Monday, January 7, 2013

A New Phone

Gentle Friends it was a cold and overcast weekend - with sporadic rainy periods!!  A very typical by the Bay wintry two days.  

I hope those that are watching got to catch the First instalment of Season Three of Downton Abbey.  One of our PBS channels ran a Season Two marathon all day leading up to the premier of Season Three at 9 PM.  I really enjoyed it last nights 2 hour preimier and look forward to lots and lots of O'Brien machinations!!

We ran around to a few Thrift/Consignment Stores Saturday morning, there wasn't much that I was interested in.... but, I did find these two books...

As you remember I collect different copies of "A Christmas Carol" and this "Where's Waldo" type book is one I had never seen, I also found a nice edition of "She was Nice to Mice" a book I have always liked.

On Friday I got my new phone - now, you know me, I do not like change or new things.  For instance... back in the day I fought the coming of CD's, and hung on to my records like life preservers.  New technology is NOT my thing, never has been, never will be....  

However, I have been fighting a loosing battle with Rico for a few years about me getting a new phone.  I was fine with my really old phone but he thought I should get a new phone.   

I like my old phone (On the right) Yes, I know the back stopped staying on a loooong time ago, and I have been keeping it on with tape....  and yes, I know the battery doesn't hold but a partial day's charge, but I am used to it and do not need a some crazed gadget ridden new phone.  

The inevitable happened, I had to buckle under and "upgrade" to a slim I4 phone.  I spent a good part of the weekend playing with all the things this new phone can do - and it has way too many gadgets and bells and whistles for my taste, but I suppose I'll get used to it like everything else "new and improved."

I am still stitching green grass, and will not bore you with another photo of that never ending area!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Super sweet new books and nice new phone :)
    Have fun x

  2. I appreciate your resistance to new technologies and am in full sympathy with it. I fight every upgrade in cell phones that is foisted upon me and probably use only 10% of the features on my current phone. I have never texted or taken a photo with my phone, I do not play games on it or check the weather or read e-mail on it either ... though I am told all this is possible. I only use my Droid tablet when I am on vacation so that I can keep up with the Internet. I treasure my old digital camera [10 years old and no doubt obsolete] and love my old fashioned PC, keyboard, mouse and all. No laptops in this household. I don't see the point in retraining myself every six months or so, keeping up with all the techno-wizardy. I just wait till what I am using finally can be used no longer and then retrain myself on the available replacement in the hopes that I can use it for another ten years or so.

  3. Same sort of weekend weather here; 20s - 40s. Ah, the iGeneration. They do almost everything except phone calls, don't they? My DS is a techie, and wants me up-to-the-moment in gadgetry. It was hard for him to persuade me away from my BlackBerry, but finally it was inevitable. Keep 'playing' and you'll be able to deal with it soon.

  4. Fought against every "technological breakthrough" over the past 30 years. In August (yes August 2012) I got my VERY FIRST cel phone. Still getting used to it. It is the simplest of simpleton phones but I do still come home and go to check the now nonexistant answering machine. Best part.......ZERO robo-calls and telemarketers from Bombay! Of course there's always Dear Downton to bring me back where I really belong.

  5. I'm like you, Edgar. I don't like change! My old flip phone is still just fine for me, thank you very much. But, after you use the new one, I bet you'll wonder how you ever did without it!
    Have a great week!

  6. I've always had a soft spot for "She was Nice to Mice". My sister was 7 in 1975 when the book was published and she adored it and loved that it was written by a young girl (age 13).

  7. Just saw the scrooge book...I have never seen went to my favorite used book site ( Abebooks) and found it good a great price....I have a cell is never on unless I am over at daughters house to watch land line people ( what?). I use onstar in the car more fun....I just started a sampler with grass..snore, snore. Watched will watch a few more times this week, and then wait for my copy in mail. I received DA 2 before it was aired last time so fun.

  8. Ah Edgar, I had the very same thing happen to me a couple months ago. I went in to the phone store to see if they could fix my old phone and they laughed at me. I guess they would since it was 11 years old! Yep, seriously! So I was thrown into the iGeneration feet first kicking and screaming. Now that I've had mine a while, I don't mind it so much.

    You really need to get the two apps for floss inventory. They are called XStitch Specialty (WDW & GAST) and XStitcherCC. There's even one called Beadster for all your Mill Hill. I've enjoyed having these on my phone. They run about $1.99 each so they aren't too expensive either. No affiliation, just a satisfied user.

  9. I too had an old cell phone and resisted any change for years. I finally gave in and got an iPhone last year and I have to admit that I really like it. I will never be a rabid fan as lots of folks are but there are some really cool things that the phone can do. My absolute favorite app is The Night Sky - even my 76 yo father thought it was cool.

  10. Oh Edgar! I'm jealous you were able to watch a marathon of Downton. I tried to find somewhere on the web where I could do that, and I decided that I may have to break down and subscribe to Hulu. I can watch anything on there. We don't have cable, so I'm left to the mercy of the internet.
    You will love your new iPhone. My first iPhone fell into a sink of water about a month after I got it, and I had to go back to my old phone for about 4 months. It was pure torture! When I finally got another iphone, I decided I could not live without it! I love checking my e-mails anywhere I am. Enjoy it. I, like you don't love technology, and I know I don't use my phone to it's full advantage, but it's nice to have Siri look up things for me.
    Good luck figuring things out!

  11. You will like it once you get used to it. :) there is an "app" for xstitch fabric calculator for free you can download too. and the bay of evil, and paypal, and, and, and. lol have fun with it.

  12. I too hate getting a new phone, which I did some months back, and I still haven't figured it all out yet! Good luck with yours.

  13. Of Edgar I am just the same, I had to upgrade me phone even though I was quite happy with my old one. My new one drives me nuts with all it's new fanged rubbish that's on it, I've had it a couple of months now and still can't get on with it....good luck getting used to yours.

  14. Don't let your computer die - you'll really be unhappy then. LOVED the Downton premier. Thomas is responsible for the death of Mr. Pamouk AND Vera; just wait and see. O'Brien has a heart, you just have to dig around to find it down somewhere near her kidney.

  15. Hoping to stay with my flip phone for a while longer. Just am not into all that stuff on a phone...use it to call for emergency is all I want it for...
    Loved DA--was a great beginning. Looking forward to spending Sunday evenings with the "family"! LOL

  16. You're hooked now, pretty soon you will want a iPad and the iPhone 5! I just started watching Downton Abbey yesterday, I am only on Episode 4 of the first season but I'm hooked!

  17. Hubby surprised me with the Sony Xperia and I felt the same way as you do. I didn't want to separate from my old phone, I didn't feel ready and now what?I have to spend a couple of days learning how to use this one!Phewww!AriadnefromGreece!

  18. Welcome to the Iphone era... I don't have one myself yet. Have fun with it! I am sure you will be relieved when the grass is done!

  19. Edgar, I see someone has already informed you about the app for xstitch fabric calculator... I just found it the other day. You will get used to your iphone in time, and really enjoy some of the features it has. I complain about our cell phone bill, but I do use my smartphone a lot.

  20. Hi Edgar, I'm the opposite....this is the 4th I phone I've had. I just gave my Iphone 4s to my husband so I could get the 5! Stitching the night away is the free app for the fabric calculator. So far I haven't found a good app for floss inventory. Maybe some day someone will make one. Make sure you download the Amazon app if you use Amazon and there are LOTS of movies apps out there too! If you like to cook, which I know you the allrecipes app. You can save your favorite recipes and then when you're at the store, just bring that recipe up and buy the ingredients you need. You can upload your photos directly to snapbucket or any other and share them so easily on your blog! You will not know how you ever lived without it!

  21. It took DH a long time to get a cell phone, and he still hasn't gotten a smart phone yet. I'm working on that. lol! Congrats on the new phone!

  22. I could have written this post. I loved my old phone but finally got an iphone and fell in love with the thing. It does so many great things. I never want to go back.

  23. Still adjusting to my iPhone It does have some nice features just not addicted and dependent upon it. would rather spend time on needlework instead of playing with my phone

  24. Welcome to the iphone world! I know that you will be blogging from it soon! It is so easy.

  25. Edgar: I am like you, I hate change, I still long for the simpler times when you had to go to the bakery and store and meatmarket and gas station, before 17:00 on saturday afternoons, you know everything was closed on sunday.
    People spent time together.
    I am still carrying around the same phone that my company assigned to me ten years ago, it does the job, I love it.
    I do hope you all are haveing a great 2013 so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


  26. Should have gone android. There's a FLOSS app. You can keep track of all your flosses right in your hot little hand. You would have gotten used to that! :)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...