Friday, October 31, 2014

A New Camera, Some Stitchin' and Some Hound Snaps

Gentle Friends, my camera arrived last night at 6:11 pm and I tore into the box like some maniacal crazy person.  I knew the first thing I had to do was get the battery charged and that's what I did, plugged that sucker in......  the camera I chose this time was a larger version of the Elph, a Cannon SX510 PowerShot.  It has many of the same functions and abilities of my last cameras, the main difference is that I can tke much closer shots of things with a lot less trouble.  Here's a snap from the web....

... so I'm basically back up and running.....

I finished up "Winter Wonderland this week and here's a snap...  as you can see I changed the fenestration and the roof lines, I made them all even and more in keeping with the Georgian architecture.....
 "Winter Wonderland" Loose feathers # 39 - Blackbird Designs
Mystery 36ct piece of Linen from stash, and mostly the called for over dyed floss
August 8 - October 28, 2014

The mail brought the linen I had ordered from PTP, and they are just lovely and so worth the wait.  Next year (and I'll buy again, I love their linen!!)  I'll just know that it can take a very looong time to arrive....  here they are..
   from l to r - Wren, Relic and Eek!  I already have plans for Eek! next year, and the other two pieces go into the stash heap.

It wouldn't be a Friday if I didn't try and get a snap or two of the hounds......

 .... here's Miss Peach..... and....

... the hounds that rule at my sister's house.... Samson and Lila, two of the sweetest Boxers ever!!

That's about it for today  Sports fans.  Have a wonderful Hallowe'en, and a safe weekend!!

Take care,


  1. So glad to see you received your new camera and all that fabric, which is very nice! Always love seeing pictures of the pups!
    Happy Halloween!

  2. Lovely PTP order!!! And congrats on getting a new camera. It's always fun to play with a new toy. :)

  3. Happy Halloween, I have used relic before , make samplers look aged. Nice pup photos. Have a nice weekend snapping away with new camera.

  4. Sweet doggies! And fabulous finish too! Happy Halloween to you and yours!

  5. Beautiful fabrics!!!
    Your Winter Wonderland is so pretty! I really like it!
    Thanks for sharing the precious pets!

  6. Love your finish -- it's gorgeous! Glad the camera arrived too. Great pup pics too. Such a contrast between the boxers and your little ones! I hadn't seen that wren linen before. It's a nice neutral!

  7. Congratulations on finishing Winter Wonderland, it's gorgeous! And Yay for new a new camera and linens! Those are some sweet pups.
    Happy Halowe'en!

  8. A great post, super camera, a lovely stitch , and such cute doggies!!

  9. Your Winter Wonderland turned out just beautiful! Enjoy your new linen. Very cute pictures of the hounds. Have a good weekend!

  10. Nice camera! I like the changes you made to Winter Wonderland. I think the windows look more "balanced". Have a good weekend.


  11. Congrats on the gorgeous finish Edgar.


  12. Winter Wonderland is beautiful - great stitching. Are you going to frame it?

  13. Aww such a lovely finish
    And nice camera
    Happy Halloween dear x

  14. Thank goodness you are back in business...great pictures..great finish and great huggable canines.


  15. Winter Wonderland is gorgeous! Your new fabric stash is lovely. I just finished a Lizzie*Kate kit that included the EEK fabric. Your dogs are so cute. Have fun with your new camera.

  16. I have to tell you a funny story. When I saw your beautiful stitched "Winter Wonderland" I loved it instantly. I took a break. Went to pull a chart by BBD because I was placing my birthday order and wanted some threads. Guess what? I found my chart of Winter Wonderland!!! I didn't recall that I had it. I was so thrilled and surprised. I did order some fabric & threads for it too! Thank you for sharing your beautiful sampler. I can't wait to get my order:) love Annette

  17. Beautiful finish!

    I love your fabric aquisitions.

    Enjoy your new camera.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...