Friday, July 23, 2010

Short Friday Post

GR&DF thank you for all the kind comments for yesterdays post. I have such a hankering for some fried okra now. I might have to make some this weekend. I've also been thinking "brownies" ... so that might be something else I have to whip up.... with pecans - you can't have a brownie without pecans.

So we made it to the grocery store last night and after that fun fest in a cart - we got home and the fun continued as I got some laundry done. By getting most of the laundry done a put away - means that I wont have to do it this weekend - freeing up the time to stitch.

The DVD for the evening was the fourth disc in "Edward the King." This ongoing series is still a top notch piece. Last night the three episodes on the Disc covered the scandals of the 1870's and 1880's, the death of Queen Victoria and Edward ascending the throne. Tonight I think the mail will bring the final Disc with the 1901-1910 - Edwardian Period.

The stitching last night was almost nonexistent as I got some Floss Away bags in the mail yesterday - so I spent the time separating my silk for the SoHRH. Now I can finally get a start on this piece. I didn't want to start with all my silk in a jumble in a bag and these floss aways really keep the silk separate and in order - IMHO. After I finish SoHRH I still have - Houses, Christmas and Autumn at HRH - to do, so there is plenty of stitching of Hawk Run to keep me busy.

This will be a short post today - have a great weekend and do stop by again!!

Take care,


  1. Now you've given me a hankering for fried okra. :) I remember as a kid, when my mother would fry up okra she'd always have to make extra, as Dad and I would stand by the stove and eat them almost as fast as she could fry them. It was always a treat on movie night when she'd make up fried okra instead of popcorn.

  2. I've never used the floss-aways, though I've heard people talking of them around the 'net.

    Here's a question (though you might have answered before and even to me, personally--where is my memory?) Do you stitch in hand generally? What about for a whopper like Shores?

  3. Must...have...fried...okra :) and brownies too! LOL. I am a Tudor gal, so gimme anything Henry V111 and those many wives and I could watch or read forever(I know I need therapy ;)). I cannot wait to see your new WIP, and now I am off to finish my laundry so that I can stitch with ya this weekend, while hubby watches Nascar (God help us ;)).

    Hugs, Kiddo
    Ma TK

    Hey, thanks for stopping by for a visit on the blog kid is such a treasure :)

  4. fried okra sounds wonderful! One of my very favorites along with fried squash and fried green tomatoes! Of course brownies always sound fantastic! I can't wait to see your new WIP.

    By the way, I have a giveaway going on right now for a chart you may be interested in.

  5. Yummm pecan brownies... now that got my attention! Have a great weekend.

  6. Love my floss away bags~~~ I am kinda fussy about being organized especially on those big projects~

    Like you, I need to finish Shores as I have Houses, Autumn and Christmas HRH in my basket....

    How many lifetimes will this take??

    Enjoy your day,
    Faye carolinastitcher

  7. Don't want any fried okra or okra of any kind but the brownies are another story. Yummy!!

  8. Just want to share a quick and yummy way to serve pickled okra. Thinly sliced salami, spread some cream cheese on it, place a piece of okra on it. Roll it up amd stab with a tooth pick. Keep refrigerated until your guest arrive OR just eat them as you make them! ENJOY! Have a great weekend.

  9. Edgar, love when you and Rico go to the Farmers market, everything looks so good. Fried Okra - no not for me, but I like pickled okra stuffed with herb cream cheese!!or rolled with ham and cheese!!

    Love brownies.

    Now for the chinese food!! yummm.

    Also will be coming to SF at the beginning of September!!

  10. This southern girl loves fried okra and I love to cook it like my mother-in-law taught me.....cut up your okra and add to that cut up potatoes and onions (all about the same size as the okra). Flour it with salt and pepper and fry. Yummy!! It's just so much better with the potatoes and onions!!

  11. Wish I was nearby cause I would sure help you eat that okra and the brownies too for that matter!

  12. I try and get my laundry done on a Friday when I get home from work for the same reason.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...