Friday, July 8, 2011

A Very Lazy Thursday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends there is nothing and I mean nothing going on.  I did post the recipe for the "Holiday Morning Coffee Cake" over at Blacksheep Bakes, you can click over there to get that.

Yesterday after work we got home - took the hounds out for their daily constitutional.  
Got them fed and watered.  Then it was off to the pool - 

While floating around in this bath water temp pool - drinking a cocktail or two 
- we watched the fog pour over twin peaks....

Such a hard life - I feel almost guilty.  We had leftovers for dinner
- burgers and salad from last nights grill-o-rama
- waste not want not - 
and I was just too lazy to fix something new!!

I stitched a little, but not much.  And that was last evening.

There you go sports fans.  I am still working on getting my little Stash Sale Together - I think I'll get it posted on either Monday or more probably Tuesday, so keep a eye out for that. 

Here's hoping you have great weekend!!  Thanks for stopping by, do stop by again. 

Take care,


  1. That pool and view are wonderful! Sounds like a perfect summer's eve!

  2. Ahh, that's the summertime spirit! I had a good chuckle over this post, and a bit of envy too!

  3. Oh my such a tough life LOL you guys have an amazing view from the rooftop...enjoy your day :)

  4. Oh that pool looks so inviting. If I had one I'm afraid I'd be in it all day long!

    When Masterchief fires up the grill he usually cooks enough meat for a week's worth of leftovers. Great idea!!

  5. Oh Edgar this picture of the pool looks so inviting and yummy. sometimes it is good to have a lazy day.

  6. That's a wonderful view you have from the pool!
    I'm feeling a little guilty too since I retired in May and haven't been doing much of anything since!

  7. It sounds like you had a great afternoon! Happy Weekend!

  8. Can't wait for the sale.I'm thinking about doing one, too.

  9. Boy that pool looks wonderful! Hope you enjoyed your little dip in the water!!!!

  10. What a great way to spend a summer the pool!

    What a great view you have too!

  11. Have a dandy weekend, Edgar! Boy that pool looks inviting, but with our 85* plus temps, it would have to be a little less than bath-temp for me. Looking forward to seeing your stitching progress. I received my mystery sampler and started it, not ready to post pics yet as I only did about 30 stitches of border and one corner flower. I can tell I am going to LOVE this one! I really enjoy seeing pics of your area - I have not been further west than Wyoming and enjoy seeing your pictures! Beautiful fog pic.

  12. Leftovers are just fine! Gives you more stitching time.

  13. Ooooooh, what a gorgeous pool. I'm soooo jealous!!! I love to swim and don't have a pool available to me. Ah, well, I do have AC so I'll live, lol. I'm glad you enjoyed such a relaxing day Edgar. Watching the fog roll in across the mountains must be amazing. Mother Nature is just amazing!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...