Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Little Breakfast

Gentle Freinds, after Mass we headed south of Market to a little neighborhood place called Rocco's...

 ... it's a place we've heard about from quite a few people but just started trying out recently... most places here in the City they have quite a few brunchy type specials....

.... it's a great neighborhood place and with so many things to look at on the walls...


I usually remember to take a snap when the plates hit the table but forgot this time and about half way through took my snaps....

... I had a short stack, eggs over easy and a side of Italian sausage...

... Rico had poached eggs (hard) on English muffin, grilled tomato, avocado and as always....

.... he ordered a side of french fries!!  These were especially good since they sprinkle some kind of seasoning on them and that makes them really good!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. My mouth is watering!



  2. Thanks for brunch, you two, I really enjoyed it...somehow I'm still hungry LOL.
    What a fun place for a Sunday brunch, and I drooled over both of your not get me started on the fries. I'm such a fry freak, my favorite meal is a dinner salad, steak fries on the side, and a slice of pie ala mode...throw in a diet coke with lots of ice and I'm one happy little camper.
    Love ya

  3. Dearest Edgar: Looks yummy, a friend has mentioned this place before on blogger.


  4. I miss that place! And of course, you and Mama!

  5. Looks wonderful, I think I need a trip to SF just to eat!!!!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...