Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm a nut with no willpower!!!

Yesterday three other packages arrived for my Birthday - so after i got home I just couldn't resist any longer - I just tore right into the pile!!!! Lets start off with the first arrival - Elanor's package - as many of you know I sort of moderate the SBBC and my partner for this year was Elanor and she really out did herself - Out of about 50 participants I am the only person who knows who their partner is and the sender knows I know - so I think there is extra pressure - and this should be a no pressure thing - IMHO - so - here is a snap of the entire parcel -

and here is a close up of the lovely stitched bag -

It was so thoughtful and such a lovely gift!! Thank you so much Elanor!!

I also received a gifty from Carol S and here is a snap -

She made me a lovely floss tag - and included some floss bobbins - (which I have been needing for the longest time)Thank you so very much Carol!!!

I also got a package from Carol R and here is snap -

Another wonderfully finished floss tag, black sheep tape measure, a dragonfly scissor charm (already on the scissors that Elanor sent) and some lovely finishing ribbon and fabric!!
Thank you so much Carol!!!! -

These two ladies do such superior finishing and I am so lucky to have received both pieces!!!!

I also got a package from an old flame from my past - we have know each other almost 30 years - I am getting so old!! While she stays so young!! Dear sweet Nancy sent me -

The perfect candy!!! yes - you heard me!!! Only available in Daytona Beach at their two locations but ship-able all over the world!! I am not a chocolate fan - unless it is dark and bitter - but for Angell and Phelps I can even deal with the milk chocolate!!! This little confectionery company has been around for like 80 years and hand makes all of the stuff there in DB - Fla. I will probably make this box last a good three months - slowly eeking out half pieces here and there. I know how weird is he - but you gotta ask!!!! - I wonder is eeking even a word???

In the mad frenzy to open up all my packages I even got in some stitching
- here is a snap of VoHRH -

No too much but every stitch is one more to the finish!!

Yesterday I also heard from Judith that the SBEBB Halloween Exchange had arrived - here is a snap of the Pyn Keepe that I made and the package I sent to her -

I sent along with the Pyn Keepe, some charts from her wish-list,
some Altoids and spooky ghost Peeps - (not just for Easter anymore!!)

There you go - my birthday has started off with a bang!!
I will also be drawing for the gift-a-way tomorrow and
will announce on Monday the Birthday winner!!!

Have a great weekend!! The fire here in the Bay area is not the city burning down but the candles on my Birthday cake - so don't worry or believe and news reports!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. Edgar,

    You presents you recieved are lovely. And I am sure made with love.

    Take care and enjoy you birthday weekend :)
    P.S We cant see the smoke here in South Caolrina ;)

  2. Edgar, Happy Birthday!!!
    I hope you'll have a wonderful year!

    You are lucky one to receive such thoughtful gifts from friends!!

    I love your pyn keepe for Halloween Exchange!
    It's so beautiful!!

  3. Happy Birthday Edgar!!! And what a way to celebrate with all of those wonderful goodies in the mail! Have a terrific weekend :)

  4. Glad you liked your little gift Edgar - have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  5. Happy, happy birthday, Edgar! Wishing you a wonderful year!

    What great presents you have received so far. Looking forward to seeing more pictures on Monday!

  6. What great birthday presents!!!

    Enjoy :)

  7. Happy Birthday!! and you got some great gifts.

  8. You are so very welcome Edgar - and I am glad you opened it early ;-) Have a fantastic day tomorrow!

  9. Have a wonderful birthday, Edgar!

    Those are some lovely gifts!

  10. Happy Birthday Edgar, hope you have a great day! Lovely presents and exchange and VoHRH is looking superb.

  11. Happy Birthday...saw your link on another blog and thought I would take a look-see. Very cool! Check out my blog when you have chance...tootles from Steeler Country!

  12. Have a wonderful birthday Edgar, you have a lot of beautiful gifts there.

  13. Wow, that's some awesome birthday goodness come your way - beautiful gifts, all of them :) Love your exchange pinkeep too :)

    Have a wonderful birthday :)

  14. Have a great birthday!!!!!!

  15. celebrate you
    happy birthday to you

  16. Happy Birthday sure got lots of Goodies....Lucky you.....Enjoy your Birthday and I hope you have many more.

  17. Bloowing you a big kiss for your birthday, Edgar! :o What lovely gifts and exchanges you received! You were spoiled, weren't you?!! I need to learn how to make those taggies...hmmmm
    Hugs, Deb

  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Gorgeous gifts! Have a good one. xxxxxx

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EDGAR!!! I hope your having a fabulous day full of love, laughter, presents and cake!!


  20. Happy, HAPPY, Birthday Edgar! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  21. Hmm, I thought I smelled smoke wafting over from SF today! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Please don't do too many laps to the mailbox searching for the package from me. As usual I put things off too long and it will be late (if it ever gets done at all). No excuses, just Life moving too quickly for my fat old self to keep up.

  22. I hope that you're having a great birthday (the fantastic gifts will help, I'm sure...). Hugs!!! MJ

  23. Happy birthday, Edgar! And thank you for sharing all these pictures with us. It feels a little like a birthday to me as well, seeing all those beautiful gifts, both received and sent!

  24. Happy Birthday, Edgar. Have a wonderful year ahead.

  25. Happy Birthday Edgar! Hope you have a wonderful wonderful super terrific day!

  26. What a wonderful gifts you got! I bet you are SO happy having all the lovely friends who send you such a great presents on your special day.

  27. I hope you had a fabulous B'day!! With all the lovely gifts you received you sure had a wonderful head start. I truely hope the rest of the weekend went as well.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...