Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A little Stash and a crappy flick!!

GR&DF thank you for the nice comments about TiTD Sampler. It was a great sampler to stitch up and now with Hetty starting I can still enjoy stitching on a sampler. I think that samplers are such fun things - and I have a ton of them in the stash binders. Yesterday the mail brought some fun things - Here is a snap -

I was so happy to get them, not that I needed a single thing extra to stitch!! The Swan Pond Sampler I saw mentioned on another Blog (I can not remember where) and immediately called up Dixie Darlin and got me a copy. Of the new BBBD releases this one I knew I needed along with the La-D-Da piece. The two Tree of Life Samplings pieces are just great. Even with the bit of controversy over the second wording on the second piece.... I just love them both!! I know that there is a third release coming soon and I can't wait.

I did have a question about the linen I used - I think Gaynor was asking about the Meadowlark and where I got it - That linen came from Needle in a Haystack, and the Fog from Picture this Plus not Silkwevers came directly from PTP. You can call NiaH directly and if it is stock they can send you some as they are very helpful.

The flickers I have been watching are still Upstairs Downstairs and am wrapping up the Third Season in the next day or so and really enjoying rewatching them all. I did want to mention a flicker we tried to watch over the weekend. It was the remake of "The Women" 2008 - it was on HBO and so Rico wanted to give it a try...... after about 18 mins we turned it off - the poor acting, mis casting and just all around suck picture was more than we could stand. What ever possessed them to remake this film, after the complete catastrophe of a poor remake - "The Opposite Sex" - 1956 - is just beyond my comprehension. The Opposite Sex is not good, but fun and no where as bad the this newest version!!! We popped the DVD in of the far superior version of 1939 and thoroughly enjoyed that!! Do not even waste you time with the 2008 Women!!

Stitching on an exchange so no snaps!!

Thank you all for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. AAAACCCCKKKKK!!!! Thank you for the heads up on "The Women"! I taped both versions back to back and was going to watch them this weekend, but I'll save myself two hours and only watch the original!

    Wonderful stash enhancement!

  2. Lots of great stash you recieved. Can't wait to see them stitched up!

  3. Since Needle in a Haystack is your LNS, I'll just second your plug. Even though they ship to me across the country, I like getting fabric from them because they have so much in stock and they serge the edges! You had to watch 18 minutes of The Women (2008) to know it sucked? I guess all those years of living in LA have given me a sixth sense about movies! 8^)

  4. Edgar, I saw the latest "The Women" and watched the whole thing. Very disappointing, though I very much enjoyed the interiors. I DO like seeing how the "other half" lives! Looks like you're going to have some fun stitching ahead of you.

  5. Yeah, I've been doing a bit of shopping around online for BOF stuff, and NiaH seems to be one of the sites that mentions it most prominently online. I feel that most xstitch online shops/sites really leave something to be desired. Maybe it's something to do with the cottage-industry factor. Or is it just that I've been shopping with Amazon too long?

  6. What lovely new lovelies you have there Edgar!

  7. Enjoy your new stash! Looks like lots of fun stitching moments ahead.

  8. Great new stash! :)

    Too bad your movie wasn't very good, but alas I suppose they can't all be amazing.

  9. Can I just say I envy you your LNS, NiaH. I have loved ordering from them, they are so helpful!

    Love your new stash!

  10. Lovely post, Edgar. Sorry you ended up watching 18 whole minutes of a crappy movie.
    I do love your new stash. You have good taste, my friend :o)

  11. Oh Edgar, I couldn't agree more with you on how truly BAD the remake of THE WOMEN is!!! I sat through the entire thing only because I still had some popcorn and a diet Coke to keep me occupied.

    Not one "Mother Dear" in the entire flick!!! What they did to that film should be OUTLAWED!!


  12. Love all that stash! I may have to try to find that Swan Pond Sampler -- it's wonderful! And I'm regretting not getting that La D Da chart now, may have to get that one as well! Thanks for the heads up on that movie. I'll know now to steer clear!

  13. Hi, Edgar, dear. Just wanted you to know EoL Sampler got here a couple of days ago entact. :] Love your new stash... anything good for our next RR? LOL

  14. I own the original version of The Women with Norma Shearer and I just love it!! I did not even bother with the new version because I didn't care for the cast and I knew it could not hold a candle to the original :)

  15. Love your new stash!! I bought Swan Pond from Dixie Darlin' while we were on vacation earlier this month. I saw the model in the shop, and it is amazing. Much, much prettier than the photo on the chart. The photo on the chart not only cuts off a good portion of the bottom, but in no way does the design justice. Love your blog. Your TitD finish is amazing! :)

  16. Totally agree about "The Women" even though I only saw previews of the remake. Somehow I don't think the subject matter is as effective in the 21st Century.
    Would you consider renting out your "Upstairs-Downstairs" collection? TV sucks lately. I've even given up on America's Next Top Model and One Tree Hill.

  17. Love the new stash, all yummy charts! I saw Swan Pond on Glenna's blog (& maybe Kellie's too) and said to self 'maybe just once more?' Have fun stitching them up!

  18. Looks like some great stash, Edgar!:) Thanks for your purchase, as always!

  19. Que du bonheur ces broderies! Une préférence pour la DDA!

  20. Lovely stash! Don't you just love the enablers who share their stitched designs? Make it so much more tempting for me!!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...