Friday, July 9, 2010

SF Summer Fog.....

GR&DF - TGiF!! Even though it has been a short week I am so ready for the weekend. We really have no big plans - I think tonight on the way home we are running to Trader Joe's - woohoo!!

In the comments Donna asked about my canning of preserves and jam - and Yes - I do use a water bath to seal the jars. I only ever make small batches of anything - this way it never gets out of hand with dozens of jars waiting to get a water finish. There were a couple comments about wanting to put stuff up or nervous about it. I totally taught myself to do it by reading different books and then finding some super easy recipes on line. My Mom never canned a thing - but my Granny would put up all sorts of different kinds of jams, jellies and preserves. I really enjoy the doing and the since of accomplishment - and knowing that nothing "extra" is being added.

Yesterday the weather hovered in the mid 60's and after we got home it plummeted into the low 50's - I had to put on sweats and turn the heat on low - I totally love the summers here in SF!!! I also got some snaps from the balcony of the fog shrouded city....

This is looking west towards Twin Peaks and Sutro Tower. You can see the fog has just poured down the mountainside and.... is a snap looking east towards the Bay Bridge and the East Bay - it looks much brighter under the fog and across the Bay.

... and this is looking downtown and with the fog bank hanging over the city. Today is to be a carbon copy of yesterday - foggy and cool. This morning coming to work I had the windshield wipers going as the fog had settle so thickly it was like a light rain.

On the stitching front I have only worked a small section of the border of Garden Path - so no snap of that. The plan is to get at the border this weekend.

We watched a few more Glee episodes and have gotten through a large portion of the first season - still enjoying this show immensely!!

Just a quick reminder about the drawing on Sunday - remember to leave a comment on Wednesday, July 7th's Post if you a chance to win the sampler chart..

There you go sports fans. Thank you again for stopping by and for the great comments!! Do stop by again next week for more adventures and my silliness!!

Take care,


  1. We have a Trader Joe's up in Kansas City but that is nowhere close to me.:( I have heard awesome , awesome, things about it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I should talk to my stepmother-in-law about canning and jams and stuff. I know she does such things. It's so cool!

    I'm very envious of your SF weather. I'm ready for autumn already with the heat and humidity around here!

  3. Great pics of the city.

    I wish we had some cooler weather here. It is so HOT and HUMID. YUCK!

    Enjoy your weekend

  4. My teenage niece turned me on to Glee and now I'm hooked! Even have the CD's and pop them in the car if I'm going on a long trip. My niece also turned me on to the Twilight Saga, but that's another story!

  5. The snaps are beautiful!!! Chockingly humid here in the Carolinas!!! So enjoy wearing those sweats!!

    My Granny would can everything that wasnt nailed down...She was just a country woman living in rural Eastern NC so they had huge gardens and canned all summer to hold them through the rest of the year... Nothing like capturing the REAL taste of the produce!!

    The broccoli salad recipe you posted has been made and is sitting in my frig as we speak...Of course, I sneaked a taste and Yummo!!

    As always, thanks for sharing your ideas, whether it be cooking, flickers or stitching!!!

    Enjoy your weekend, Faye

  6. Great fog photos, Edgar. I love San Francisco! Nancy D. in NY ps Watch your mail!

  7. Hi visitor to your blog...I recently added many more blogs to my reading list although it's hard to keep up with everyone. I love your header photo of all of your samplers - awesome! I don't know how you find time to can anything....I can barely get dinner together most of the time LOL. I'm sure it does give you a great sense of accomplishment though. We could use a little fog and humidity here in Phoenix....whew it's been like an oven here this week!

  8. I am in Massachusetts and the weather is in the low 100's to mid 90's and really humid! I am so envious of your weather. Really what's not to like about Trader Joe's. Flowers, great veggies and some different frozen things. :)

  9. Our California weather has sure been different this year, we are still getting "June Gloom" down here in SoCal and some days it never burns off and it's been staying in the 70 to low 80s for the most part. I know our heat is probably going to hit us like a brick next month though. Thank you for the broccoli salad you posted the other day, I can't wait to make some of that.

  10. I'm with Margaret's opinion that Autumn should come--but not winter, lol!

    Cool nights like that sound wonderful, Edgar. Beautiful pictures, too! Have a great weekend. :D

  11. Just to confirm what you are saying about canning, the dude taught himself. No one he--nor I--knew did it. (Funny--or perhaps, appropriately--the only home preservers I know are men!)

    Now he has successfully made mustard, marmalades, jams. He and my niece are taking on pickles this weekend. He's a fan of the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving.

  12. Love your photos of the foggy city. Makes me feel just a touch cooler in this hot weather. :)

    I don't put up much... Just jams. I do quince every year. heh Think I should do dilly beans as well this year though.

  13. Gorgeous pics! Thanks for sharing them with us! :)

  14. 50's and 60's --send some my way!! We hit 104 today (actual temperature, not heat index). I would love to find a great cherry preserve recipe!!!

  15. Great pics as always! I am so jealous- it was 103 here on Wednesday!! Ugh! Would take your temps any day. :)

  16. Great shots! We are finally getting some much needed rain here - although the heat seems to be here for the long haul!

  17. I always enjoy your SF pictures!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...