Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You can tell it's Spring.....

Gentle Friends, one of the sure fire ways I can tell it's Spring here in the City by the Bay is by walking down 7th street..... past the past County Jail Intake Facility #1 which is attached to a huge court building....  across the street and a few hundred yards on you come to a wall of loveliness...

... its a green wall in full bloom of jasmine.  This was planted to block out a parking lot for a furniture store.  It is green year round, except for a few short weeks in the Spring - so that as you walk by you are enveloped in the most delicious aroma....

... for me it takes me back to my grandparents yard in Florida, swinging in the hammock looking at the Halifax River.  Their yard was full of jasmine, 4 o'clocks, roses and a warm evening breeze off the river mingled the odor of these flowers together so that whenever I run into it it carries me back to that intoxicating floral brew of my youth.

There you go sports fans, thanks for topping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. So pretty! I have never heard of 4 o'clocks. So nice that everything is blooming now.

  2. Beautiful! And you described them so well, I think I caught a whiff of their fragrance...

  3. Such a beautiful fragrance is the jasmine, I wonder how many folks stop to inhale and have memories of their own sparked by the beautiful floral display.

  4. A beautiful screening bush indeed. My aunti Lucy had 4 o' them growing up the porch railings.

  5. They say the sense of smells evokes the best memories. My first house had honeysuckle growing wild in the side yard. The evening smell in the summer was so wonderful, new honey suckle seems to have no fragrance at all. Give me the uncultivated varieties anytime.

  6. Edgar,

    Too bad the post is not of the scratch and sniff variety! I think you have motivated me to brew a cup on Numi Jasmine tea.

  7. I know that wonderful smell. I find it interesting that certain smells take us back to a different time and place.

  8. Ahh, the beautiful aroma of the County Jail Intake.....I mean jasmine! Only you could run those two things together in a sentence Edgar and make it all work out OK!!

  9. Ahhh the fragrant breezes of Florida filled with jasmine and 4 o'clocks and other delightful flowers! Thanks for reminding me of those long, hot summer days in FL...miss them! :)

  10. Oh my gosh ~ wish I could smell that!! Gorgeous!

  11. Oh I do love that scent! We have some around here as well and I love when it is blooming!

  12. I grew up with four o'clocks in the front yard. I loved collecting the seeds that look like tiny black hand grenades.

  13. Nice post. I always enjoy them.

  14. I love the smell of Jasmine. What a lovely way to hide an ugly carpark.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...