 2.75 miles... 

before getting on the boat we had our picture taken....

 ... although I took this shot as we were leaving this is where you land on the "The Rock."

... there are still signs of the Native occupation - 1969-71.

... a cell block...

.. a typical cell...

... the is one of the cells in "the Hole" - or solitary confinement....

 ... the views from the island are spectacular......

.... the approach to the island has this sign  for all who came here when it was a prison....

leaving the island....

... and returning to the city...
...  it was a really fun trip and one I had been looking forward to.  I've lived here more than 20 years and have never visited...  it was so worth a visit, my only recommendation is to get tickets before you visit, as they sell out early .

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by dos stop again!!

Take care


  1. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounded lovely. I bet it was nice to meet Vonna in person, such a talent. See that is why I will never commit a crime, I DO NOT want to sleep in the same room as a toilet!

  2. Saw Y'all on Vonna's instagram. Now I know what the illusive Edgar looks like!! You are a handsome fella...I am sure you all had a grand time.

  3. I so love seeing all of your pictures and reading about your adventures Edgar.
    Great picture of you and Rico.


  4. Thanks for the Thanksgiving picture tour. It is great to see Vonna visiting you.

  5. Looks like a wonderful time with family and friends. I would expect Vonna to be delightful! Glad you got to meet. Very interesting about Alcatraz. Seeing that place gives you a good reason to behave!!!!

  6. You went to Alcatraz just a day before I was there!!!
    Meeting you my dear boy was one of the best parts of my visit! and I mean that sincerely, I think I could have just lived with you two the rest of the time! :)


A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...