Monday, May 12, 2014

Winner, Winner Chickin' Dinner... and a Stitchin' Update

Gentle Friends, again, let me say how overwhelmed I was by all the kind comments left at the 7th Blogaversary Post - and can only thank you all so very much!!!!

Over the weekend after printing and then cutting the entries into strips and folding them into unidentifiable little faux-rigamis, I got out a cut glass BoD from which the hag Claw and who hounds could draw a winner....

... of course you should never work with children or animals, and I am sure the hounds thought we were going to drop a picnic ham or something on the floor, they got really excited, the Peach was beside herself with glee......

... Smokie was the only one to stay still long enough to really see what was going on.....

... when they saw it wasn't going to be a brisket or ham, they all lost interest quickly!!!  But, a name was drawn.... and .....

.... Sharon over a Seaside Stitcher was drawn as the Winner of
 Blacksheep's 7th Annual Blogaversary Gift-a-Way, congratulations!!!  Thanks again to everyone who entered!!  I have sent off an email to Sharon and my plan is to have the box-o-goodies winging it's way to her in the next few days, once it arrives I'll talk more about what I sent.

I worked a little on SMS and here's an updated snap...

.... this week I'll be putting this piece aside to finish up my Exchange piece.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Take care,


  1. Congratulations to Sharon, cant wait to see what you've put together for her parcel.

  2. Congrats to Sharon! I'm sure the goodies you send will be wonderful. SMS is looking good too!

  3. Congratulations Sharon,love the colours on your sampler,lovely piccies of the dogs

  4. Congrats Sharon
    Sampler you stitching
    Hugs x

  5. Congrats to the winner! SMS is looking great :)

  6. Congratulations Sharon! Wonderful stitching progress, Edgar!!

  7. Boy are you making wonderful progress, Edgar! Stunning.

    Congrats to Sharon.

    Sherry :0)

  8. Congratulations to lucky Sharon!!Your sampler is looking so pretty.

  9. Congratulations to Sharon! Love your progress on the sampler. It's so gorgeous!

  10. Adorable little helpers ~ even if they abandon you once they discover there is no ham!! Congrats to Sharon ~ can't wait to see what you put together for her. Love your stitches ~ great colors!

  11. Your stitching is coming along beautifully!
    Congrats to your lucky winner! It will be fun to see what you send! Please check my blog and sign up for my Prairie Schooler First Giveaway!!

  12. ooo congratulations Sharon ... and those poor wee furbabies ... no treats in that bowl
    well done on the stitching progress too :) love mouse xxxxx

  13. Good job, Smokie. I'm sure Sharon is thrilled! SMS is looking great!

  14. Yea Sharon!
    Lovely sampler progress!

  15. congrats to Sharon. The sampler looks great.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...