Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend Stuff

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - once again the short weekend is over and the long week is here. Now why is it that two days speed by and the long 5 day week seems to drag??

Oh well, that's how it goes. This past weekend we didn't do much, just the usual stuff.

On Saturday Dale and I ran around to a few sales and thrift shops - and I pick up a few things - including a bunch of books. Here is a snap -

Along with the books I got a couple of DVD's and a Bundt Pan - I didn't have a Bundt pan and this one needed a new home. While running around we visited a favorite thrift shop on Valencia Street in the Mission - and I have been meaning to take a snap of the new tree grates the city put out along this street when they renovated the sidewalks a few months back -

Aren't they great - I love the Day of the Dead theme. The purchase of the Bundt pan motivated me to make this....

and here is this pecan butter Bundt all hacked up and ready -

I used so many pecans that it turned the cake a little dark, there are pecans on the top making the vanilla glaze a bit bumpy. It is a super moist and tasty cake that turned out rather well.

We went to lunch at and a new place - or at least it was new to me -

Park Gyro is at the entrance to Golden Gate Park - Lincoln and 9th Avenue - and of course I had a lamb Gyro - I love the combination of lamb and tzatziki used in these "sandwiches."

Instead of the usual Pita bread they use Lavash or cracker bread for their wraps - and I really enjoyed this change!!

The last of the peaches are just beautiful this year... so I picked up a few pounds.... skinned 'em, chopped 'em.......

a made some more.....

.... jam. I think that this will be all I can get done this season. On Sunday Rico and I got over to the little farmers market. I picked up some....

...gorgeous blackberries. I was only going to get 3 baskets as they where 3 for $5, but the girl running the berry tent offered - another 3 baskets for only a $1 more - so I got 6 for $6. I flash froze most of them, but last night we had some on vanilla ice cream, and they were just perfect!! The frozen ones will be super in pies this winter.

I did a lot of stitching, but it was for either an exchange piece of a Christmas gift so I have no snaps of any of that.

I think that about wraps it up for today. Thanks for stopping by - do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Gorgeous food AND wonderful grate--thanks for sharing! :)

  2. I love seeing all the Christmas books you have been getting. I am hoping to amass a big collection for my daughters (they are not quite one yet, so have some time), but apart from ebay, I just don't find that many...

  3. Edgar: you have motivated me to make biscotti today it is a long process but well worth the time, I love the way the cake turned out the picture made me have a very sweet taste in my mouth thank-you, now I need to make a latte.
    Sweet stitching to you.

  4. Hi Edgar! Your Bundt cake looks delicious and so does the Gyro. We love gyros and have a local diner that makes tasty ones. Those grates are so pretty. Nice to see such thought put into a utilitarian object! have a great week, Nancy

  5. Oh my Edgar. Those peaches make me want to go get mnore and try making my own Peach Jam. What a treat that would be. I have never canned anything before well unless you count watching my Dad do the pickles.

    Your Bundt cake looks fantastic :) I am mailing out that little package to you today. Should not take to long its just comming form the South Bay. I hope your week fliys by quickly and you can once again enjoy the weekend.
    Take Care

  6. Edgar, always enjoy your blogs posts, but that cake-I can almost SMELL it from here in Arkansas!! Would you be so kind as to share the recipe for this lovely cake? As a southerner, pecans are most near and dear to our hearts.

  7. I do so look forward to taking a peek into what you're up to, Edgar. The cake looks great - I have to say, I love bundt cakes. I make a chocolate-kahlua cake in mine that is a fav...I love the plate too, that you placed your cake. Sounds like you had a nice weekend, albeit short!

  8. Pictures were all Yummy !!! I gained 5 pounds just looking at that cake!! lol

  9. I Love Gyros and get 1 a year. What a different way to serve them but it looks good.

  10. All the pics are wonderful! Love that new grate. And your cooking as usual looks scrumptious! Great estate finds as usual as well. I wish I lived in SF. lol!

  11. As always good stuff! When my laptop shorts out because my mouth is watering over the cake and berries, I'm blaming you!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...