Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Long 3 Day Weekend - Part I

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I hope everyone had as nice a weekend as we had here in SF.  Although it was three days it seemed to just fly by - as do they all!  The weather was perfect - we where supposed to be just baking with temps in the upper 80's low 90's (for here that is VERY hot) but it never seemed to crawl to 80 and there was a lovely cool breeze blowing all the time - so it was just perfect!

Let me start off with some stitching - I worked mostly on my Mystery piece and it is coming along nicely.....

I love the colours and now I am working on the leaves.  I am undecided bout the alphabet - it supposed to be stitched in the same "sage" as the border lines, but I am reticent about stitching the letters in that....  I think I will wait to see what part 3 looks like before I do them.  I have pulled some other WDW floss that I think will work better.  I also kitted up the next piece I am wanting to start.  I have made my working copy, and converted the floss from DMC to silks (Belle Soie, HDK and NPI) now I only have to find a piece of linen the right size from my stash.

Now to the actual weekend - Saturday started off with us trotting off to breakfast at a local eatery - TOAST

Although very close to home we usually avoid this place as there is often a line outside and the packed inside - but we got there early enough that there was no crowd - after some delicious French Toast - we wandered down to our very local Farmers Market - again another place we seldom visit - but since we where down on 24th Street it was there and so where we.  Here are some nice snaps of what was available....

beautiful plums....

lovely heirloom tomatoes....

great cabbages and carrots....

all kinds of herbs...

pre-bagged salad greens with edible flowers....

and lots of squashes and blossoms....

It is a very nice little market that I know we will visit again.

That's about it for today sports fans - I'll post up the second part tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. Wow edgar you must of stitched like a madman over the 3-day weekend to get so far in the "BoaF" mystery sampler. Can't wait to see what color you pick for the lettering. I too was thinking of changing out the letter coloring. Looks great so far. Me I'm still plodding along with the border.

  2. I envy you your local markets ... there is one in the next village over from me [south along the Hudson River] but it is open only Saturday and Sunday mornings when I am either working or at church. I am going to have to study the logistics and make the time to visit it this summer.

    What I am really looking for is a vegetable co-op that purchases local produce eggs, cheeses, honey, jams, etc. only ... there used to be one a decade ago but it folded when the organizer moved out west.

  3. Your sampler is looking great. Your needles must have been smokin!!!

    Great pictures of your Farmers Market:))

  4. You are making GREAT progress! I am so behind. I have stitched the letters but like you, not sure I like the color. Doubt I'll frog it (I HATE doing that) though unless yours looks a ton better then I might be tempted! I'm anxious to see what you decide to do.

    Your day out looks like fun.

  5. Great progress on your sampler Edgar.

  6. Your sampler looks great. Love the color of the bird. The salad greens look delicious. I don't think I'd be able to resist buying a bag of them. Can't wait to see your new project! Hugs, Nancy D.

  7. Edgar your stitching looks great. I agree I think the letters would look better in a different color. Wish we had cooler temps. her in Cincy. It has been around 90 for days and the rest of the week looks the same :-(

  8. WOW, your farmer's market looks so good!! Love the carrots especially.
    Your mystery piece is coming along beautifully :)

  9. Your mystery sampler is looking so pretty!! I love it! And the farmer's market! Always so nice! I'm intrigued by the greens with edible flowers.

  10. ohhh love the sampler .. looks gorgeous .. I am thinking of starting this one :) and wow the market looks fab :) love mouse xxxx

  11. Your Mystery sampler looks wonderful. I always enjoy seeing the beautiful snaps of your Farmer's Markets. TFS

  12. progress on the Mystery sampler is fabulous. Love the colors. I can't wait to see part three. :)

  13. That Sampler is looking fantastic, but you always have such lovely pieces to share with us! I'm curious as to what color you will choose for the alphabet. I'd say go with a darker Sage color than the border. But I am sure whatever you come up with will be superb!

    My boss is in the San Fran area until the 16th. She's at a Florist's convention this week. Your Farmer's market pics made me think of telling you this, not that you know who I am talking about, LOL!!!

    Have a great week!

  14. The "Mystery Sampler" is gorgeous. Anything with birds on it seems to attract me. I love the colors. I also love the colors of the farmer's market. Made my first visit to one of our local markets. The tomatoes were well worth the added side trip.

  15. Temperatures around 80 sound blissful! The heat here is just too much. Nothing here in the way of any kind of substantial farmers market either. It's something I'd really love to see here.

    The mystery sampler is coming along very well. I'll look forward to seeing what you decide to do about the color for the alphabet.

  16. Everything looks great. I love fresh fruit markets. You can't beat the taste of fresh fruit. Yum!! Your mystery sampler looks good too. Keep up the good work!!

  17. Your mystery sampler is looking great! I am holding off till the last part arrives because, just as you are finding, you may want to change things up a bit!

    Love the foodie photos though they make me hungry!

  18. Love your Mystery Sampler, Edgar! Beautiful. I am a slow started on that - still waiting for mine to arrive (ordered late). Your pictures of the market are really yummy looking!

  19. Love the progress on the Mystery Sampler and can't wait to see how you play with the colors. Is French toast the specialty or is that all they do? I enjoy the outdoor market photos with all the great fruit and veggies.

  20. Fantastic progress on the Mystery Sampler. Busy with that one as well, and almost finished.
    Love your local market. Wishing I had one like that close by.

  21. You have made great progress on the BoaF sampler. It's beautiful. Love all the markets that you have in SF. We have almost nothing in southeasterm MA.

  22. I'm glad you enjoyed your long weekend. Your local market displays their wares so nicely! I love the looks of their bagged greens with edible flowers to boot!
    I'm loving your Mystery Sampler. I've finally given in and ordered a copy for myself.
    I look forward to seeing what your next start will be.

  23. Your mystery sampler is coming along beautifully - of course, your stitching is always beautiful. I am so jealous of the markets you have available! My agency sponsors one every Friday during the summer, but it's nothing like the ones you have.

  24. You always make me want to eat veggies when you take your wonderfully bright pictures of your markets. I love that border on Mystery... that red just reaches out and grabs you!

  25. I always enjoy your outdoors photos Edgar, it's like taking a walk.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...