Friday, October 9, 2009

Winding down the week

GR&DF the week has ended and I am feeling at about 90% today - that percentage is up from last night as all the coughing I was doing dropped in to around 10% - I am sure that Rico enjoyed every hack, huck and choke from that fun fest!! I am thinking it was probably the tail end of the little cold I had. All day yesterday I could feel the raspiness in my upper chest when I took a breath - but that has mostly dissipated and this morning it is only the occasional hack and choke.

There was not much stitchity stuff last night - I got together and finished up for mailing this morning both the "Birthday Give-away" and the HOE "Hallowe'en Exchange." That is two more off my list. I put a couple of silk stands into Sail Away, but mostly worked on another upcoming exchange piece and then went to bed early.

The flicker for the evening was last part of the multi part Duchess of Duke Street - I have once again savoured that morsel and will put it away for a couple of years to enjoy again later. I think now I will haul out "I, Claudius" - 1977. I love rewatching superior things on the tube. It is the same with books - I love to reread things and have a short list of rereadable books. One I just finished for the 16th or so time is "And Ladies of the Club" by Helen Hooven Santmyer, 1982. A gigantic piece of wonderfulness I would highly recommend.

There you go sports fans a short one today!!
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Have a great weekend.

Take care,


  1. I'm glad that you are feeling better! The more rest you can get the better you will feel I'm sure.Hope you have a super weekend!

  2. So glad that you are feeling a bit better today and hope that it just continues and you are at 110% very soon! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hope you feel better soon!
    I LOVE Ladies in the Club! I have read those 1200 pages probably a dozen times! It's a wonderful book! I read books I love over and over too......and movies too...I am a history buff so its usually all the civil war movies and WW2 movies!

  4. Glad you are still on the mend Edgar. I think it sounds like you need a relaxing stitchy weekend to complete your recovery :-)

  5. Glad you are feeling better! Take it easy this weekend and I'm sure you'll be 100 % by Monday. :)

  6. Glad you're feeling better! Gosh, you're bringing back memories. I loved I Claudius and "And Ladies of the Club!" Oh my goodness!

  7. Glad to hear you're feeling better, those little colds can sure take a round out of you! Have a fantastic weekend

  8. glad to know you are feeling better.

    Ooooh, I Claudius. I love that one. Such fun.

    Me thinks I may have to watch that one again now. hmmmmm

  9. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Hopefully you can get some rest this weekend and get back to 100%!

    Take care!

  10. Hey Edgar! Sounds like you have had the same things that's going around here. Glad to hear you are on the mend. A few more of those truffles, some tea and one or two more epic movies and you should be completely recovered!

  11. Wishing you and yours a wonderul weekend full of love and laughter.


  12. Good to hear you are feeling better. Have a super weekend!

  13. Hi edgar; I've been reading your blog for a while, but don't often leave comments as I read through Google Reader :).

    And Ladies of the Club is on my list of re-readable books as well.. and I wanted to thank you for your movie suggestions.. I've added several titles to my Netflix list based on your recommendations.

    I'm glad you're feeling better!



A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...