Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Midweek Movie Talk

GR&DF we are once again on the pinnacle of the week looking forward to the weekend!! No too much going on - we still have our house guest and she leaves at the "crack of jack " on Friday and then no more guests for a while.

There have been a few flickers that I wanted to mention - starting with last nights feature - "Year of the Dog" - 2007 - starring Molly Shannon, Laura Dern and Regina King. This was not a typical movie for me by any stretch of the imagination, but I found it quite charming in a disarming kind of way. The story revolves around Peggy (the Molly Shannon character) and the passing of her pet beagle, Pencil. It is her journey through the aftermath of this that brings her around to her finding her bliss in life. It is a film that is not for everyone and is quite odd at times. I specifically got it because I am enjoying Molly and the interesting parts she has been choosing over the past few years. Often she plays very small roles, but in YotD she carries the entire film, and does a rather good job of it.

Another DVD I got from NetFlix was the Season One, Disc One - of the Showtime "The Tudors" - 2007 - this has been recommended to me over and over again by so many people I just can't count them all. I popped the disc in and was expecting something wonderful and found something less than good. I guess if you dress up history in a sexy soap opera type setting and bodice ripping scenes then you have Showtime's "The Tudors" - I found this so hard to watch that I could only get through the first episode - feeling that if the rest of them where like this, and they probably where, I certainly wasn't going to waste the time. It seems to be a popular show and bravo for that, but for me it needs to be a little closer to historical fact than just a nod in that direction.

There was another bodice ripper DVD I received called "Frenchman's Creek" - 1998 - a BBC Masterpiece Theater version of Daphne Du Maurier's book. I should have know better but silly me I ordered it and then actually tried to watch it. Again a romantic silliness that was very predictable and highly fictionalized love story of a rich, but lonely wife and a evil, but big hearted pirate thrown together on the wind blown Cornish Coast. You can fill in the rest of the story.

A shortish post today as there is really not much else to talk about.
Do stop by again!!

Take care,


  1. I have to agree with your take on The Tudors. I just couldn't watch it. My bit of knowledge about that time just kept jumping up and down screaming!

  2. I cannot stand the Tudors: Nice to see I am not alon ;-)

  3. Sounds like I need to look into Year of The Dog. From what you wrote I might like this one. I agree with your take of The Tudors. I couldn't get into it either.

  4. I just love Molly Shannon. She is so funny.I haven't seen that movie yet though. I don't care for The Tudors either. I do like a lot of stuff from the BBC though.

  5. I am so glad you (and others!) agree with me on the Tudors. It's just ridiculous. My husband watches it and when I complain always says "It's historical!"- um yeah.. that's why he's watching it.. mmm hmmm..

  6. I tried watching The Tudors also and found it very boring. The same goes for Gosford Park.

  7. Juste un petit coucou de Belgique en passant....

  8. I had the same impression of the Tudors -- nice to have you confirm my suspicions of it. :D And the Frenchman's Creek -- that's interesting to hear as well. I've heard it's a good book though. I'd like to read the book if not watch the DVD.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...