Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Little Stitching

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I do thank you so much for all you kind thoughts.  All the cyber hugz make me all warm and fuzzy.  Since I didn't shave on my sick day it was a little on the extra fuzzy side!!  Or should that be scruffy side, when I'm not feeling good that kind of detail personal grooming falls to the wayside quickly - now don't get me wrong, I'm gonna take a shower  - and nothing short of a coma wold keep from one, but shaving, I can skip.

Last night I worked on the left side capital letters, and am just burning through my little skeins of WDW "Charcoal." I am really happy I acquired a couple more than the chart called for.  There was a question in the comments about the missing letter "I."  I am thinking that Lisa left it out on purpose as many older samplers where also missing the letter "I."  I think is was because the letters "J" and "I" where used interchangeably, but I could be wrong - it has been known to happen.  :)

There you go sports fans - a short one today.  Thanks again for stopping by and for all the super comments, I do appreciate them very much!!!

Take care,


  1. Happy to see you are recovered enough to enjoy your stitching.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better. Sometimes I wonder about how big of a thread miser the instructions expect a stitcher to be. I

  3. Glad to here you are recovering...don't overdo it.

  4. You do sound better! Keep up the good work - and don't worry about shaving, as we don't care!

  5. So glad you're feeling better today, Edgar!!

  6. Glad you're feeling better. I can skip the shaving when I don't feel well, too! ;-)

  7. So great you are feeling better :)

  8. There's nothing wrong with fuzzy. Glad you are feeling better.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...