Monday, March 26, 2018

A Little Stitchin

Gentle Friends, we're all a bit damp from the rain last week, and the Bay area is still in the "grips" of what passes for winter out here... mid 40's.  But yesterday was breezy, cold and sunny so what do I have to bitch about...chilly weather and sunshine...I should be more grateful!!  Palm Sunday started off with a lovely early morning Mass.... then for the rest of the day I sat around and stitched, ate a piece of cake and wrapped up my day with a massage...seriously, 
I've really nothing to bitch about!!!!!  

Now, today starts off a short week for me as I've taken off Maundy Thursday, we get Good Friday off and then just for good measure I took off Easter Monday for a really sweet Looooong weekend!!!!  Let's get back on track... I'm still working on LVS and here's a snap...

... I've finished up the next two "Virtues" and the border.  The biggest change I made was in "Kindness."  The pumpkins were supposed to be a golden color but I wanted them to be a more pumpkin color so I' stitched them in GAST "Pumpkin Pie" and also changed the leaves which are GAST "Otter Creek."  I had quite a few inquiries about what I'm stitching in the center...

... a few years ago I saw a completed version of the Sheep Virtues stitched all together and knew then I wanted to stitch them this way as a single sampler.  Following that original stitcher, I've lost the name,  I will be filling in the middle with Country Cottage's "Sheep in the Meadow."  I will be replacing the color palette of "SitM" with my floss choices from "Virtues" so that they will blend together better.

I've also sort of decided that my next "stitch" will be a Quaker piece. I've got a ton of Quaker charts in my stash and haven't done one in a really long time so I think that's the way I'm leaning!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Little Vernal Equinox

Gentle Friends, as we head into Spring on this day of equal light and dark's a little Vivaldi to do it with...

... just the first movement.... violin concerto in E Major, Op. 8 No 1 "Spring": 1 Allegro - played by Ashot Tigranyan and the Classical Concert Chamber Orchestra.

 ... this first part is only about 3 minutes but so lovely!!!  Enjoy!!

Take care,

Monday, March 19, 2018

A Little Stitching and a Winner!!

Gentle Friends, still stitching away on LSV, but I've not gotten as far along as I had planned.... 
here's a snap...

... I am a bit further along than the snap, as I have a bit more of the border done, 
but you get the idea....

On Saturday Rico pulled a name from the Bowl of destiny, but I've got no shot of that event... my camera's battery was dead, but I still wanted it to happen .... here's the name he pulled...

... I shot off an email to Denise to let her know she won.  I wanted to thank everyone for entering and to keep an eye out for other drawings coming up over the Summer!!

There you go sports fans thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Little Floating Dinner

Gentle Friends, this weekend Rico headed south to the Valley to visit with his family... so of course, I went out to with some friends... we headed to the Castro and a fun Sushi Boat restaurant called "Warakubune" located at 307 Church Street...

... we settled into seats and the floating boats...

... and you know I ordered a beer, Sapporo - one of the really good Japanese beers out there... 
and not a little one but one of the big ones!!

 The way "sushi boats" works is that the sushi floats by and you just take what you want from and this goes on until you're done...

... each sushi is charged by the plate it's one and you just stack up the little pleats and the bill comes from tius tally... we also order some special thing snot on the lfaoting boats...

the one on the right is a "House Special" shrimp one that comes with a dab of crab on top...

... and some Kapi Maki (cucumber) really tasty a refreshing...

... this was a really tasty one with asparagus tempura...

... it was so good we had to order a plate of vegetable tempura....

 ... this boat floated by with some seaweed salad, tamago (sweet egg custard) nigiri
 and some Kapi maki...

... we also got these tasty little treats... these are like shumai with little-fried shrimps on them, crunchy and smooth and just really delicious!!!

We wrapped up the meal with chocolate and mango Mochi balls!!  
It was lots of fun and a really good meal!!

There you go sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Monday, March 12, 2018

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, still stitching away on LSV over the past week and here's where I left off last night and got to a stopping point......

... sorry that the snap is a bit wonky, but you get the idea.  As you can see I'm sort of doing my own thing with the colors as I've added in two blues and am incorporating them along the way in each square.  I also dropped the ecru and lavender.  Since this piece seems to be working along quickly I've been thinking ahead to what my next project should be ... more about that as I make some decisions.

There you go sports fans, another Monday arrives and a new week begins!!  
Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Little Glamour

Gentle Friends, Softball season is upon us and the first Beer Bust at the Edge Bar was last Saturday night.... so the glam-squad was out in full force to "Bring it" ....  here's a quick shot of .....

... Mia Casa and Mama Rico!!  This dynamic duo brought it and then some raising lots of $'s for the team.  After the show, they skitted about the Castro from bar to bar letting others enjoy all this gorgeousness!!

There you sports fans, we're on the downswing to the weekend, thank goodness!!  
Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Little Sweet

Gentle Friends, I stopped off at Walgreen's on the way home last night and the Easter treats were out and calling my name.....  after digging around for a few minutes through the numerous Jelly Bean variations I found what I was looking for...

... a delicious bag of Black Jelly Beans... my favorite!!  So I filled up my Easter candy bowl and now I'm all set for the Season!

That's all for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,

Monday, March 5, 2018

A Little Stitching

Gentle Friends, still stitching away on LSV and here's where I left off last night... you may recall, I converted all the called for DMC floss to various overdyed choices.... and I've had quite a few requests for this conversion...  so here goes...

The Linen I am using is 36ct Vintage Sand Dune

DMC 221 - GAST Mulberry
DMC 420 - GAST Heirloom Gold
DMC 780- - WDW Tigers Eye
DMC 869 - GAST Maple Syrup
DMC 924 - WDW Deep Sea
DMVC 936 -  WDW Bullfrog
DMC 3011 - WDW Moss
DMC 3012 WDW Molasses
DMC 3782 - GAST Cidermill Brown
DMC 3828 - CC Ye Olde Gold

The border is stitched using CC Wilderness, the Snow I'm stitching in with CC Snowball, the Sheep and all being stitched with CC Bamboo and the Pumpkins that are coming up will be stitched in GAST Gingersnap. There is also a second shade of Blue I'm using here and there that is GAST Freedom.  I think that answers the question about my conversion if you've other things to ask please feel free.

There you go sports fans!! Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Takle care,

Friday, March 2, 2018

A Festive Little Dinner

Gentle Friends, since it was Chinese New Year we decided to go out to a "new to us" Dim Sum and Hot Pot Restaurant to celebrate...

... called Dragon Beaux it was a real treat and fun night...

... this place used to be a really funky Diner a few years ago but has now been turned now into a beautiful restaurant... it usually has a line of folks down the block to get in.... we had early reservations so when we got there we were seated within minutes...

... the menu is extensive, thank goodness there were lots of pictures and we had done our homework before going... we went for the Meat hunter and ordered a few Dim Sum.....

all the meats are frozen so that they slice easier and are ready to go with very little waiting...

... the whole place is really lovely with something to look at everywhere...

... in our divided Hot Pot we had two broths for cooking... on the left was a spicy Thai Tom Yum and on the right a really nice Beef Bone Broth...

... the first things out were the Grandma Wontons....

... then came some fun Dim Sum...

... then some of the sliced meats.....

... then some Pork Paste ... this stuff you scoop off bt by bit into the broth to cook like little dumplings...

... on each of the tables are sauces for dipping the cooked meats and things... they are two chili sauces, a sesame Peanut Sauce and a Satay Sauce along with a dark soy sauce with herbs...

.... with the check came this assortment of cookies...

After dinner, we walked down to Joe's Homemade Ice cream shop...

... I am guessing this is Joe and helper...

... the ice cream was delicious...

... Mike got Rootbeer and Chocolate Chip...

John Got Marble Fudge and Mocha Chip, I got Raspberry Cheesecake and Coconut...  
the cups we each two scoops...

... and Rico had a Cookies and Cream shake!!  A super wrap up to a fun evening!!

There you go sports fans another week gone, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

Thursday, March 1, 2018

A St. Patrick's Day Drawing

Gentle Friends, a few weeks back I found a great little piece at an Estate Sale and thought it would make a fun and appropriate Gift-a-Way ...  

... so here's goes... anyone can enter, it's open to all so long as you can receive mail so that the thimble can arrive.....  Just leave a comment with a way to contact you on this Post by March 16th 12 Noon PST and I'll have the Hag Claw draw a winner on the 17th - that's it easy peasy!!  

There you go sports fans a little treat for Spring and old St Patrick!!  
Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,

A Border for Frederick

 Gentle Friends, I have gotten quite a bit done on the border and here's a snaperoo... This is how it is charted with no fill around the...