Monday, August 22, 2011

Some Weekend Sites - Lots of Snaps

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends we had one overcast, cool, damp weekend here in the City.  It was like Fall has arrived - you could smell woodsmoke in the air - and the steel grey sky looked like it was going to rain at any moment.  That didn't deter us from venturing out and around to see some things.....

First up I wanted to show the progress of my Sampler - it is a pretty craptastique snap 
- but you get the idea....

I am stitching along - tweaking the colours as I go - and really enjoying this little stitch.
On Saturday we got around to 4 Estate sales and I found some things....

A couple of Christmas Cd's - some Bunnykins china - a replacement lid for my Brown Betty Tea Pot (just in case) and old Lourdes card, an old batter beater and a divided handled box...  I thought about the new chart from Blackbird designs "Cast a Spell" and think this might work for that.

We also got some snaps around town -
I especially like this one form the top of Market Street overlooking the city.....

We also made a trip to the Embarcadero and the Ferry Building down on at the end of Market Street....

We went into Sur la Table, a great store, and I love all the different salts they have especially these two...

There are some love little stalls inside with great looking vegetables.

We spotted this Candy shop selling some fluer de sel caramels, both chocolate and regular - they are delicious!!  The white things in front are homemade marshmallows.

Here is a shot looking along the inside of the building

all along the walls are inset details including this great chicken  ....and....

this super cow.

These are more of the Piers looking north towards Fisherman's Wharf.

Across the street from the Ferry Building is Justin Herman Plaza.

with this monumentally ugly fountain

We walked along the Plaza to the Rincon Center and went inside there to see Yank Sing - a restaurant that fills the atrium around the inside waterfall.  It is a great restaurant!!

Here is a shot of the Bay Bridge from the street - and yes it was this dark late in the morning.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Your sampler is coming along nicely. I look forward to seeing further developments. You also have me checking out the new BBD Cast A Spell, to see how it "works" with your new/old divided box.

  2. Beautiful stitching as always, Edgar! Thanks for sharing some more sights of San Fran with us! Actually, I think that is a pretty cool looking fountain.

  3. I like your sampler so far -- very nice!! And the pics of your trip to the Ferry Building and area -- I just love seeing SF and its various places to visit. You're so lucky to live there!

  4. Your sampler is looking great!

    Loved the pictures of the city! Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Lovely colors in the looking so good. Love the tour of SF...and your estate finds. How did I miss the new BBD; I'm off to find it...thanks!

  6. Your sampler looks great! Can't wait to see it complete. Some nice finds this weekend. My Mom used to have a batter beater like that one. Hers had a red handle and she used it most often to lift things when frying. I always love your "around town" photos. Umm..looks like the fountain collapsed!

  7. Wonderful! Your sampler is just adorable! Somehow the blue and yellow orange seems so cute and cheerful to me; I am excited to see how my impression of its character will change as it develops. :D

    Oh, Those caramels, marshmallows, and salts sound divine! :o

  8. Your sampler is looking lovely already. So curious to see more.
    Love also your pics from San Francisco. It's such a beautiful city.

  9. Your sampler looks wonderful As always, I love viewing your snaps of SF.

  10. Hi Edgar, I love your sampler! You'll just have to go into designing. Thanks for the shots of SF, it's kind of like a mini-trip.

  11. Thanks for sharing not only your wonderful stitching, but your adventures in the city. Of course now all I will think of all day is the farmers market at the Ferry Building. Sigh.

  12. I love the boarder on your sampler, have you named it yet. Please tell me you are going to include a sheep :-).
    You did good at your estate sales.

  13. Love your weekend pics. It's so funny as we are hot, humid and deep in summer (until late yesterday) to see all the jackets and long pants in your photos.

    Your sampler is coming along nicely. I bet you can make the divided box work for BBD "Cast A Spell". I saw that when looking all over the web at market releases and it definately is a must have for an addicted BBD collector here!!

    Have a good week, Edgar...hope it is filled with pleasant days.

  14. Your sampler looks awesome!!! Wow! That is one ugly fountain!! At first I thought it was rubble froma fallen building!

  15. Your sampler is looking great, Edgar!

  16. It's always so fun to wake up on Monday mornings and "visit" San Francisco from my easy chair! You have such a fun blog! Love your finds - that beater is just too wonderful for words! I've always loved those!!! :)
    As ever, I love watching your stitching grow - you have exquisite taste in patterns and colors! :)

  17. Love the sampler start and you're right about the fountain....sometimes I hate modern art

  18. I always enjoy your pictures, especially of your sale finds. I had to laugh when I saw the batter beater. When I was just a little one I remember my grandmother used one of those to scoop her cat box (and for nothing else of course).

    Your sampler is really coming along! You have us all watching your progress in such anticipation.

  19. I love seeing your photos! You have so many interesting sights in your area. I must agree with you on that fountain. It's horrid!
    We have very few estate sales around here and I really enjoy seeing all the purchases which you find at yours. I think that box will work really well for the BBD stitch.
    Your sampler looks wonderful! I'm going to enjoy seeing it progress.

  20. Your sampler is coming along nicely!
    Love the pictures of the city!
    I've heard Ina Garten talk about the fleur de sel caramels (actually she made them on her show) and my mouth has been watering for them ever since LOL Glad to hear they really are good!
    I love BBD Cast a Spell & Halloween Eve. Both are on my wishlist.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...