Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The re-stitch stash arrives from HDF

Yesterday, I got my silk from Vicki over at HDF for the re-stitch. It is some beautiful stuff. If you have been following the ongoing trauma that has become the QFRR you will know that we had a stitcher abducted. As that is the only explanation since there has not been a word from her since late March. Until then things were be-bopping along just fine – Stitchers stitching – linen and silk being sent on to the next person a RR in full swing. Then out of the blue without warning the disappearance of the stitcher and no RR linen arriving at the next stitcher!! What could have happened – emails frantically sent, without response – and over the past month or so it comes to light that 3 – count them- three – pieces of linen and all the silk/ floss has disappeared along with the stitcher - Now, what’s up with that – we are all pretty reasonable people and understand when things happen – but to just disappear and move from Virginia to Utah with a word to anyone… on any blog, or a simple email, or just returning the pieces and supplies…. that’s pretty crappy!! This puts Carol, Rowyn and I in the position of reacquiring the silk and linen and re-stitching our pieces – I just do not understand what would compel a person to completely flake on a group project!!! If you need to drop out fine but to just cut everyone off – not good!! I know that many Stitchers will not join RR’s for just this reason, the expense, trouble AND loss that may happen – not always but you run the risk!!! ……and I think that is a shame. If you make a commitment then keep it or let someone know!! It is only common courtesy!! People move on and change – fine, but Mindi if you still post at HDF (last post August 12th) you are still alive and you should have the common decency to answer an email or send back the pieces that were sent to you!!!!! Valerie over at Fog City Dweller has graciously joined in our group replacing Mindi and we are all excited to be able to stitch with her and look forward everything settling out and running smoothly!!!!

Here is the new colour combo - Ex. Raisin Wine - primary silk, Old Maid of the Soil - secondary colour on Silkweaver "Days Gone By." I am not sure if I like this piece of linen with these two silks - I love the splotchy - but could it be too splotchy for multiple coloured silks??? I need to ruminate on this for a day or two.

I also received from Carol S the next piece in the Witching for Stitching RR.
I am really getting RR back up at my cross stitch basket!!!

Thank you all for the nice things about my cactus - I bought that sucker at Target about 5 years ago and it has gone gangbusters - as I have had to split it on at two occasions it is in 4 different pots and all of them need to be cut up again to give them room - I really love the Christmas Cactus as it reminds me of my Granny - she had a gorgeous one that was a very pale pink almost white and it was gigantic - I have no idea what ever happened to it. Mine is a pink as I have never seen another white /pale pink one out there. If anyone would like a piece just let me know and I will send it along - The way I neglect these cacti a little travel in the mail couldn't hurt it!! When I say neglect I mean it goes on forever with no attention - and now is completely root bound - hey, you know... that may be what helps it to bloom so much being root bound.....
(Can you tell I think and type at the same time?) :)

Cheryl - I will just send your RR along to Rowyn when I get it done.

Well - enough bitching and such - there were two movies last night
-but not all that great so I'll skip it for today.

Thanks for listening and stopping by!!!!!

Take care,



  1. Oh no! Its so awful when something like this happens with a RR! How frustrating to say the least.
    Thanks for offering to send it to Rowyn, let me know if you need her address.
    Have a good day :)

  2. I would love a cutting of your cactus if you don't mind! Email me at birdwatcher17@aol.com and I will send you my address!

  3. Re the RR Edgar, I absolutely agree with everything you say. Life does get in the way sometimes, but how long does it take to send a quick e-mail, or just parcel everything up and send it back to either the owner or organiser?!!!!! I've seen a few stories like this on blogs and have to say it does rather put me off joining any future RR's. As to your repalcement threads and fabric, I'm not too sure they go together, as you say the fabric is rather blotchy, although a lovely colour, I hasten to add. However, I do think that it will be a bit overpowering for varigated threads, and they are such a lovely colour too. Just my opinion. Whatever you decide on I'm sure it will be lovely!

  4. Sorry about the RR back up Edgar - I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I mailed early ;-) No need for you to pick that one up for ages...

  5. This kind of thing really ticks me off. It's one thing if life tosses you some unexpected things and you can't follow through with an RR, but to just fall off the face of the earth with no communication and no attempt to return WHAT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU...that REALLY burns me up. What, do they think an RR is their own personal free stash mailing program?

    This is the main reason I'm hesitant to join an RR. I'd love to do something like that, but knowing my luck, my stuff would go missing, never to be seen again.

    People just plain suck sometimes.

  6. That's just awful about the RR! I would love a cutting of your cactus. I bought 2 tiny ones right after Christmas last year and they are doing very well at work (my cat chews them if they were home). You have my address from SBBC. Let me know if you need it again. Thanks!!

  7. Really sorry to hear about the RR snafu, that really is unforgiveable. I've not participated in one but I know I would be absolutely gutted to lose any stitching like that. If there is anything I can do to help out jlmk.

    I already have a cactus like yours, I treat mine pretty bad too and it still flowers :)

  8. that stinks about the RR. Sorry about that Edgar. All it takes is a little communication from teh person needing or wanting to drop out and ship the pieces to the appropriate person. And to fall off the face of the earth like that and not answer any emails but have the nerve to post at other boards, all i can say (and sorry about this, but) Ballsy!

    If at the end of your RR you need another stitcher to fill in on your piece please don't hesitate to email me, i would love to help you out if you need it.

  9. Edgar, I'm so sorry to read about your problems with the RR, and I do hope things will be better from now on.
    Well, I would love to have a cutting of your Christmas cactus (you can't get them anywhere over here until around Christmas), but I'm not sure it would survive a trip around the world. Neglect is fine, but maltreatment... I don't know.

  10. Well, I still think you could have been a little meaner! I'm lucky that at least mine is still safe. I kinda like the new colors you got picked anyway! I'll slow down on the HFFRR, we don't want you overloaded!
    Cheer up! I'd love a cactus cutting!
    Maybe I won't kill it?

  11. So sad about your RR... I wouldn't want to be in her karma now... ;) Live and learn I suppose and keep trying to find a way to laugh.

  12. heavy sigh .. I really don't understand people at all. Where do they think they get off not communicating? It's really as simple as that! I'm glad to hear you are all getting back on track. And I love the colors you picked. Hope you make a decision about your fabric.

    Oh I love Christmas Cactus. How about I'll trade you one cutting for another? When I get back from vacation I'll email ya and we can talk :)

  13. That told her Edgar but then she obviously doesn't care!

  14. Sorry to hear about your RR Edgar, I did an exchange with Mindi earlier this year and never heard whether she received it or anything its very frustrating when people join into things and then default on it I'm afraid thats one of the reasons I don't do RR's very often I have to be very confident with the folks that are involved.

  15. hiya cant believe that a person can be so so unpredictable and selfish.. all that hard work... i would have lost it.. i am glad that you have not given and am starting again though.. not too sure on the blotching material very daring.. keep up the good work edgar..

  16. It's awful that people don't keep to their commitments and just disappear. The bright side is that now I get to participate in the QFRR...yay! :)

  17. Hi Edgar, I was just blog surfing and came across yours.

    I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with the RR. Some people just have no manners do they. I hope yours eventually comes back to you.

    I love your blog template :o)

  18. Hi Edgar , I am so sorry to hear about the RR .. I think it is a crime !!!
    I could tell you a horror story about my first (and last) RR , but maybe better not :-))
    Patti xx

  19. Well I guess the "blonde female Mindi-logic" thinks it's OK to blatantly and intentionally STEAL from others! Hopefully she will be wracked with guilt and return all those beautiful fibers and linen. So sorry to read about this - I'm another stitcher who just won't participate in RRs unless I personally know the people involved.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...