Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Betty's Favorite Coffe Cake

This really delicious coffee cake comes from "Mennonite Girls Can Cook" - Blog.  A wonderful spot for some terrific recipes.  I am running short of time this morning so if you click HERE you will go directly to the recipe.
I only made two changes - one on purpose and one not so on purpose....  I added the frosting as I always think cake deserves some....  and the other one was by mistake.  Instead of splitting the cinnamon filling into two portions I poured all of it into the middle - I would not recommend doing this, not that it will not taste terrific, but that it makes the slices sort of break into two pieces - and it sort of sinks as it bakes.  Other than that this is a great, simple recipe.

Last night I stitched on my Challenge Sampler some and again changed some of the floss colours.  I had no idea that I would be so indecisive working on this thing.  Usually I make up my mind and go with it - good - bad or indifferent.  As my Pa would pontificate form his chair.... Sh-T or get off the pot!!  It makes me insane when people waffle back and forth over every little thing being indecisive that they paralyze their lives.  I am thinking I might just post a snap of it tomorrow.  If I am happy with the way it is coming along...we'll see.

Not much else happening here  - the weather is cooling down and will continue to through the weekend.  I presume that means low 60's - high 50's, but you never know.  With the fog rolling in every evening it gets pretty cold pretty fast as the sun goes down.

There you sports fans - thanks for stopping by - do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Your coggee cake looks scrumptious but then all your baking does!
    It's still too warm [high 80s-low 90s]to bake here in NY ... even my dinners have all been stove top cooking this month. But my mouth is already watering for fresh apple cake and the first cool day in September I shall make one. I love the Fall and Winter baked goods best: apple cake, applesauce spice cake, gingerbread ... even the infamous fruitcake.

  2. That shoulg have been coffee cake not coggee cake ... but with my eyes tearing copiously from allergies my keyboarding is less than perfect. At least that is my story and I am sticking to it!

  3. Hey Edgar, finally had some time to catch up with you and your goings on. Love the look of the coffee cake, a must make!!! maybe this weekend. The photos of SF are wonderful a great reminder of my visits there. Loving the SAL piece you are working on.

    Have a great rest of the week.

  4. Oh Edgar, I should know better than to read your blog this early! I have a whole hour to go before we eat, and that cake looks scrumptious!!!

    Can't wait to see your challenge piece.

  5. Looking really forward to see your sampler. I think it's normal to tweak a bit while stitching. Colors in a floss toss can differ from how it looks stitched up. At least that's the case for me.
    Love the look of your coffee cake.

  6. That cake looks really good. I wish you could send some of your nice cool SFO weather down here to SoCal, the summer can go away right now for all I care!

  7. I'm loving the cooler weather here, Edgar. It's been so hot lately, the ACs have been working overtime!! I hope you find something you like and stop waffling soon. I'm an indecisive person sometimes, but generally, once I decide, I stay the course. Hope you can do the same! I can't wait to see it. The colors you picked out were luscious. Just like your cake, mmmmmm...

  8. Your cake looks delightful! Haven't had a good coffee cake in years! Will be checking out the recipe next!

    Can't wait to have your weather - maybe in another month or so - but then again I am in Ohio.

  9. (Sigh) I'm a waffler Edgar. And it makes me insane, too. But not when it comes to cakes. No problem with decisions there.

  10. I love that website - the gals with all their cooking! I can't wait to see your challenge piece!

    Stay cool - quite humid here tonight...and warm.

  11. Hey Edgar, did you see the Watermelon Limeade on MGCC today? Looks absolutely refreshing for the hot weather we are having here in Michigan...son's bday party tonight, may have to try some :-)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...