Friday, July 15, 2011

Whoop de Doo - It's Friday!!!!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends this week has been so typically long and not very exciting.  I do like them that way.  We are to have a "heat wave" of sorts here over the weekend - all I'm hoping for is just a tiny bit of sunshine to get a good snap of "Blessings."  I would have bet money I had taken a snap of it before going to bed last night, but when I started flipping through the pictures a few minutes ago there was not a single one.  Now, I know I am loosing it - but, to have thought so strongly that I had taken a picture and find none.......  well...... what can I say - that hollow sound must be where my brain should be......


This week between the bad flicks I have been re-watching a series called "To the Manor Born" - 1978-1981 - starring Penelope Keith and Peter Bowles - it s a British sit-com set in Somerset on the fictional estate Grantleigh.  The basic story is of Audrey fforbes-Hamilton becoming a widow and losing Grantleigh to taxes and Richard DeVere a millionaire "Grocer" buying the estate at auction.  Audrey moves down the drive to the "Old Lodge" to keep an eye on things and becomes the fly in Richard's ointment.  If you have not seen the show I would highly recommend it - you can find this series appearing on Public TV.

This is the cover of the box set I have.

Well, I guess I'll wrap it up for today and the week.  Big thank yous to all my followers both new and old and to all my commenter's!!  I do appreciate all your kind words and sweet thoughts!!!  Have a great weekend - and stop back by again.

Take care,


  1. am with you there on the aure you took a photo of something and oooo watched to the manor born when it first came out over here :) and the good life etc :) love mouse xxxx

  2. LOL about the photo. I have had that happen to me once or twice. I blame mine on C.R.A.F.T. :) Or is that just getting older. Nope. CRAFT sounds better. LOL

    Have a great weekend. Find lots of goodies at the sales and stitch, stitch, stitch.

  3. Hi Edgar! I love To the Manor Born and have the same box set. I'm a BritCom fan and try to find my favorites on DVD to rewatch. I really want A Fine Romance, an early series with Judi Dench and her late husband.Think I'll be asking for that one for Christmas! Hope the weekend sales are good! Hugs, Nancy D.

  4. To The Manor Born is a great favorite of mine ... you mau also like The Irish R.M. ... same male lead and delightfully funny.

  5. I hope you've got some sun today Edgar! It would be lovely to get some mid seventies and sun. Here it's supposed to be ridiculously hot for the next few days. Mid to high nineties! Ugh! I wish I could send you a few degrees so you would be warmer and I'd be cooler!!!!

  6. To the Manor...I love it. I love her character and living in the lodge instead of the big house brings her down a notch, or maybe not. Hope you get that sunshine. Just spent 2 weeks on HHI in SC and loved the heat. Back here and it looks like I missed it at home...don't miss it Edgar!!

  7. Edgar, I just found your amazing blog! How do you find the time? I love Penelope Keith. I named my angora rabbit after her. Have you seen the British comedies Good Neighbors(The Good Life in England) and No Job For a Lady both starring Keith? Lots of fun to watch while sipping tea and stitching.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...