Monday, July 27, 2020

A Little Stitchin' Start

Gentle Friends, with Beatitudes in the bag... and soon to be in a frame, I needed to get a new project in the ole Q-snap...

... so I landed on "Little Birds" from Blackbird Designs.  BBD, as you might recall, is one of my favorite design teams and this super sampler is a winner on every level!!  I'm stitching it on the called for linen, but on 40ct and not 36ct as in the picture on the chart.  I also had 13 of the 14 called for flosses in my stash and for the 14th floss, CC Camouflage, which is unobtainable at the moment, I switched it out for WDW Collards, and think I'm even happier with the switch than I would have been stitching with the called for.  It's nice and largish being 395W x 339H so It'll keep my busy for a while.  Once again it's the border that really works for me these... the puffy pointed flowers a great!!

Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Friday, July 24, 2020

A Little Stitchin' Finish

Gentle Friends, so I wrapped up Beatitudes last night.  Here's a snaperoo...

Little House Needleworks - "The Beatitudes"
6/13 - 7/23/2020      40ct PTP "Legacy"
Mostly Called for Floss - the changes I made can be found in earlier posts.

I really enjoyed stitching this sucker up and now I have to get it framed and ready... 
1 Christmas present down!!

Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Words! Good Thoughts! Good Deeds!

Monday, July 20, 2020

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends,  Still plugging away on Beatitudes... I took this snap Friday evening and was going to post it over the weekend... but things got away from me... you know the naps and things!  So here I am Monday morning and although not exactly where I was Friday evening on the piece, as you can see I am making some headway with the words...

and talking about the wording.  The called for floss is CC Hickory Sticks, and I have burned through most all I had...  I still have one skein but I knew before I started the top wording I wouldn't have enough to finish it out so I tried to get more.  With things the way they are I was unable to find more anywhere or in any shop I called or try to order from... so I headed to the pile o'stash and found a really good match... WDW Swamp Water,  I like it a bit better.  The floss has a nicer feel and I can't see there is much difference in the overdyed coloring... lucked out on that one for sure!!  ... as I move towards the finish I am thinking ahead and think have I've landed on my next project..... 

Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A little Stitchin' and a Coffee Run

Gentle Friends, still plugging away at Beatitudes... here's a snaperoo.......

I know I'd much further along if it weren't for my phone... my phone you ask, yes that evil little device that I've put the TikTok app on... and the wast of time that has ensued is crazy, but I get to watching and then an hour passed... I'm amazed at the creativity and fun that those little snippets show... so brave TikTokkers you got a fan out here by the bay!!

I had a question a while back about SF and hows the lockdown going.  Well, it's a lockdown.  We've both been home working since the first part of March and there seems to be no end to that.  So' I'm really grateful I can do my job remotely and have not been made redundant.  So many of our friends have and are moving away so rent is trending down quite a bit, but when you could get $7000 a month back in February for a very smallish apartment.. $4000 a month now is a bargain.  

The one fun thing we've sort of kept up is running down to the Starbucks for morning coffee.  We place the order online run down to 24th Street pick it up and bring it back home.  All while wearing the mask.  It takes about 10 minutes total but at least we get out of the house ...

.. I usually get (even with the weather here hovering in the upper 50's every day) a venti iced double shot with the 2% milk and mini vanilla scones... it ain't much to write home about but 5 shots of espresso with a shot of simple syrup and a splash of milk - nectar!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Little Dinner and Some Stitchin'

Gentle Friends,  I tried for a couple of days to get this post up and finally, here it is Tuesday... it goes live.... oh well... we had a very quiet at home kind of weekend...except for the continuous fireworks blasting all over the City all last week and then Saturday night all night long. They finally stopped for the most part around 4am.  Then there were more on Sunday night and again last night.... you'd think at some point they'd run out.  The weather has been glorious the last few weeks in the upper 50's and low 60's with tons of wind blowing down off of Twin Peaks... I love the Summers here by the Bay!!! It gets so chilly that after the sun goes down I flick on the heat to take the chill off the rooms.

We started off the Holiday weekend Friday evening running down to South City to the In-N-Out for dinner... a quick 22 minutes in the drive-through and it was home again for a delicious fun meal.  Usually, I don't like the fries they serve, limp and greasy, but from TikTok, I learned that if you order them "well done" they are really very tasty, super crunchy, and not greasy!!


I also got some stitching done of the Beatitudes...

... a change I made was to add in an additional green color for the trees...  everything the same green was becoming monotonous...

That's about it for today sports fans, things are about the same, we're still working from home.   My Director wants everyone to stay away from Berkeley until after Labor Day and I'm fine with that, I like wearing sweats every day!!

Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

.... and it's the 4th of July

Gentle Friends, just a fly-by post for this mid-summer holiday...

Independence Day Pinups

... I thought I'd paste a snap of the stunning Rita Hayworth to let you know that TCM is showing some great films today... "1776," "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and "The Music Man."  Fun musical films for a stay at home type Holiday!!  Stay Safe!!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Little Cannin'

Gentle Friends, wrapping up my Summer Jamin' here are yesterday afternoons snaps...

... finally got to the point that my big ole spoon stands up!!  I filled up 20 8oz jars ...

... ran them through the boiling bath...after cleaning my big pot, and yes, it's the same pot I used to make the jam in... after making sure all the lids had popped tight!!

... and have ended up with 19 full jars of some pretty tasty jam!!  I kept one jar out for us and popped that sucker into the fridge.  These will make nice little gifts this winter.

There you go sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!

A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...