Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An 800th Drawing - and One Less Friend in the World

GR&DF I do thank you all for the kind comments about yesterdays post. I was so happy to read all your words regarding Garden Path - Even with the issues SD charts have, they are lots of fun - I guess the word I am searching for is quirky - although many of them are based in and on traditional x-stitching forms there is always a little surprise or difference in each one.

I never mind answering questions - the linen I am using is a piece of 36ct something - after I figured what size I would need I just dug around in the stash and found a piece. It was missing its label but not its beauty. I am thinking it is one of the dyed lovelies from PTP - but who really knows. It is stitching a dream and I love the colour. For the floss I shifted it all to various silks I had in my stash. The piece is only charted for DMC - so I pulled all of the recommended DMC cottons and then sort of matched them up with silks I already had - theses included Belle Soie (like butter soooo delicious!!), NPI and HDK. Although pink is far from a favorite colour of mine I kept in the pinks as I so liked the overall look of the finished piece in the photo. I may just save the grassy fill and the satin interior border for the plane trip in November.....

Mary asked about "onion packs." They are just a name we give foil wrapped veggies - the ones we made on Saturday Rico concocted and only had three ingredients - Summer squash, sliced white onion and some chopped garlic. Sealed up in foil they create their own juice and are super yummy without the guilt - I love that!!

Now for my 800th Post Drawing - all you need do is Comment on this Post only before Midnight on this Sunday - September 5, 2010. I will take all the names and throw them into the BoD (Bowl of Destiny) and then have the Hag Claw draw a lucky winner....... and what will the winner win you might ask...... It will be a two part win. The First part of the win will be -

This sweet Glass Frog for your scissors or you could even be more radical and actually use it for flowers! The second part will be a San Francisco treat - sooooo - in the comment you leave to enter you will have to tell me either what you would prefer "Dark" or "Milk" - if no choice is made then I will have to pick and you know what I like!! Hee Hee!! With that all said it is super easy to get entered, you need not live in the US, the drawing is open to everyone. It is just my way of saying thanks for reading and commenting for these past 800 posts!!


This morning I did get some sad news - which got me to thinking about friendships - we all have people in our lives that come and go and that are good or bad. They can be super friends for a few years and then drift on along and we loose touch or have infrequent connections through the year. I can count quite a few folks in my life that would fit this description. Through mutual friends I found out that I lost one such person from my life. Bringing to mind a favorite poem of mine......

The Bustle in the House

The Bustle in the house
The morning after death
Is solemnest of industries
Enacted upon earth, -

The Sweeping up the heart,
And putting love away
We shall not want to use again
Until Eternity.

Emily Dickinson

I especially like the line "putting love away" - like something you can reach for on a shelf. I just love her poems and have turned to them again and again throughout my life.

There you go sports fans, sorry to end on a low note. Do stop by again tomorrow.

Take care,


  1. Sorry for your loss, Edgar. A thing of beauty is a joy forever... (Keats).

    As for the draw, when you first mentioned 'SF treat' I immediately thought of Rice-a-roni!! :D (Yes, I watch way too much TV!) But since it's a choice of milk or dark, I guess it's something else entirely. ;) (I prefer dark.)

  2. So sorry to hear about your loss.

    I would love to be entered in your drawing for the flower frog. I've been searching for one with no luck. Oh, and "dark" of course!!

  3. So sorry Edgar for the loss of your friend. Many condolences. Did I spell that right? Yeah I think I did. I have been a longtime reader of your site but that post moved me to leave a comment.

    Milk all the way!
    Kellie Cales

  4. Awh, sorry to hear about your loss. :( *hugs*

    congrats on 800 posts. I prefer Dark. ;)

  5. Sorry for your loss. On a happier note, Congratulations on your 800th post. I may not comment often but I enjoy following your blog. You stitch beautiful things and I always enjoy your trips around SF.

  6. So sorry for your loss, Edgar. I just love that poem. Miss Emily certainly did have a way with saying everything just so.

    I'm mostly a blog stalker of yours, though I am an ardent one! I just wanted to say thank you for supporting my friend, Stephani, in her new business and blog venture at Harvest Moon Hollow. It really means a lot to her, and it's important for their family. Many thanks. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. And please put me in the Bowl O' Destiny! I like Dark. I also like RiceARoni, so if that's the treat...:)

  9. So sorry about your friend. I am sure he/she is dancing in heaven right now!

    Love reading your blog and wow! 800 already!! Thanks for offering this!

    Oh and its gotta be Dark!!

  10. Its always sad to lose someone. My thoughts are with you.

    Please do not enter my in the drawing. I just wanted to offer my condolences.


  11. Sorry for your loss Edgar.We had a death shocker this week too. Something about that makes one reflect of different parts of our life doesn't it? Love that poem by the way.

    I am thinking dark for the drawing. I hope I know what I am saying that too! LOL! After all , looks can be decieving!

    Have a great Sept. 1st!

  12. Emily Dickinson has a pithy way about her. So sorry to hear about your friend. Please enter me in your drawing and "milk" please.

  13. So sorry to hear your news. I had some yesterday as well - one of those friends that touches your life for awhile. She none the less left an impact and I as sad to hear of her passing.

    Of course I'd love the have my name thrown in the bowl of destiny! I do hate to pick favorites (especially when I like both dark and light) so ennie-meenie-miny-mo, I'll pick dark!

  14. So sorry for your loss Edgar. (((hugs)))
    I now have the rice-a-roni jingle stuck in my head. LOL I would love to enter your 800th post drawing and DARK or MILK. LOL i love both.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Edgar. The poem is beautiful.

    SF treat, huh? Dark all the way for me! lol! Thanks for the giveaway -- you're a sweetheart!

  16. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. You are right, we lose touch, time gets away....

    What a gorgeous flower frog! (Soon to be renamed 'scissor frog' by us stitchers!).
    Please enter me and I do like milk
    Your blog continues to entertain and delight...!

  17. So sorry hun about your loss;

    Please enter me in your drawing; Sept 5 would have been my dad's 75th birthday; I lost him 5 years ago, I've been looking for a flower frog and can't find one. I prefer dark. :)

  18. Loss of a friend empties a space in our hearts, I am happy you had this wonderful friend.

    Have been an admirer of your beautiful handwork for sometime but when you say choose milk or dark..well I have to respond.

    Milk please. :o)

  19. So sorry to hear about your friend Edgar. Sounds like sad news is going around. *hugs*

    Congrats on 800 posts! I will pass on your giveaway since I've been lucky with the frog and close to SF treats as well.

  20. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend - the older I get the more you think about the possibilities - In November I will be the same age as my Dad when he passed....scary thought!

    Please enter me in your drawing - I like milk!

  21. Sorry for your loss. Congrats on your 800th post. Please enter me in your drawing. I just filled my frog so I am in need of a new one. "Dark" please.

  22. It is always hard to loose a friend, my thoughts and prayers are with you. We never know when our time is up so it is a reminder to live life to the fullest and let the people you love know how you feel. Hold onto the memories of your friend, they can last a lifetime.

    Congrats on your 800 posts. Please enter me in the drawing, I prefer "milk" but love "dark" as well so either would be wonderful.

  23. Sorry to hear of the loss you suffered. Love is never really put away, just tucked under the surface.
    That being said..milk milk milk!

  24. So sorry about your loss Edgar. Miss Emily has helped heal many hearts.
    I would love to be included in your drawing. One can NEVER have enough scissor frogs!
    Dark, of pairs best with red wine, tee-hee ;)

  25. Sorry for your loss. It's always difficult to learn sad news such as that. (((hugs)))

    On the upside - Congrats on your 800 posts! What an incredible accomplishment!!!

    I would love an opportunity to enter your giveaway. And DARK...

  26. Love EM. Sorry for the loss of a friend.

    I like DARK, the San Francisco treat!

    Mary in TN

  27. So sorry for your loss Edgar. The poem is lovely...thanks. And 800's a milestone for sure. I love reading your blog and especially love the pics you take around 'chilly' SF. It's so hot, hot, hot in Florida but when you arrive in November, I'm sure the weather will be delightful!!

    and...I prefer dark! Happy week!!

  28. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Congrats on your wonderful blog..great reading while I eat my dark chocolate! On a sadder note, I am very sorry foryour loss. Beth N. (

  29. So sorry about your loss, Edgar.

    Congrats on 800 posts!!
    I'd have the flower frog to put my collection of scissors. In Barcelona it is difficult to find one of these.
    Please enter me in your draw to try my luck!
    Do you want to participate in my draw?

  30. I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you peace during your mourning.

    On a happier note, Congrats on 800 posts. WOW! I would love to be entered in your drawing.

  31. A glass frog! How could I resist trying my luck, I always dreamed of one :) And - "milk" is my word!!
    BTW, your blog top photo is just fabulous.

  32. Sorry to hear about your loss.

    I do love Emily Dickenson... so wonderful.

    I'd love to be put into the BoD. I have been keeping my eye out for a frog for awhile, haven't found one.

    As for Dark or Milk... there can be only Dark.

  33. your Blog looks so pretty with the fall theme - very nice.
    Can you add my name to the drawing and I like 'dark' thanks so much..

    pick me please... LOL

  34. Sorry to hear about your friend; thanks for sharing the poem; I hadn't heard that one. :)

    As for the giveaway, please include me for an entry with a choice of "Dark". :D :D :D

    However, if I win I'd like to pass on the frog as they just don't really "float my boat or set my sail", and I know everyone else is just batty for them!

  35. Emily Dickinson is one of my favorite poets, too. She had such amazing realizations.

    Congatulations on the 800th post. Please enter me in the drawing and MILK chocolate it's gotta be!

  36. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend...

  37. Your poem really hit home Edgar as this year we have lost so many great people . People who were passing friends and one that was my daughters physio for 13 yrs who was her biggest fan and we have so many things we would like to share with her but she has passed. I am sorry for YOUR loss though. Thank you for sharing the poem.
    I would love to win the flower frog. I also prefer milk.
    all the best

  38. Hugs Edgar - so sorry that you've lost a friend.

    Thank you for the chance to enter your draw - I would love my name to be drawn from the 'bowl of destiny' - and I'm a milk girl.
    Love the flower frog - I have a small side collection of flower frogs and have recently dragged them out to use as stitching accessories rather than languishing in the cupboard.

  39. Sorry for your loss, Edgar. That's a beautiful poem.

    I would love to be entered in your drawing. Milk for me! Congratulations on 800 posts- I've enjoyed every one! Hugs, Nancy D.

  40. I'm sorry for your loss Edgar (((HUGS)))

    Please don't enter me for your draw

  41. Sorry for your lose, Edgar. I love the poem. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Dark is good for me.

  42. Congrats on your 8ooth post! I would love to be included in your Draw. I prefer "Dark".

    Sorry to hear of your loss.


  43. I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

    Please throw me in the Bowl of Destiny for that gorgeous frog and you know it it's dark for me!

  44. Hi again Edgar! So sorry to hear of your sadness. Hugs coming your way! I know, I know what the treat is... MY FAVE!! starts with an 's' and ends with an 's'... Oh how I miss that!! Milk is my preference. And I have tried to find a frog to no avail of late, so winning that would be wonderful too! Congrats on the 800 mark! Gosh, I have quite a ways to go to get there!!

  45. A loss leaves such a void in our heart!

    Love the poem!

    Dark please!

  46. I am sorry for your loss Edgar.

    As for your wonderful drawing I would have to say either LOL

  47. So sorry for your loss, Edgar. Gone from this Earth, forever in our hearts.

    Congratuations on your 800! Me likes Dark - better than milk...although milk does in a pinch too :-)

  48. Any loss takes a little piece of your heart. May the memories fill that space. My sympathies.

    I would love to be entered in your drawing. And milk, milk, milk!

    Mary Warman

  49. Sorry that you lost a friend, but you will always have your memories.

    Congratulations of your 800th post, an incredible milestone! You know I want my name in the BOD. I definitely a dark lover.

  50. Hi Edgar, that's sad news about your friend. I know what you mean tho....people who come and go from our lives, yet at the time....they were a very important part of our life. I've had many of them. Congrats on 800 posts! I'd love to win something milky, lol! Love your stitching progress,of course, it's red house! Have a good day!

  51. 800 posts - what an accomplishment and a drawing too! I love both milk and dark - make mine a surprise!

    Sad to hear of your loss

  52. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Thank you for the poem.

    I love seeing your pictures of the farmers market and around the City. I would like to be entered for your drawing. I pick dark.

    Your sampler stitching inspired me to find two small ones to try. Your work is so beautiful.

  53. Dear Edgar,
    Si sorry to hear of the loss of a friend of yours. Sounds like you are handling it well.

    I love reading your blog. You always have such interesting thing to right about. I always picture you along with the traditional things of the San Fransico area. I was out there back in the late 80's to visit a friend. One of those that come and go in your life. Needles to say, I had a great time and many memories that I still treasure.
    I sure hope that your surprise for the giveaway is some chocolate and not Rice-a-roni. If I am the luck survior of the bowl of destiny (love that term) send me either. I never meet a chocolate that I didn't like.
    Congrats on your 800th post. Looks like the competition is going to be tough.

  54. Sorry to hear your sad news.
    I don´t often comment (though I did when lots of post about the squabs - is that the right word) but I do read your entertaining bloggings. Milk for me :)
    BTW - Congratulations on 800 posts :)

  55. I was Emily Dickinson in a play years ago!Anyway...I am sorry for your friend. Yes people come and go in our lives but still it is sad to hear they are gone for ever!
    I would love to take part in your 800th post drawing!And I am definitely for dark!
    Ariadne from Greece!

  56. I dont comment often but I love reading your blog.

    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend!

    Please enter me in the drawing...I like Milk. Congrats on 800!!

  57. So sorry to hear about your loss.
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway.If by chance I win surprise me.Thanks so much.

  58. Congrats on 800 posts I know I really enjoy reading your blog and love the pictures of your market trips too.
    I am a milk C. kind of girl but I did enjoy those mint candies I got the time I won your drawing, and I have the post card you included in a frame.

  59. I've never read that poem, Edgar, but it brought tears to my eyes and I'm filing it away for future reference. I'm so very sorry for your loss...

    800 posts is such an achievement--I won't make that number for another 15 years at the slow pace that I post!

  60. Edgar, what a beautiful poem. Sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing that.

    AND DANG! You are brilliant. A glass frog to put scissors in! I have all the gingher designer scissors and for years have been trying to figure out how to display them 'properly'. YOU ARE BRILLIANT!!! I am now on a quest. Yes, please put my name in. Thank you so much.

  61. Edgar, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never to lose someone dear even if they just passed quickly thru your life.
    I'm also a stalker of you and your delightful blog. Your's is always the first one I look at when I log onto blogland because I love your funny posts, great photos, wonderful garage sale finds and best of all, your stitching. I'd be honored to be included in your drawing from the Bowl of Destiny.
    I took the liberty of stealing one of your ideas on letting the who-hounds pick winners and our little cat picked our vacation plans for later this month.
    Oh and BTW, I like milk chocolate

  62. So sorry for your loss.

    As for your draw...firstly congrats on 800 posts...what an accomplishment...definately dark!

  63. Dear Edgar,

    My sincere condolences on the passing of your friend.

    My thoughts about "SF treat" were the same as Kristen's. After reading further and seeing milk or dark, I pray that it's along the lines of Ghirardelli, rather than Rice-A-Roni! My choice would be dark, dark, dark, and I would love to be enterd in your drawing.

  64. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost a friend Edgar. I hope you are left with fond memories.

    I would love to be entered into your drawing, and I prefer milk.

    Take care.

  65. Gosh, I can't even imagine 800 posts! Congratulations on this achievement.

    I'm very sorry for your loss. I do consider you a dear friend who I visit each day, even though we have never met. And my vote would have to be for dark!

  66. Edgar, sorry that you have lost a friend - it is such a sad time in ones life.

    I am excited that we will meet on Saturday - so looking forward to it.

    As to the drawing - count me in.

    I collect 'frogs' so I love them. I also love 'milk'!!!

    Congratulations on your 800th post.


  67. Thank you Edgar for offering a give-away in celebration of your 80oth post! Dark is my choice.

  68. Sorry for your loss.

    I really liked your "Garden Path" on your last post. I will be watching to see it finished.

    Congratulations on your 800th post. I like dark best.

  69. Hi Edgar,
    I love reading your blog and reading about CA as I am orginally from the San Francisco area.
    I am very sorry for your loss.
    The frog is lovely and dark of course - as it is healthier. :<) Have a peace filled evening,

  70. So sorry to hear about your loss.

    Congrats on 800 posts! I'd love to be included in your drawing. And let's go with "dark".

  71. Dear Edgar. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend. Isn't it amazing the footprints our friends leave in our hearts.
    The drawing - please enter me.
    The chocolate - Milk.

  72. I am so sorry for your loss. The line about putting love away just about did me in. Anyone who has ever lost someone understands that line all too well.
    I'd love to be entered into your generous give-a-way and for my taste, milk is the way to go!!
    (the rice-a-roni comments crack me up 'cause that's where my mind went first, as well. Maybe I'm not quite as weird as I think I am, afterall! :)

  73. 800 posts!!! Congratulations. Enjoy three days off and remember the big EGA meeting is next week. Hugs!

  74. So sorry to hear news of your loss.
    Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way.

    Thank you kindly for the fab frog draw and Congratulations on another bloggy milestone! Looking forward to the next 800!

    Dark? Milk? Dark! Milk!
    Oh, you pick please :)

  75. Let me whisper a little something to 'the claw' (ssppp - I love dark). Please slip my entry into the BoD.

    Sorry for your loss, Edgar. Puppy kisses and hugs from Pixie and me.

  76. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss Edgar. I too lost an old work colleague from back home not long ago ... it certainly makes you treasure the friends that you have, and get in contact with people who were a big influence in your life (I just made an effort to contact a friend from 20 years ago, yikes!). These things definitely remind you to take take out to smell the roses and appreciate every day!

  77. oh Edgar.. I am bad about reading my blogs lately and I just saw this post. I am so sorry about your friend. I can relate as since I moved to NC I had two dear friends pass back in the St. Louis area, and I didn't even find out til long after they were gone, because we had lost touch. A hard lesson to be learned- to show the ones we love, that we love them while we can! ((((HUGS)))) to you a bit late.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...