Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pooch Posting

Gentle Friends, I found this super video and thought you might enjoy........


Take care,

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thrifty Thursday

Gentle Friends, last weekend doing the running around we normally do we hit the shops we normally hit and even a pretty decent Estate Sale, but there wasn't much out there to spark my interest.....  
here are the few things I found that I "had to have".......

...  a book about Cleopatra that looked interesting, another couple of DVD's, one to add to my Disney Collection and another to add to the Christmas Collection - I also found a super sterling and gilt bronze centerpiece flower frog - it was so filthy when I brought it home that it took a good 1/2 hour to clean it up to presentable.  

That's about it for today sports fans.  I'm taking off tomorrow so there'll be no post, however I'll be back Monday "God willing and the creek don't rise!!"  Have a super weekend!!

Take care,

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

National Dog Day

Gentle Friends in honor of National Dog Day  presented by the Holiday Guild, I thought I should post a snap of one of the who hounds......  here's one I from this morning.....

....  Wahumpa all warm between the FFT (fake fur throw) and a heating pad....  
it was an exciting morning  all around!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Little Bakin'

Gentle Friends, since I am all Fall now, I wanted to find something fallish to bake Sunday afternoon. Which go me to thinking of "what's in the freezer I can use??"   I had some cranberries left that needed using up......I usually buy a couple of extra bags of cranberries when they come in season.......with that in mind I found a great recipe online.......

.... a Cranberry-Orange Yogurt Bread. The recipe can be found at "A Spoonful of Thyme" blogspot and it is really delicious!!  It's almost a pound cake like crumb with orange/cranberries and pecans!!  This will go into the permanent recipe file for sure.  If you'd like a taste of Fall then whip up a loaf of this tasty treat!!! 

Thanks for stopping by dos top again!!

Take care,

Monday, August 24, 2015

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I've been working on a couple of pieces this past week.....

.... here's where I'm at on AaHRH and a piece for a Hallowe'en Exchange I can't show just yet.  This first house almost did me in - all the red/yellow/red/yellow bricks, but now they are done and only a few words a cat and a swing and it will be on to the next square......

That's about it on the stitchity front, the weekend was low key and cool breezes.  Thanks for stopping in, do stop again!!

Take care,

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Pooch Post

Gentle Friends...  let's end the week with a snap of sweet Lolly....

.... she got comfortable and settled in to watch the front door......  what she thinks the front door is ever going to do is beyond me, but she watchers it like a hawk all the time!!

Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thrifty Thursday

Gentle Friends, a few fun finds from the weekend......

clockwise..... a souvenir cup and saucer from Yosemite with a picture of Half Dome, a really great book about some of the jewelry owned by famous movie stars from the earliest days of silent film through to the the 1970's, a great little dragon cloisonne vase, some DVD's another souvenir cup - this one from the coast at Santa Cruz and of the "Crown Arch's" that are now part of the Natural Bridges State Park.  An interesting fact about the picture on the cup -  the natural arches that once stood have all but fallen into the Pacific ocean so the view on the cup no longer exists. Last but not least a super commemorative plate from the coronation of George VI on May 12, 1937.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Little Sushi

Gentle Friends...The other night we were coming off our most recent "heat wave" and again nobody at my house wanted to cook..... so we headed down the hill to .....

..... Hamano Sushi....

.... they have a pretty extensive menu... this is the sushi/sashimi page.....

.... Rico does not eat any type of seafood, I on the other hand love the stuff, so when I can get him to go "Fishy" we go somewhere he can get some sort of bento box type thing....  he got chicken teriyaki.....I on the other hand must have sushi..

..... this is a snap I found on line of the sushi chefs from Hamano.... we don't sit at the sushi bar, that would be just to much fish for Rico......

.....  I got a couple of things I really enjoy, a Tempura Roll, Tobiko (flying fish roe), Tako (octopus) and something I hadn't tried before.....

 Amaebi (sweet shrimp)..... since I had never ordered this - when the second crunchy part came.....

....  even I was a bit startled.  It was really delicious as always!!!  We are really lucky to have so many nice restaurants within walking distance!!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again !!

Take care,

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Little Stitchin'.... and a little Shakin'

Gentle Friends, since I finished up my "Animal Sampler" I dove back into the old WIP basket and I thought I would pull out "Sojourner."  BUt. I am really ion the mood to stitch Fall. the warm Autumnal colours are just calling my name, russet, gold, amber, deep ruby red orange....... then I cam across a piece I've not worked on in ages, probably years.......

...  "Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow"....  why this got pushed to the bottom of the pile I'm really not sure.  Sorry about the wrinkles, but you get the idea. It's a great looking sampler and now I'm totally motivated to stitch on this Fall monster.

When I sat down to work on the posting this morning we had one of our little quakes, and the whole building I'm in just sort of bumped then swayed quite a bit, and it's a pretty big building!!  It was a 4.1 quake out in the East Bay near a town called Piedmont.  This quake was much stronger than the one I felt last week when I was home and the townhouse just sort of bumped and jerked a bit.  Never a dull moment here by the Bay.  BTW there have been two more quakes near Piedmont just since I started writing that I did not feel one bit, a 1.7 and a 1.8.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again soon!!

Take care,

Friday, August 14, 2015

Chihuahua's are smarter than they let on.........

Gentle Friends...... how cute is this......
....add two more and it could be my house....  they get out more than they stay corralled.....

Have a great weekend!!!

Take care,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thirfty Thursday

Gentle Friends, some fun things I found over the weekend......

... a great "Exotic Bird" pitcher made in Germany, a super Art Deco statue, a McDonald's mug (I worked there while going to ECU and still have great affection) a couple of framed little hand coloured prints and some DVD's, finally finding a copy of "Groundhog Day" - 1993 - I just love this film!! - and - the Criterion release of "Night Train to Munich" - 1940 and really superior film with less than stellar landscaped models that are fun to see.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A "Golden " Film.......

Gentle Friends, last night we watched a most wonderful film.... "Women in Gold" - 2015 - starring Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Bruhl and Katie Holmes.  The film is the truncated story of Maria Altmans fight to retrieve her families stolen property.  Basically paintings looted by the Nazis in 1938..... including one very famous painting.... called the Viennese "Mona Lisa"...

Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1907) Gustav Klimt

Told in flashbacks from the present (the mid 1990's - 2006) to the past (1920's - 38) you see through Maria's eyes her family living in Vienna and her living in southern California.  It's a powerful story of restitution and the determination of a single person to overcome gigantic odds.

When I visited Vienna in 2002 I saw the painting at the Belvedere Museum and it is spectacular.  If you don't know the story I won't ruin it for you, but I would HIGHLY recommend the film.  The weekends coming up, go rent it!!

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Little "Prim" Finish

Gentle Friends, over the weekend  I finished up the Prim Monthly Animal Sampler.  
Here's a snaperoo......

 "Monthly Animals" NickysCreations
11/24/2014 - 8/8/2015
36ct "Sandpiper" BoaF 
My WDW Conversion from the charted DMC

After finishing up the Sampler, I picked up "Santa's Village" and worked on the border a bit, but that's not very interesting so I didn't take any snaps of that.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again soon!!

Take care,

Friday, August 7, 2015

A Pooch Posting or Getting Ready for Hallowe'en!!

Gentle Friends, this time of year I am focused on the Fall, my favorite time of year!!  and - with Fall comes some of the highlights of the year, kicking off with all hallows Eve, or Hallowe'en!!   We have some fun costumes for the who hounds and were recently given another custom ....

... it's the Wahumpa in the guise of an Ewok, or as we like to call him - the Chi-Wok!  I'm thinking that the Hump really didn't like being dressed up and when Rico put him down he fled to the sofa....

  ....and the comfort of Lolly....  

 Here's a snap just before we all went to bed......

....  Peaches was really warm, comfy and nestled in the pillows on the sofa.....  about two seconds after this snap she was charging up stairs because I said "bedtime."  I think she was totally ready!!

That wraps up the week - thanks for stopping by have a wonderful weekend and do stop again!!!

Take care,

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Eatin' Breakfast......

Gentle Friends.....  a Friend came up over the weekend and after Mass we went out to breakfast.  We just walked a couple of blocks from church to one of our "go to" places for Sunday Brunch......  Harvey's.  I've visited SF enough in the 80's and I remember when this place was called "The Elephant Walk" bar and had slow turning fans and was sort of a homage to the Movie......

.... this place is in the heart of the Castro and if you can snag a window table you can see the watch walk by.......

.... the menu is pretty extensive, but I usually go with an old stand by....  "Eggs Harvey" while Rico usually gets two over hard, white toast or muffin and bacon...... 

......  my "Eggs Harvey" is fast becoming my preferred "Benedict" presentation, I am really loving the tomato and bacon, I think it's because I really enjoy a good BLT......  and you can't beat Hollandaise over everything!!
...... the rest of the day was spent doing as little as possible, sitting around the house!!  A great lazy Sunday!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Little Bakin'

Gentle Friends, I my surfing around the net looking for something to bake I came across a recipe that peaked my interest......  Lemon Brownies.  I found it at "Life in the Lofthouse" (click for the recipe) a lovely blog written by Holly!!  I whipped up a batch on Sunday afternoon...

.... and being the lemon lover I am found the treat just hitting the spot.  Lovely lemon flavour and a nice chewy "brownie" consistency.  Thanks so much Holly!!!  The changes I made: I used a 9 x 9 pan and cut the baking time by 5 minutes, I also heavily buttered the pan and they popped right out so no need to cut a piece of parchment.  Give them try, they're easy to make and use basic ingredients. 

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Monday, August 3, 2015

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I finished up November over the weekend.......

.... I ended up making some significant changes to piece from what was charted.... not only  colour, but also the long block on top, to keep it from being just another chunky strip, I did triangles which I am very happy with.  Now, on to December....... 

Thanks for stopping by do stop again soon!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...