Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Tuesday posting....

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you much for your kind comments and emails about my Christmas Finish.  I do appreciate them.  But, if you look closely -  can you find the mistake????  When I went back this morning to read yesterdays post (I do this daily before I start in on the new post) I see a glaring mistake.  The chart actually calls for two sets of initials, both Barb's and Alma's initials appear on the original piece.  I only included mine, but left the space for the second set  - so -  now I have a hole where there should be no hole.  I will fix that tonight as it will drive me bananas until I do.

I posted the Honey Bun cake recipe over at Blacksheep Bakes - click HERE to go there or click HERE to go to the original source, The Country Cook.  Brandie has a great Blog with some pretty tasty looking things.  A big thank you to her and all her efforts!!!

Last night on TCM they had a little movie marathon of ship movies or more precisely movies that included luxury liners.  Starting off the evening was a favorite of mine - "Romance on the High Seas" - 1948 -  staring in her first major movie role Doris Day - along with Jack Carson, Janice Paige and Don DeFore.  A really cute movie so typical of the late 40's  - a super musical and very entertaining!!  Here is a clip from the film.....

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by - do come again.

Take care,


  1. So will you put Rico's initials there? I hadn't noticed the hole at all! lol!

  2. ermmmm didn't notice either ..lol where are they supposed to go ??? love mouse xxx

  3. I hadn't noticed the mistake either and then I couldn't remember what I had done when I stitched it. I took a look back at my photos and saw that I just continued the pattern that occured just before the second set of initals. That way there was no empty spot.

  4. I also did not notice the 'hole'. I'll have to dig out my pattern and compare. I very rarely comment but I always check your blog to see what you have been stitching, cooking and bought at the latest estate sale. Your work is beautiful. Would you mind sharing your color conversion on the 'Blessings Be Thine'? I love it. I also think Rico's initials would be great on it. Take care.

  5. Edgar, funny you should mention the initials. When I finished mine I took it to my framer, picked out frame, mats, and was ready to leave it, when I discovered-NO INITIALS!! Nope, none, nada. Must be something about that piece. I do love it thought, and did mine very LARGE and it hangs in my den year round and I love it as well!! Becki

  6. I had not noticed (and still can't make out) the "hole" there LOL.
    Thanks a lot for the recipe :)

  7. Edgar - thank you so much for the mention!! I love that you loved it!!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...