Thursday, January 15, 2015

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL January Posting

Gentle Friends, I joined the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL this year started by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching.....  the piece I'll be working on is "Santa's Village" from CCN.  It was also my New Year start - why not kill two birds with one stone, eh!!  So I finished up Santa's House.  Here's a snap....

... I'll be adding some beads - so I've left off some of the details - and of course I couldn't leave well enough alone and I've changed up some of the DMC suggestions for over dyed choices.......  in fact, just so you know I change my mind way too much, I've restitched the pine needles three times with three different greens until I settled on this green - which is a piney green - at least to me it is.....

That's about it for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by dos top again!!

Take care,


  1. It IS gorgeous! You're right on the mark!!

  2. Looking forward to watching this one. I love seeing the changes you make on your projects.

  3. Very pretty Christmas stitching! I love the bright and cheerful colors!

  4. It looks wonderful Edgar! I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this one! Fantastic work so far. :-)

  5. Piney Woods is one of my favorites. There's some nice variation with it.

  6. Very nice Edgar. I would love to know the color of the piny green. I am looking for a piny green and they are harder to find that you would imagine. Actually you do know that!

  7. That is lovely, so bright and cheerful

  8. Love this design, I look forward to your progress ")

  9. Looks good, Edgar! Santa's Village in on my "to do" wish list...

  10. Looks great! I've got this whole series to stitch too. My plan was to stitch each individually. I stitched the first one on 32 ct and decided it's a little too big to be an ornament for my small tree. Now I have no idea what to do.

  11. It's looking lovely, great progress

  12. I think I find green one of the most difficult colours, especially if it's my choice of fabric, which it usually is! Looks great, worth the hassle..

  13. looking good, I must get around to stitching these Christmas designs one day too. I have to admit to always changing things on a design too, I think everything I stitch should be a little unique to me so I alter the design or colours to make it just mine. x

  14. Thank you for taking part in GG this month.
    This is such a cute series. I have Poinsettia Place in my rotation currently.
    Will this be a gift for someone or was it from someone?

  15. Great stitching! I love the colors. I like the green you chose for the pine needles.

  16. Good start. I look forward to seeing it grow.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...