Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some Stitching and a Tasty Stop

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I fixed up the missing bits from "Blessings" - sometimes I just amaze myself with what a ding I can be.  I remember when I was stitching through this area that I should think of something to replace the initials or finish out the design, but I just stitched as charted and never thought about it again....  so here is a snap f the real finish - (and not my delusional one).....

Blackbird Designs "Blessings Be Thine" 
Started 7/9 - Finished 7/15
stitched on BoF 32ct meadowlark 
My Silk Conversion:
WDW Havana - Belle Soie Chocolate
GA Cranberry - Belle Soie Red Fox
GA Dried Thyme - Belle Soie Collard Greens
GA Oatmeal - Belle Soie Oatmeal Scone

I am still feeling the jig and really like this piece....

I have also been working on the Third part of the  Mystery Sampler - Here is a snap...

I am stitching this on the recommended 35 ct WDW Confederate Grey linen - love it!! and using mostly the recommended floss choices.  I did have an issue with the grass floss choice (there was just too much of the same green) and changed that to GA Dried Thyme - to make it look more grassy  - and if you click of over to Myra's Blog she even changed the birds to cardinals - I am loving that !!!!  I love it so much I am getting the itch to frog out my blue birds and replace them with some red ones - a super de duper idea!!!!!!

I think I have settled on a colour change for the letters also - I have three skeins of a GA floss called "Kale."  It is a dark green Special Addition colour that I picked up a Needle in a Haystack a while back and I am thinking it will work a treat.......  but you never know.... there are some scrumptious greens out there and I have pulled a few others that might work.  I want to finish up the tree and third bird before I jump into the alphabet.
We stopped off at our favorite little Panaderia in the Mission yesterday and picked up some treats for desert - I had my camera and took a couple of snaperoos...

It is called La Victoria Mexican Bakery and we enjoy stopping there.  They are really nice and I think it is family run. You can click HERE to see their web site.

I was also going through and putting back some DVD's a found that I have quite a few duplicate titles - I am wondering what to do - do I sell them, trade them or just what???  I really do not need two copies of the same title and they do take up extra space on the shelves.  I wonder???

There you sports fans - we are on the hump of the week, have a great Wednesday!!!

Take care,


  1. Your "blessings" is just wonderful. Love the little change you made.
    Now I am hungry for a pastry.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. Edgar: How lovely the Mystery sampler is I am working on the same Sampler, however I am not as far along as you are, I do love the the other samplers, the Blackbird Designs Sampler is georgous.
    The goodies look yummy.
    I hope you are having great weather.

  3. Blessings looks great and your Mystery Sampler is really coming along. I really like the way the grass came out.

    Your needles have been smokin'!!!

  4. Lovely stitching! Those baked goods look so good!

  5. Your Blessings piece is beautiful. I also like the mystery sampler. You get a lot done in your evenings!!

  6. Both of your stitching projects look great Edgar. I'll be interested to see what shade of green you settle on. And the bakery pics look yummy! I have a bakery less than a block up from where I live. Delicious.

  7. Check out this site, Edgar...
    They also do book swaps and CD swaps. I've belonged to the book swap for a few years and love it. Also enjoy reading your adventures btw!

  8. Your mystery sampler is looking wonderful! Love it!! And wow - such yumminess!

  9. Blessings looks great, and your mystery sampler -- yum! Yum to your tasty stop too. I so want to visit all the places you go to!

  10. Yummy treats and yummy stitching! I love 2fer posts.

  11. I like the green you chose for Birds of a Feather. I'm stitching it too, but did not much till now (because I'm stitching something else of course). I'll wait to see what you will make of it. Myra's is beautiful too with her red cardinals. Nice you put a link. And your Blessings are really beautiful. Sorry for the mistakes in my e-mail yesterday, I suppose you saw it. It was late and I was tired. :) Take care, Leajeanne

  12. Oh I'm craving pan dulce! Don't you hate it when you want one of everything! I have to limit myself to 3 pieces and it's hard to decide.

    BBT looks wonderful! I really like your conversion to belle Soie. You're really moving along on the Mystery too!

  13. Blessings is divine! And I love your Mystery sampler. I've only worked the border on 30ct but wish I had stitched on the 35ct instead. :( Your baked good pics are doing NOTHING for my diet. Now I want a pastry.

  14. Thank you for the color conversion on the Blessing Be Thine piece. I've copied them down and will use those colors when I do get around to stitching mine. Like one of the other posters said.....your needles are smokin'. Take care.

  15. Love the Christmas design. I have all the parts if the mystery sampler but haven't started it yet. I made a note of your grasss change. I really like the look of yours.

  16. "Blessings" looks fabulous Edgar and you are really going to town on that Mystery Sampler. How sweet of your to give me a shout out on your blog. Thank you! I liked the blue birds but they just aren't in my area and I wanted to make mine something I could personally relate to. Now I am a little worried it might be too much red - maybe the bluebird and the bottom and the house will balance it out. Can't wait to see your letters done up in a different color - I think it will look great.

  17. Blessings looks wonderful Edgar! And the pastries...yum! I'll take one of those on the top shelf please! As for the DVDs you could always put them on another blog- for sale or trade etc. Hugs, Nancy D.

  18. I'm still loveing your Blessings piece. And I am thinking I really need that mystery sampler. It is beautiful. I too adore the birds as cardinals. My favorite birds. :)

    As for the extra dvds, how about a second hand place? If there is such a thing. Maybe you could trade them for something ou don't have?

  19. Well I love the "real" finish. Thanks for the link for the cardinals on the mystery sampler. I menitoned to my bff the other day while starting it that I didn't like the amount of blue and that I wanted to add more red; perhaps some cardinals. I like the grass on your sampler and I, too, am changing the letters.

    Your sweets look very yummy - how did you choose?

  20. Bakeries and stitching- two of my favourite things! There is an excellent bakery here at our cottage vacation spot. I've been spending far too much time stopping there. Good thing we're heading home soon!
    I'm enjoying your Mystery Sampler. I have this one on order now. I love the looks of it.

  21. "Blessings be Thine" looks just gorgeous. As said before, love your color changes. And seeing yours made me dig mine up and going to get it finally framed.
    I saw the mystery sampler with the cardinals, and indeed it looks great. Love your changes too.

  22. Myra's cardinals are pretty, but I like your bluebirds better. It is a beautiful piece. I really like the Blackbird piece. I may have to stitch it myself. Have a great week.

  23. Man alive you move quickly with your stitching...

    Thought for sure there would be a black sheep on your 'Mystery Sampler' LOL

    Thanks for taking the time to keep up your great blog - such fun

    Liz x

  24. Hi Edgar - Your pieces are lovely as always. I donate used books and DVDs to my local library - they either put the on their shelves or put them in their annual sale which raises quite a bit of money to buy new books. One of my earliest memories is my Dad taking me to the library to pick out books when I was a little girl, so I have a soft spot for libraries. I think it was Benjamin Franklin who set up the first free lending library in North America, so how can you go wrong!
    Thanks again for sharing your pics.
    Colleen in Canada

  25. Lovely finish of Blessings Be Thine. I love your mystery sampler, it's coming along beautifully.

  26. Your finish (the REAL finish! LOL) is absolutely beautiful, as always! and your mystery project is coming along beautifully also!! And thank you for giving me a hankering for sweets!!! =) there goes my diet! Thank you Edgar! LOL

  27. Beautiful finish and your mystery sampler looks great. I think I am hungry now after looking at all those delicious pastries.

  28. Lovin' all your stitching - and the cardinals are pretty special! I'm still on the alpha...


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...