Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Wrap Up

GR&DF I really enjoyed the comments about Mama Pidge and the Pidge-lettes.  On yesterdays "Doo" outing Lolly startled the Mama Pidge and she flew up - hovered a bit - and the flew immediately back down - but in those few seconds I could see a couple of sweet golden chicks nestled together.  I'll try to get a snap this weekend, but really they are just fluff in a nest.

Laxsr night consisted of trying to finish up some finishing, working on a giftie and stitching a bit on "Monthlies" - and not a snap in sight!!  I'll get a snap of a least the Monthly progress for Monday.  

Last night the flicker was "Murder by Death" - 1976 - starring - Eileen Brennan, Truman Capote, Peter Falk, James Coco, Alec Guinness, Elsa Lanchester, David Niven, Maggie Smith, Peter Sellars, Nancy Walker, James Cromwell and Richard Narita.  A great flick that I always enjoy - It is a spoof of Private Eye types from films and books.  If for no other reason than the stellar cast this is a movie to see that is fun and funny!!!

Don't forget to throw a comment at this POST if you want to be included in the "B" Word give-a-way.  Winner announced on Monday.

Thanks for stopping by and for your great comments!!!  Do come again!

Take care,


  1. Murder by Death was one of the first movies I watched after we started our Netflix late last year. Love it!

  2. Oh my goodness, I love that movie...I think it is waaaay better than "Clue" (which I love too)...and the ending is awesome. I am going to have to add that to my Netflix list! Peter Falk is hilarious. I loved Maggie Smith and David Niven; there aren't too many movies that showcase her talent for humor...although, she was terrific in "Ya-Ya Sisterhood", and Harry Potter sometimes gives a glimpse of her sacastic wit!

    Can't wait to see snaps of the pidggies and your WIPs. Have a great weekend!

    Happy Stitchin'

    Can't wait to see

  3. Can't wait to see the baby bird pictures.

  4. I had no idea that pidgeletts were gold. You would think that they would be on the grey-blue side.

    Have never seen "Murder by Death", but there are so many actors/actresses in it I really like. Maggie Smith I can watch all the time. Just love her and so glad she is still with us! So many of the good ones are disappearing!

  5. I have a soft spot for Murder by Death. I think Maggie took us one Saturday afternoon.

  6. After looking at all these comments about Murder By Death I think I need to see this one!

  7. Murder by Death is awesome!
    Just think, you can take pics of all your doings next week and give us all an extra treat. I especially like to see your finishing finished!

  8. Love Murder by Death! So, so funny! Have a nice, stitchy weekend.

  9. Love Murder by Death! We have the dvd. Maybe it's due for a rewatch this weekend.A double header with Foul Play sounds good! I have Despicable Me from Netflix so I want to see that too.Looking forward to a progress pic of the monthlies. Hugs from cold NY, Nancy

  10. I love that movie, I must track it down on DVD - thanks for the memories :)

  11. Watched Despicable was great. Love Murder by Death and anything Maggie Smith. She is on Downton Abbey (wonderful series) on PBS on Sunday nights (Toronto/ Buffalo) playing a crusty old matriarch...her sarcasm is clever in this one. Loving the chick watch!


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...