Monday, June 9, 2014

Just Outa da Hoop

Gentle Friends I finally finished up the Colonial Gathering pieces and it will be in the mail off for finishing this morning.  I am not sure why, but for some reason these particular pieces were just so long in stitching and it seemed I had problem after problem........  first, I had dog vs chart problems - after I got another chart I couldn't get the gumption up to even begin stitching  - then after I got going it seemed that the white stitching would never end - then when I wanted to get going on the fob part I had a problem finding my smallest hoop  - it was not with the others and I had to tear through pile after pile of stash and stuff eventually locating it in one of my silk stash bags - how it got there I'll never know..... so .......  here tis......

 ...  I have it on the backing fabric....  I am sure that Faye will work her usual miracle and they'll turn out just darling like the cover snap.  I also worked a bit on SMS, I'll show a snap of that tomorrow.

That's about it for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Super duper... will await the finishing, nice backing fabric choice.

  2. Great finish, I like the strawberries. I am sure Faye will do a super job....some pieces just are problems from the start. Thus making the finish so much sweeter. I am working on E Rosenstand's Silhouette, basically black. You would think one color no problem....but hard to follow a one color pattern. But I plod on... frogging all the way.

  3. So beautiful. I can see why the extensive white on the house would be taxing. Glad you worked through it.

  4. Some stitching pieces are just like that, but your end result certainly is beautiful! I love your backing fabric and look forward to seeing the finish!

  5. Worth all the bumps in the road! I love this. With large houses it does seem never ending. But those berries are the berries!

  6. I like that backing fabric. You really are an amazing stitcher Edgar, you accomplish a lot! I look forward to seeing these finished.

  7. Well worth the effort! Beautiful!!

  8. Looks awesome, Edgar! Love the strawberry design. The fabric looks like a perfect compliment!

  9. Beautiful Edgar! I think I might have to join this one next year if they have it.

  10. Glad to hear someone else thought there was endless stitching on the big old white house.

    Was glad to finish the house and move on to other colors in the design.

  11. That is so pretty. I especially like the big strawberries!

  12. It is a beautiful piece; your stitching is very nice! It's Faye just a dream with her finishing talent. So glad you made it to the finish line. ;)

  13. Edgar, it is just beautiful! You did a fabulous job. It will be fun to see it again once Faye works her magic. Wanda

  14. They look great! I need to get mine finish finished too.

  15. Beautiful. I love all designs with strawberries in them. They will be delightful all made up. x

  16. Very nice work, as usual! Love that backing fabric. I see a little c.1850 dress for one of my dolls outta that stuff!!

  17. My stitching supplies seem to migrate too. Found one thing I was looking for in the night stand in the guest room - no idea how it got there! Very nice choice for the backing fabric.

  18. Colonial Gathering is a beautiful design and you did a great job stitching it. I look forward to seeing the finish piece.
    You don't want to be around me when I can't locate something ~ Seriously, it drives me NUTS. :-)

  19. What lovely finishes! Congrats!!

  20. That is so gorgeous! I wish I had signed up for this club! I like that fabric you will be using for the finish too - perfect!

  21. That is so gorgeous! I wish I had signed up for this club! I like that fabric you will be using for the finish too - perfect!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...