Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday Thoughts and a Little "RAIN"

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you all so very much for you kind comments and emails about Monday's post.  You are all so encouraging!!  BTW have you seen "September Cottage"??  I pulled the recommended DMC and two WDW's floss' and have started thinking about the conversion of the solid colours..... I do like the use of red for the house - reminiscent of a School House.

The only stitching I ave done is some bits on ATS - I haven't bothered with a snap, yet.  I'll get one up when it is a bit more interesting to look at.

I have been pondering an email question I received a couple of weeks ago - basically the question was the way I use the word "finish" in regards to a piece of needlework.  As I explained, the way I use it is when I have finished the stitching - I have finished. The questioning emailer took a different stance - she thought that it really isn't finished until the piece is either framed/or made into something.  I disagree with that definition - as I have some piece languishing in the finished pile and have been in that pile for a few years or more - and I think they are finished, but just not usable.  I would hazard a guess that she would rather I use the word "completed" when only the stitching is done - and maybe that's more correct.....  but I picked up the use of "finish" a long time ago and as I am loath to change in anything in any form - it might be a while before I can switch or get comfortable using "completed."  I wonder what is the consensus out there in regards to the use of these to words when referring to our stitching projects?????

I am taking off early tomorrow to go and see this super musical on the big screen.  TCM is sponsoring in select cities screenings for the 60th Anniversary.  I am really excited as I have never seen it on the big screen.  Woo Hoo!!!

That's about it for today sports fans - Thanks for stopping by - do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Hey Edgar! I ue the word "finish" the same way you do. Once the stitching is "completed" on a piece, in my mind it is finished. Whether or not I choose to "finish-finish" something is another matter. Enjoy the movie tomorrow! Vera

  2. Have fun at the movie Edgar! I have always found the "finish" question rather confusing myself. I know a lot of people will say they've finished something, applying it to finishing the stitching, & then when they make it into something they will say it is "finished-finished." I like your definition though & am going to use it from now on : ) When I have finished stitching a piece it is indeed finished! I am done stitching! Making it into a pillow or having it framed or whatever the choice is another project entirely : )

  3. I say it is finished when I have done all of the stitching. Then when I have framed it or made it into a pillow etc. I say I finished my project and it is a pillow, pin keep, etc. I truly do not think it matters. Have a great time at the movies.

  4. For me i have finished when i have done with the stitching, with framing being so expensive i have to save up to get that done to a large piece. Surely it doesn't matter what we say so long as we show it for others to see and admire, all stitchers like to see our WIP's and finishes, we are a nosey bunch aren't we? LOL

    By the way Edgar, the yellow cottage in the post below sure has made a difference to the wider view of the piece.

  5. Like you Edgar the piece is "finished" when the last stitch is put in. The piece is "completed" when it's framed or whatever. Enjoy the movie today!!!

  6. Oops! I mean enjoy the movie tomorrow.

  7. I agree with your usage of the word "finished" and use it the same way. I say something is finished when I put the last stitch into it and say it is "completed" when I actually do something with it like turn it into a pillow, pinkeep, fob, frame it, etc. I never gave the usage of the word much thought until today.

  8. I tend to use the word finish for both the stitching finish and for the ultimate sewing and/or assembly finish. I use the word framed in the obvious sense and don't consider that a "finish" since I rarely do the framing myself. "Finish" is a word I apply only to the work of my own hands. Singing in the Rain on a big screen: paint me green with envy. If I ever won a really big lottery, I 'd like to buy an old-time movie theater and fit it up as a "revival" house playing all the old classics and maybe a few select indie or foreign films that are never shown outside the big cities. I'd have a trendy little coffee and tea shop where the refreshment area used to be. Out here in the burbs all we've got are multiplexes playing whatever current blockbusters are. It's all about maximizing the box office take with stuff aimed at the teen and twenty something cohorts. In short, I'd like to make movie-going a civilized experience again.

  9. I'm with you. Once I'm done stitching, finished. That's why they call sewing things into something finish-finish. Also, love Singin' in the Rain. Saw it on the big screen in grad school. It seemed so familiar...then I found a scrapbook I had made about a high school trip to London. I'd seen it on the stage! Ha.

  10. I used to always say that I had finished a piece when the last stitch was stitched and I still do even though the language of stitching has changed with so many people stitching smalls. I think the whole finish- finish thing sprung up from the army of people who stitch and finish items one after the other.

  11. Wow, what fun to be able to see Singing in the Rain on the big screen! I love that movie! Gene Kelly is one of my idols.

    I totally agree with you on the stitching finish. If it's finished stitch-wise, it's finished!

  12. When I've completed the stitching, the piece goes into the FUPPY box. That's a term I saw on a blog a few years ago for "finished, but unfinished projects". So FUPPY it is.

    Besides, isn't it a lot more fun to say "I'm going to go take a look at all of my FUPPIES" than "I'm going to go take a look at all of the things I've finished stitching but haven't yet framed or made into something else yet?"

  13. Enjoy the movie, Edgar! I use the word "finish" like you do because to me the stitching is what I finished. When it returns from the finisher or the framer, it is either totally finished or a finished finish.

    Robin in Virginia
    rlbrowninva @ gmail . com

  14. I say if the stitching is finished, it's finished. I let someone else do the framing or sewing part of finishing so that's someone else finishing to do, not mine.

  15. Last stitch and it is finished. After that it becomes...look what I got framed, isn't this fob cute or don't you dare sit on that pillow! At that point it is no longer a finished stitched piece, it is a work of art! Or so I like to think! LOL

  16. I have wondered about the definition too many a times. But I too am used to using finish when I have finished stitching and not a complete one :)
    Enjoy your movie

  17. Hi Edgar... Gee, I'm glad I'm not the only one with confusion on the word "finish". Personally, when I've completed a piece it's finished to me. However, after reading lots of stitching blogs and realizing that some people mean finished as in framed or assembled, I try to use the word completed on my blog for pieces that I've stitched. I'm like you and have several pieces that have sat for years waiting for the right finishing touch! Enjoy the movie...

  18. It is finished when my initials and date go on..... framed or just in the basket....that is finished. I am a strange one though I have no unfinished pieces.....I soldier through until finished..... and then move to the stash, ever growing.

  19. I would say "finished" and if it's framed or put into a small, etc, I would say "finished finished"!!!LOL! I dunno, it seems finished to me when I put in the last stitch and I have a "finished" pile too!! Makes me think I need to do some finishing on my finishes...hehee!!

  20. How I wish we were "Singing in the Rain"- Oklahoma is getting dry!

    I call completed stitching projects "finished" and when I've done something with them they are "finish-finished" but really, who cares? This is a HOBBY...let's not nit pick!

  21. Do you know how hard it is to do word verification on an iPad.

    There is a glitch and you have to try over and over...

  22. It seems we are all in agreement - the piece is finished when the stitching is complete. I say something is a finish-finish when it becomes something more than a piece in a drawer. Have fun at your movie. I had hoped you were talking about real rain - goodness we need rain!

  23. It is finished when I put the last stitch in. I actually lose interest in it then. If I can afford it, I may get it framed but I never seem to get around to the finish-finish part as I am not just not interested in doing that part. I have many, many projects in the box that need something to be done to them!

  24. I call it finished when I'm done stitching and then I call it finish finished when it's all assembled. I think it's completely up to you what you call it - we can tell what you mean by the pics!!!

  25. My pieces are finished and then I do some finishing by way of framing, boxes, get the idea.

  26. Well Edgar, I agree with you . I'm finished when the stitching is done.

  27. I agree with "finish" when I am done stitching the piece and when I actually Finish Finish the piece that is how i word it Finish Finished. LOL to each his own.

  28. I say finished and finish-finished. Whatever, your stitching is always stunning no matter what you call it.
    Enjoy the movie!

  29. I don't know as it really matters, but I use finish the same as you ... when the piece has the last stitch in it. There are some pieces I have stitched that I have no clue what to do with them, but to me they are still finished until I figure out their use. Then they will be framed, or stuffed, or pyn-keeped, or what-have-you.

    Enjoy your musical!

  30. It's interesting how semantics can be so important and/or cause so many problems or misunderstandings. In this case I think you can call you piece 'finished' whenever you wish and the sky won't fall.

  31. I always say "finish" when I am finished with the stitching. Didn't realize it wasn't correct? I say it's "finish-finished" when I've done some finishing with it. Or i'll say "framed" when I have it framed. I think we can call it whatever we want, it's our blog after all :) I love seeing your stitching in any form! Enjoy the movie, I noticed last night that the cinema I was at was hosting this event too, it sounds like a fun way to see some great classics!

  32. Finish, Schminish. Use whatever you like. They're your pieces and you should use whatever term you like. Don't we all use the word "finish" when we've completed even a small portion of a sampler? For example, "I finished the Adam and Eve, but still have the Tree to go." I don't have the budget to frame everything I stitch. That shouldn't stop me, in my opinion, from continuing to stitch and feeling some satisfaction that I've completed something that will last beyond my years...and whatever word I use to indicate my progress should not be up for discussion. :) I actually say "I framed my sampler" when that is done, or "I made a cute bag and used a small piece I completed last year." Seems picky that anyone even asked about it.

  33. Oooo, I forgot Singing in the Rain was tomorrow! That's pretty much my favorite movie. I laugh at just about everything that comes out of Lina Lamont's mouth. Did you know that actress was a silent film star and that she overdubbed Debbie for "Would You"? Lovely bit of symmetry there. =) But now I have to decide whether to see Singin' in the Rain or Dark Shadows at the Fabulous Fox!!

  34. Lovely work as always Edgar, not matter what terminology you may use! Hope you enjoyed your movie too.

  35. I always use finish when I am finished with the stitching. If I waited until the piece was "finish-finished" I'd never have anything to share! Hope you enjoyed Singing in the Rain...that's one of my will be wonderful on the big screen

  36. Finished to me, is finished stitching! And shared with my stitching friends!

  37. Edgar, Us Southeners say Finish.. More like.... Looord so glad that job is finished! lol
    You may be saying that by the time you finish ATS!! lol

  38. I'm with you on finish! And even if I didn't use it that way, your use would not bother me ~ life's too short for that! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  39. I agree with so many (and besides, it's your blog, your choice of words) but I use
    "finish" when done stitching, "finish-finish" when framed, pillowed or whatever the case may be.

    Your cottages are turning out quite nice and the progress on your A&E great!

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend.


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...