Monday, December 29, 2014

A Little "Monthly" stitchin'

Gentle Friends, over the last few days off...... and away from the daily grind.... I did precious little stithcin'.  I did just enjoy being a big ole lump - knocking back the egg"nog", popping the pfeffernusses' and munchin' on lebkuchen. I thoroughly embrace Germanic baking traditions I didn't grow up with.......
......... and let me tell you it was great fun!!

The little stitching I did get done was a bit on the Monthly Animals Sampler.  For some reason that kitty cat in the January took forever and now I'm on to February.........  I'm leaving the long stitch whiskers to the end.

.... as you might remember I am using my own conversion to WDW and not the charted DMC.  I am trying to stay within the colour groups charted, but when I can't I choose something I like.

That's about it for today sports fans (or tonight) thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. I love the colors you are choosing. That's going to be a great design with all the animals!

  2. Sweet stitching! So nice to have some down time filled with holiday goodies.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Your little kitty is so cute. Sometimes it is the small motifs that seem to take the longest time.

  4. Looking forward to seeing more of this sampler!

  5. Love these designs -- I'm going to enjoy watching your progress on this one!

  6. Lebkuchen are quite addictive!
    Loving the sampler.

  7. I'm glad you are enjoying your days off. I know I am as well. Your new start looks good.

  8. Love your new start Edgar. What is the name of the design and designer?


  9. Love your new stitch, Edgar! I'm starting to love these little monthly patterns. Happy, healthy New Year to you and yours:)

  10. January cat looks great, I often leave specialty stitches until the end. I know what you mean about being off schedule with stitching, I haven't stitch since mid Dec and am finding it hard to get back . Normally I am up in the library ( book room to grand children) listening to a book and stitching by noon until time to make dinner. Hope 2015 finds you both Happy and Healthy, Happy New Year!

  11. I love your version of Niky's design!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...