Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Little New Stash

Gentle friends I am still stitching away on ATS grass, but I seem to not be stitching as fast as I once could.  I don;t know if it is just me, just feeling blah, or just loosing it altogether.  But ever since my life's upheaval in November I just can't seem to get back on track.  There is still a tom of stuff to do with my mom's Estate and "stuff."  I hope to be able to have most of it cleared up by the end of the month, with the help of my sweet Sister, but who knows how that will end up.  I guess at some point everything will settle back out and get back to normal, or as normal as can be, but until that time I will just keep bumping along.

Even with my piles of things waiting to be stitched I just can not resist getting new "stash" and things, and over the last few weeks I have acquired a few new bits....

Clockwise from top Left...  "The Lord's Blessing" I saw a completed and framed version over on Jill Rensel's's Blog, I loved how it looked and wanted a copy for myself..... The circular Bush chart "Shepard's Earth" really appealed to me, the Homespun Elegance "Christmas Sampler II" will make a great companion to the "Halloween Sampler I."  I had to find then acquire this second copy of "The Sarah Maddock Sampler" as I lost the first copy I got off the Bay of Evil.  This long OOP chart has been on my list to do for the longest time, and I wasn't going to let my misplacing and loosing it stop me from stitching this... at some point in the future!!  And, of course I had to have the BBD "Feast of Friendship" chart, another lovely one from those talented women!!  I also acquired these.....

I do love these Stacy Nash pieces and since I was getting some other things I thought, why not!! and the LHN charts parts I and II of "Santa's Village,"  I was going to get a start on this the first part of the this year, but think I will wait to see how the piece looks on other linen choices, as I have read that the recommended linen "Lambswool" is very light and the whites do not pop as they should....  

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Great new charts to add to the stash! Always fun to get new ones, even if just to look at!

  2. Great new stash!!! I hope things settle in for you soon. I know it is not an easy process, but you will get there. Hugs.

  3. Edgar, Love your new stash. I was thinking about doing "Santa's Village" also but don't like Lambswool. I did "Ornamental Joy" last month and used Country Mocha Belfast. My picture is a little on the dark side due to the weather but you can see it here on my blog I think the colors are, if not the same, very similar to "Santa's village"

  4. Hi Edgar

    Just cut yourself a lot of slack for the moment. My Mum died nearly 3 years ago and it took at least 6 months before I felt I was reasonably on top of dealing with the estate and really 2 years to get myself (and my Dad) to a point where things weren't horribly raw. So just trundle along, letting the stitching help and you'll get there eventually.

    I do so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your progress.

    Guildford, UK

  5. Edgar: Great stash enhancment, I have Give Thanks I never realized how pretty it was until I looked at Jill's blog spot.

  6. Enjoy your new stash Edgar! There is just something comforting about looking at a pretty pattern.

    I hope things change and brighten up for you soon. I missed the post about your mother - take care.

  7. Great stash Edgar. I'm stitching Santa's Village individually on 32ct Flax Belfast. I have changed the DMC Blanc to B5200, as others have suggested, and find that this stands out well enough for my liking.

  8. Awwww, Edgar. Lots of gentle hugs are being sent your way. I'm glad you're getting some wonderful new stash AND that you're sharing it with us. :). Be gentle with've been dealt a very painful card. Try to remember that your mom, more than anything would love to see you smile...

  9. Wow super sweet stash...they all so lovely xxx

  10. Oh my, love the new stash! Lots of good ones in there! Hope you get all of the estate stuff done.

  11. Losing a parent is something every reasonable adult expects to deal with at sometime or another yet we are never really prepared for it. Mourning is a natural process and it simply takes as long as it takes and is never the same for any two individuals. Take comfort in the support of your sister, your friends and even in the support of your blogosphere well-wishers. Your normal routines will reestablish themselves in good time. Gradually, ever so gradually, memories transition from being sensitive and painful reminders of loss to being comforting and natural moments of joyful reconnection. Take your time and allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel. I wish you well in this difficult time.

  12. A little stash enhancement always brightens one's day I always say. You chose some wonderful things. Hang in there friend.

  13. I hope a little stash therapy will help you through the difficult weeks ahead. There is something comforting in that. I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you are stitching. Sometimes it is nice to get lost in a great pattern. Before you know it, you've knocked one off your list. Best of luck to you and I hope you get your mojo back soon!

  14. Love your new stash additions! Hang in there, things will get better in time!

  15. Love the new stash Edgar! I added a couple Stacy Nash patterns to mine this month too...and the BBD Feast of Friendship as well, because it's so amazing. I love the Sarah Maddock sampler, and I've never seen it before. I can see why you had to buy it for the second time.
    I wish you all the best with cleaning out your moms estate. It must be so difficult. I'm grateful you have someone to help you with it. Wishing you all the best. Hugz to you!

  16. Words of comfort in a blog comment seem so hollow, but please know I am thinking of you. I have not experienced this type of loss in my life so I have no great advice to give. The stash is so lovely and if it offers you some peace, then go for it!

  17. You're moving into a very tough time in the grieving process - everyone (except the closest friends and relatives) have moved on with their lives while you're still very deeply feeling the pain/sadness and "the others" don't get it. Don't push yourself to feel as you think others think you should - everyone goes through the process differently and you can't force yourself to suddenly feel "better" and if you try to, you won't.

    Enjoy your new stash, you have several that are on my wish list and a couple that I will be adding to mine.

  18. Great stash, I especially love Stacy Nash's samplers!


  19. Great new stash! Love your choices.
    I know from experience, it just takes time to heal and time for things to begin to feel normal again. I have lost both parents, and have gone through it. I still miss them both.

    Hugs to you, my friend, and hope you will feel better each day.

  20. Edgar, I think it is the grass. It just sucks up all the stitches. :-) It does take time to get back to yourself after such a loss. Take care of yourself. Great stash inhancement.

  21. Great new stash! It will even brighten a Seattle day and that is no easy task!! I lost my Mom many years ago. It just takes lots of time.

  22. Edgar,
    Retail therapy (especially the stitching kind) always makes me feel better! Buy yourself another pair of Chucks while you're at it! Your world may feel topsy-turvy right now, but be kind to yourself, especially now. I always enjoy seeing your work and hearing about your day. Take care and know that there are many stitching friends out there praying you will feel better soon!

    Karen in Maryland

  23. Lovely choices!! I am sorry you haven't had much stitching mojo lately.. hopefully after all is done with wrapping up your mom's estate you can ease back into things..I haven't been stitching as much lately either and I don't even have a reason.. just letting other things get in the way I guess. Take care Edgar, I am praying for you!

  24. Love your new choices, Edgar. I have a few of these in my stash as well, and really love Stacy Nash's Christmas at Hollyberry Farm and Blackbird Designs Feast of Friendship (that shade of blue used on the house is gorgeous, don't you think?) I'm so sorry about your loss and understand your feelings of not being totally on track right now. I experienced the same thing when I lost my father in 2000. Felt like I was living in a haze for a while, but eventually things became clear again. I miss him dearly, but I know he'd be unhappy knowing I was letting myself become too inundated with grief. You have a great support system - a loving partner and your many friends and, of course, your friends and followers of your blog. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that a lot of people care about you and are greatly inspired by your work. I was introduced to your blog by a friend, and am very happy she shared it with me. I enjoy seeing your work and reading about your life. Be well, my friend. Kevin

  25. It's bound to take some time before things settle down but they will eventually.
    Great new stash. The Santa's Village ones look as though they might work well on a slightly more greyish background. Maybe platinum?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. will take time to heal up....just take one day at a time. Try to keep busy with your stitching. I love all of your new Stash that you received. Wow. Those are some really nice patterns you got there.

    I always love to read what you write. You are such a inspiration to me.

    Take care
    Happy Stitching

  28. Edgar, I took a look at your ATS and WOW! It's coming along and so beautiful!!! Happy new Years to you and Rico and all your who-hounds!! Your stash is drool worthy. Loooove Stacy Nash's design!!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...