Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Hump Day Posting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - WOWzers...  thank you all so very much for the kind words about Lil Smokie and his coming into our lives.  Although in a round about arrival he is a welcome addition to our family.  Now, what we have to get used to is the training of Mr. Smokie - or the "Smokes"  - his nickname after a day.  We have the herd pretty well trained - there is always the occasional "present" -  but for the most part we are on a schedule going out and doing our duty!!  (dooty)  :)      With the new addition - we have started the training on the wee-wee pads - but trying to get him to leave his "Butt Cookies" (as we euphemistically call  them) on the pad - I think is going to be an uphill battle.  For such a tiny puppy - he seems to be working overtime in that department.  Oh well, part of bringing up a new baby!!

There really is not much at all going on - the weather warmed up considerably yesterday - into the very low 80's and a slight warm breeze was a'blowing  - so we spent a good long time at the pool after work - it was very relaxing!!

I am still plugging away at my little Sampler - which I have tentatively named "Two Birds Sampler" - not very original, but descriptive.  If I can keep up the stitching pace I might have it complete in the next week or so.  We shall see.

No good movies to report on - I have been watching lots of films, just not very good ones or rewatching ones I have seen before.  I did want to mention that today on TCM the Showcase Star is.....

Joan Blondell  - 1906-1979

Some of her films they are showing today include - "Gold Diggers of 1933" - 1933, "Footlight Parade" - 1933, "He Was Her Man" - 1934, "Sinners Holiday" - 1930, "Dames" - 1934 and "Stand In" - 1937 - She was a tough as nails kind of dame with a heart of gold.  Many of her films are available on DVD they are fun to watch and worth a look!!
There you go sports fans.  Thanks for dropping by, do come again!

Take care,


  1. God bless your patience! It takes a lot of tolerance and love and time to train a puppy. This is the main reason I'll be waiting till retirement before getting another dog ... Jackal, my beloved rat terrier, died 3 years ago ... and my current work situation does not permit me to run home at lunch time for a quick mid-day walk. I work 12 hour days Mon-Tues and 8 hour days Wed-Thurs and have Fri-Sat-Sun off. Not the best schedule for having four-legged companions. But I am looking forward to having a canine companion again in the next few years ... probably another "older" rescue from the pound again, like Jackal. I'd love another miniature schnauzer or another small terrier.

  2. Edgar, go take a look at the Wizdog (google to get the website). It's a tray to hold the pad ("jumpstart" is a good one for new puppies -- more heavily scented) with a plastic grid atop to hold the pad down flat. Our "teddy bear" pup was trained to it within a week. We use it to this day so our little dog doesn't have to go out and leave her "butt cookies" in the snow during the winter.

    And thanks for the mention of the book about small-town Alaska! It's available on Kindle and I haven't been able to put it down.

    Pam in WI

  3. I grew up with a St. Bernard so just be thankful you don't need a coal shovel to clean up the butt cookies. (love that)

  4. I can just imagine how much training goes into a dog. I'm a cat person myself (if you haven't noticed) and luckily most kittens come already litter trained. We had a few bumps in the road when I first brought Zeus home, it turned out she was much younger than the owners had let on but I got the little girl (my boy turned out to be a girl but it was too late for name chainging... another consequence of being barely 5weeks old at the time) properly trained! The poor thing is off at the vet today being fixed, I hope she's doing well.

  5. Well Edgar, you've tempted me with all those recent goodies, but after the butt cookie reference, I'm off the sweets!!! I love your gracious terminology.

  6. I don't envy you the potty training at all. I love your euphemisms though. lol! I remember Joan Blondell from some western that was on TV in the 60s or 70s? Am I crazy? I've never seen her movies before when she was young. Anyway, good luck with Little Smokes!

  7. Oh my but isn't he just the cutest little bit of a thing. I missed yesterday's announcement. :( But better late than never.

    CONGRATULATIONS to you both on your new addition! Rory sends woofs too. :)

  8. I just discovered your blog about a week ago and am very taken with your lovely stitchery. My mother did beautiful counted cross stitch and I have many lovely pieces she did for me. Your recommendations a couple of days ago about the movie about D-Day and the book about Alaska peaked my interest. I've ordered the book from Amazon and we watched the movie last night. We enjoyed the movie and I have high hopes that I will enjoy the book as well. So happy I 'found' you! Looks as if I'll be a faithful follower of 'Blacksheep's bit of the Web'.

  9. I somehow missed the post on your new baby, so now I have to go look it up! Glad you enjoyed some good pool time Edgar!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...