Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Christmas Ornament Arrives

GR&DF thank you all so much for the wonderful heartwarming comments. They do make my morning!! I am sorry not to have posted yesterday but I didn't get in until after 8am and was just so behind I didn't even get to open sweet Blog all day much less post anything. The reason I was so late is I had to stop off at the lab at Davies (a hospital) to have some vampire drain three tubes of blood and.... putting it delicately - "wet in the well" (an expression of my Dads) or I should say "cup" - I have physical coming up next week and this has to be done a week in advance so that the Dr. has something to look at. So I guess it was a good thing I had a really long post the day before.

Talking about Blogs.... recently I have been seeing and reading more frequently on different boards and places about blogging - and there are both positive and negative reactions out there - but I am just amazed at those that do not care for blogging or think it silly or presumptuous of the writer to write a blog - I so enjoy Blogging and treat this space as a sort of ongoing life diary. I enjoy meeting new Friends through this space and doing all the exchanges we all do - and seeing the stitching we are all working hard on - It is amazing how many people are such downers out there!!! My answer for those people is.... if you don't like them then don't read them - and don't rip on those that enjoy them!!!

I think I will just move on to a nicer topic - Yesterday when I finally got in - On my desk was a package from Shay. She was my partner in the Christmas Ornament Swap. When I opened up the package I was just blown away - here is a snap -

This stitched over one lovely is just beautiful. The linen Shay used glistens and is shiny gold but you can''t really tell in the snap. You all know how the Noah Bible Story is a favorite of mine and she has not only included him but some of my favorite animals - red birds, sheep, deer AND a Quakery swan - It is simple beautiful - Thank you so much Shay!!!

I did want to mention how much your positive comments meant to me about the Quaker RR framing I did. The frame I found on Saturday - as you know - at a house sale. I am always on the look out for antique or older frames. It is amazing where you can find them - in piles in the garage in boxes or just piled in a corner - or like this one just hanging on the wall. I just walked over and snatched it off its hook paid the lady at the front and was on my way..... as most of the estate had been pretty well picked over or what was left was lovely but way out of my price range. I didn't have a clue it would fit anything I had in the TBF (to be framed) pile when I bought it. Even when I got home and cleaned it up a bit with some wax and Windex I still did not think it would fit anything. As it sat there I got to thinking about what pieces I had and thought I should just try the Quaker piece et viola it fit! I do buy frames just because they a pretty or think at some date I might have something to fit - right now I do have a few frames that are sitting in the closet waiting for pieces to be stitched for them.

I think that's about it for today Sports Fans!!
Thank you again for stopping by and your great comments!!

Take care,


  1. I wondered where you were yesterday! I know you don't know me from Adam but I love reading your blog. :) You know if I don't see a frame empty I don't think about putting something new in it- I need to change that. I did pick up a frame several years ago at a yard sale and have just now found something I want to put in it though, so it's good to pick those up when you find them.
    Gorgeous ornament! Where do you find these exchanges, RRs, etc? Do you belong to groups or what? Just curious..
    Hope you have a great day! :)

  2. It never fails to amaze me what people will complain about. :-) I love your Jim Shore photo in your last blog post. I LOVE his stuff and he came out with a pug not too long ago that has my name all over it. Now if he would do a Halloween pug the world would be perfect. :-)

  3. No wonder you were blown away - the Christmas ornament stocking is gorgeous!

    I agree with you about blogging Edgar. I find it a fun way to do a journal, plus without any stitching friends anywhere near me, I find it a way to make some new friends plus the stitching of others is always so inspirational. How could anyone complain about that?

  4. I agree Edgar, mamma always said, "If you don't have anything nice to say....just keep your trap shut!" lol
    I love your blog too! Tracey asked about exchanges, I am trying to get people over to
    to start a new one so we can exchange for Christmas. And on My Nifty Needle I have a poll up asking if anyone wants to exchange new patterns from our wish lists. It all just depends on people responding.
    Keep writing Edgar, we all love it!!

  5. Oooh, cute ornament! Haven't seen that design before.

    In the past, my stitching mojo has ebbed and flowed. I'd stop stitching for a year or more, for whatever reason. Since I've started reading stitchy blogs, my mojo has been strong and steady. It's inspiring to see what other stitchers are working on, though I have to say it can also be very expensive. My wishlist is embarrassingly long, crammed with projects I've seen around the blogosphere. But I'm having fun!

    No one is being forced to read - or write - so I don't know what all the fuss is about.

  6. WOW!! What an amazing ornament. It is gorgeous. Lucky you!

    I agree about blogging. Like Nancy, I don't have any local stitching friends and am so blessed with the friends I've made online. Blogging has deepened the friendships I've had with other bloggers and I've met many other wonderful people, too. If people don't want to read, that is their choice!

  7. I have a friend who doesn't see the point of blogging. Whatever! I enjoy it! I love that exchange piece -- so beautiful! Is it a pattern or did she take from various designs? Wonderful! You are so great to be finding old frames and framing yourself. I have yet to dare to try framing.

  8. Hello dear Edgar!
    You would have been really frustrated yesterday trying a post as Blogger was down at the time you usually make your post.I was really aggrivated and so was DH.Anyway,you saved yourself some frustration yesterday by not posting! Lovely ornament! I can't see those small stitches when stitchng over one and I envy those who can.Noah's ark is a favorite of mine also.I know what you mean about blogging is a like a diary.It has become an addiction! I will be forever grateful to you for your help and encouragement in getting started.Yours has ment the most ( course everyone else is great too!) Have a wonderful day!

  9. I'm glad your back! A day without your blog is like a day without sunshine :) I agree...if someone doesn't like blogging then don't read it...DUH!!! I've been thinking seriously of starting a blog but I'm not sure how to set it up. I'm sure it can't be too difficult. I haven't done any "research" to see how it's done. I do have a Facebook account, but I don't really enjoy it as much as the blogs.

    What a gorgeous stocking you received! Lucky you! I bet you have a lot of ornaments for your Christmas tree. I'm anxious to see your Christmas snaps this year :)

  10. Lovely ornie. I've not seen that one before.

    I like blogging, the little I do, and I love reading others blogs. They keep me inspired. The ability to see so many things that others are working on is just fantastic. Those that don't like it.... can.... well, I'll be nice.... they can just.... not read them!

  11. Hi Edgar, I LOVE reading blogs . I have received so much inspiration from reading blogs. I don't always leave a comment unless I am particularly touched by something. I am still trying to build up the courage to start a blog myself. Your work is absolutely beautiful.

  12. The Christmas ornament you received is absolutely beautiful!

    I have to agree with you on blogging...I enjoy doing this to keep track of what is going on in my life, and consider it to be a public journal. If anyone else chooses to read it, that's okay. I know I love to look back at my stitching progress (or sometimes lack thereof) and also to see the other things that were going on at a particular time.

  13. I haven't seen anyone dogging us bloggers, but agree with you - if they don't like blogs they don't need to read them.

    I find blogging a nice way of keeping a diary, connecting with other people and joining exchanges and RRs.

    Love your new ornament!

    Have a great weekend.

  14. The ornament from Shay is gorgeous, did she happen to say who the designer was? I am so pleased that people do have to time to write a blog, otherwise what would I read in the mornings?

  15. What a beautiful Christmas ornament - you are so lucky to receive such a treasure!

    I also agree with you about the blogging. I have only started blogging recently and I have already made wonderful stitching friends! I always look forward to seeing what everyone in blog-land is up to :)

    Have a great weekend!

  16. What a lovely stocking and so beautifully finished.
    I checked out your blog about your Quaker. That frame was made just for your Quaker. It is gorgeous in the frame.
    And your photos of your weekend travels about SF are just so wonderful. Makes me want to jump a plane and visit your beautiful city again!

  17. Great PS exchange piece you received!

    I don't understand why some people have such a negative opinion about blogging. I guess I just have to chalk it up to the fact that they must not be very friendly people.

  18. Yea for you, Edgar! I totally agree with you about blogging! I enjoy it so much and just love all the wonderful friends I have made through it!

    The Christmas stocking is wonderful!!

  19. The stocking is gorgeous. I agree about the blogging. I LOVE blogging! I don't understand those who don't but that is there choice. But as you said, stay away and don't get on those of us who do enjoy it!

  20. Do you know where Shay got the pattern from for the Noak Stocking ornament? I love it too. I love alot of the things I am seeing on your blog. What fun!!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...