Friday, August 26, 2011

A Very Low key Friday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends another week gone from the year - and the Fall countdowns continue to tick away at an alarming pace.... there are only ......

65 more days until Hallowe'en.........    there are only........

120 more days until Christmas......  and......

39 mores days until another year creaks by for me - another year closer to 50!!  
There really is not much going on - we went to have some delicious pizza last night - at Patxi's  (Paa-cheese)  It is in our neighborhood and just the best stuffed Chicago style in the city - IMHO!!  

Click HERE to go to their web site - and see the lovely stuff.  Now for a general restaurant observation....  you can really tell parenting styles (or lack of them) when going out to an earlish dinner.  Where some children are so well behaved you don't even know they are there - and others scream and misbehave so loudly that your eyes go pop!!!  I think that if your child is screaming at the top of its lungs, then you take it outside and you do not inflict the noise on other people eating in the restaurant.  Just another little opinion from my soap box.

There you go sports fans - I do want to thank for the time you take to leave your great comments - and questions.  I so enjoy reading them!!  Stop back by next week for an updated snap of the my sampler - I had to rip some out last night as I was not happy with the colour choice.  Have a great weekend!!

Take care,


  1. Gosh, it's hard to think that fall is even close, much less Halloween and Christmas. Eek!

    I think the secret to well behaved kids at restaurants is taking them from the time they're babies. Then they're used to behaving and they enjoy it too. At least that's what we did. And yes, we had very well behaved kids. I would have died of embarrassment otherwise!

  2. I quite take your point about children. I was mortified by my own four year old grandson recently but my son and daughter-in-law thought his behavior "cute".
    We were celebrating Liam's birthday at a local restaurant. Since I see the West Coast branch of the family only once or twice a year, I thought it would be clever to package my grandchildren's birthday gifts in the Trick or Treat bags I had stitched for this year. And didn't the little monster start approaching the other diners with his bag stretched out, chortling "Trick or Treat". My DIL thought this hysterical and I was unwilling to jeopardize our rather dicey relationship by asking Liam to take his seat and stop bothering the other diners, especially since my own son was layghing about his son's behavior. In all other ways, son and DIL seem to be exemplary parents, vis-a-vis discipline issues, character formation, etc. But they seem to have blind spots so far as the kids' cuteness quotient is concerned.

  3. I am so not ready to give up the lazy days of summer! Or maybe I'm just in love with the idea of how far ahead I am as I am stitching christmas ornaments in summer. :D (lol it is all in my own mind--for when will I finish them?! No plans on that yet!)

    We were at a late lunch recently in a very crowded restaurant...seated about 2 feet from an enormous table accommodating a large family...which included a toddler who had a large spoon. A spoon that he banged regularly and incessantly upon the table. He and his mother were so close that one could reach out and tap them upon the shoulder, which one brave member of our party did to ask her to put a stop to it. (Maybe something like, "How bout taking that spoon?") Mom snarked back, "It's either that or screaming. You want the screaming?" And turned back to her food before waiting for any reply.

  4. UGH...just reading these last few comments about children's public behavior brings back many memories but I will refrain. Seems you really opened up a can of worms there, huh?

    Hey...doesn't that pizza look delicious? ;^)

  5. Edgar, can't wait to see your sampler!I agree about taking them to restaurants from a very young age.They learn how to behave. Mine knew what was acceptable and if they misbehaved out we went! I'll never understand people who just continue their meal and worse, the ones who try to talk to their screaming child or resort to bribery! I know I would be mortified and couldn't enjoy a meal or the stares from other diners anyway! We were at a restaurant recently where the manager politely asked a family if everything was okay (read:Your child is screeching and disturbing everyone you fools!) The father actually raised his voice (over screeching child) to declare that they had paid for the child's meal and they had every right to be there! And Riona, a few years ago, one Mom in a restaurant found her child's singing so adorable that she told her to stand in the center of the room and serenade everyone! Now that was bizarre!The kid probably turned up on Toddlers and Tiaras!

  6. Oh Dear Edgar. I'm not sure I wanted the reminder of how quick those holidays come onto us! ;)

    I hear you about the small children. I find it very frustrating that people think it's their "right" to take their kids everywhere even if they cause a scene.

  7. Edgar the pizza looks good and I don't generaly eat pizza but I would have to try that one.
    I wanted to ask if you chart first or stitch then chart when working on your sampler? I love looking at your progress, are you going to share your sampler pattern with us after the contest??
    Wow I am full of questions this morning and I have been up all night working the midnight shift and waiting for a noon conference call before bed. Geeeeeess the things I do for work.

  8. I agree with your comments about children's behavior in resturants and so do my girls who are 13 and 19. It really spoils the evening when there is a screaming child. I don't blame the child and understand that the parent wants to eat as well, but that's part of the price you pay for the rewards of being a parent. You and the child's other parent take turns eating. One stays outside with the child who is unhappy, tired, etc.

    I will step down now as well, but its a pet peeve of mine.

    We are battening down the hatches in VA this morning and hoping for an easterly track.

  9. Oh man! That means in 65 days I will turn 51!! The horrors!! LOL Thanks for the reminder :)

    The pizza looks yummy!! I still miss New York pizza and it has been 8 years since I had it last.
    I hear you about children's behavior in restaurants. You know it is the parents fault. They are the ones who need the swift kick in the behind for allowing their children to behave that way. My 2 kid's were the ones you didn't even know where there. They knew better :)

    Sorry to hear you had to frog some of your sampler :(

    Have a good weekend!

  10. Boy am I ever craving pizza! I don't understand the parents of screaming kids. They aren't doing the kids or themselves any favors by letting them misbehave. The kids must be pistols at home too. So, as annoying as those kids are to the other patrons, at least we don't have to take them home! Enjoy your weekend and I'm looking forward to the next sampler update.

  11. edgar - LOVE the Halloween postcard! It's divine! And yes, I agree with you about children in restaurants. And stores. And markets. Why parents today think it's OK to inflict a level of noise that interferes with everyone else's quiet enjoyment or ability to hold a conversation is beyond me. It's rude and inconsiderate. Thanks for sharing your blog with all of us. It's wonderful! Kate

  12. Your 39 days sounded kind of familiar,so I counted and I have 48 days until 50. I think instead I'll focus on Halloween and Christmas. Oh my gosh that pizza looks delicious! About misbehaving children I agree with you. Whether it be a restaurant, movie theater, store etc., I don't understand how parents can ignore it.

  13. That pizza looks soooooo good! And I agree with you on the kid thing! Not only is it rude to keep your child in the restaurant if they are not behaving, but why would you want everyone staring at you, annoyed? Can't wait til fall.. though you know it doesn't feel like fall here in NC til sometime in October! sigh...

  14. Greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa.And watch-out folks for Irene if you live in the east coast. Richard from Amish Stories.

  15. Ooops, sorry Edgar! I forgot to sign my Anonymous post. It was me...Nancy D. in NY

  16. Thanks (I think) for the countdown...yikes!!

    I agree with taking out a yelling child. My son was carried out of a restaurant once and not allowed to even come in once (we parked the car right outside the window and he was mad...old enough to sit alone btw (I think 12) but he had attitude. He was carried out much younger. Know what - he behaved all other times, he knew we were serious about his behavior...he's now a pretty great 18 year old - polite and a pleasure to be around...most of the time LOL.

    Pizza looks delicious!

  17. There may have been some infliction, but not on the other patrons... Looks yummy!

  18. Edgar --
    Thanks for the sweet reminders about Halloween and Christmas. I'm so ready for FALL:)))

    I so agree with you about the kids and the restaurant. When our children were little if they started to act up they were told to be quiet or we left!

    Have a great weekend:))

  19. That pizza looks divine! I've never seen pizza that deep.

    When my kids were young, we always went very early when we dined out. I've been in too many restaurants when kids are screaming because it's far too past their bedtime. Parenting is tough but who said it was going to be easy?

    I totally did read any of that nonsense about Christmas only being 120 days away! :)

  20. Wow!! Thanks for the reminder that the year is flyin' by! LOL...and thank you also, once again, for making my stomach growl while reading your blog, I swear I'm gonna have the implement the "don't go shopping on an empty stomach" rule to your blog: "Don't read Edgar's blog on an empty stomach!" LOL Hope you have a great weekend!

  21. Sorry you had to frog Edgar. And that pizza looks fabulous!!! I'm hungry now! Also, I'm soo not counting down to Christmas yet. I don't even wanna think about it!

  22. Halloween decorations are out and the Christmas stuff is already beginning to show up in some stores. Hard to realize another year is coming to an end.

    I love the picture of the birthday boy! I got a big chuckle of his cake and his not so emotional reaction to it.

  23. I love those vintage style cards! I have been doing well on the Halloween stitching front, but totally ignored Xmas this year....

    I'll climb up on the "misbehaving kids" soap-box with you any day. I have many friends that have kids and some of them I do not meet with any more because their children are such little monsters. The saddest part is that it's not the kids' fault, but the parents' who shockingly often do not possess any parenting skills whatsoever.
    My one friend claims that it is the personality of her kids, but it's not - if your toddler never gets a nap and is not going to bed until 11pm, he is bound to be cranky and not fun to be around for anyone - including himself.

  24. Your post today is the reason I follow your blog. Thank you for keeping it interesting.

  25. I can hold off for Christmas but I'm looking forward to fall :o)

    Oh my, that pizza looks SOOOO good!

    Oh goodness, I know what you mean! We were in a fast food restaurant and there were two kids at the soda fountain. They were touching the levers with their hands and one was actually LICKING his fingers and then putting them up the nozzle! All the while, their mother was standing right there watching them!

  26. That pizza looks incredible!! I've never had Chicago style before.
    As for kids and restaurants, I believe in starting them early. We always took our 3 boys out with us from babies and they learned how to behave. If they started to misbehave, we left. Sometimes we left before the order was even placed, lol! They learned from an early age what was accepted behaviour and what was not.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...