Friday, October 7, 2016

A Little Early Cheer!!

Gentle Friends, as you may remember from years past I am a real fan of many Holiday Treats.  One of my favorites is Egg Nog, now I know that there are lots of folks out there that find it just disgusting, but I wait impatiently year in and year out for it to arrive in the stores....  

... this past Saturday during our weekly trek to the store we were talking to Anthony, the Dairy guy and he remembered how much I like the Nog, and said they had already started to get some in, but that they weren't putting it out for a few weeks yet.... but did I want some now???  I jumped on it like a duck on a June bug!!!  So I've hauled out the old bourbon, and nutmeg and whipped up a lovely evening drink to celebrate the oncoming Holiday season!!!!  Although this brand is not one I would normally buy, it did just fine... until Bud's Egg Nog returns to the shelves mid-November.

That wraps up the week sports fans, thanks again for all the wonderful Birthday wishes.... remember next week is a short week for me as I will be away from the Blog starting next Wednesday until the end of the month.

Take care,


  1. That is good stuff and makes for one tasty beverage. It certainly puts "merry"
    into the season. Enjoy!

  2. Yum, looks and sounds good. Enjoy your time away. Just remember, you have to chronicle where you went to eat, the estate sales and your haul when you come back!

  3. Edgar, check out Tom and Jerry recipes on all recipe if you are unable to get a bit of the nog. I even have my great aunts cups got them. Hmmm...should whip up a batch. Merry, merry!

  4. I love eggnog too. I have never had Bud's.

  5. It's good to have friends in high places! Never tried eggnog......I may put it on my "one hundred things I want to try before I die" list. lol

  6. I noticed in my local Walmart that they had a "Halloween
    " eggnog. Resisted so far....

  7. Our family loves egg nog and it was a family tradition to serve it
    on New Year's Eve. Also, we serve it in an ice cold glass over
    vanilla ice cream....delicious!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...