Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Re-Stitching, recieving and some more glass

Last night I started to work on the re-stitch for the QFRR - I don't know why (or maybe I do) but I think I was avoiding doing this for a while
- here is a snap -

I'll finish this up tonight and get at Carol's and have them out on Thursday - or at least that's the plan right now. I am really liking the silk - Raisin Wine from HDF - and the re-stitch linen is LL Vintage Lentil.

I know that my Needle roll was received by Britt from the HOE. I really like BBD and so I used part of the mystery pattern from the recent Loose Feathers to create the needle roll
- Here is a snap of the exchange -

I like this so much that I want to do one for myself!!

Here are today's snaps of the Chihuly Glass exhibit -

These are called "Reeds" and the tallest in the back stand well over 10+ feet tall

This is a display from the "Basket" series -
these are based on traditionally Native American baskets.

A long shot of the "Glass Garden" which just blows me away it is so spectacular!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. Edgar, The needleroll is very nice!!

    Love all the pictures you are posting of the exhibit

  2. Love the glass garden but the basket ones look like barnacles.

  3. awesome needleroll! great job as always!

    the glass exhibit is really cool, not really into that sort of thing either, but WOW!

  4. Your work is gorgeous as always but I really really really love the needlroll!

  5. I love that needleroll. It's great. Your work is always so beautiful.

    And the pictures of all the glass are fantastic.

  6. I luurve that glass, and your needleroll is brilliant.

  7. wow Edgar .. I don't usually like needlerolls .. but dammm yours is way nice!

    Ohhhh the glass work is lovely! I love his work :)

  8. The needleroll is gorgeous. I love it. I also enjoy seeing your glass photos.

  9. Hi Edgar,
    Your BBD needleroll is so beautiful!
    It's a nice idea to use the mystery pattern for needleroll!

  10. Love how your restitch is looking Edgar. And your needleroll is absolutely gorgeous.

  11. I love your needleroll! and the glass garden is amazing.

  12. lovely needleroll and your raisin wine thread i just wonderful i love stitching with this the exhibit of tall the glass statues are gorgoeus woow

  13. Your colour scheme for the 're-do' is really gorgeous! And your needleroll is lovely :D

  14. Beautiful stitching! Oh, and I love the glass garden--I bet it was breathtaking in real life!

  15. This is one of the nicest NRs I´ve ever seen;-)))Great job...



A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...