Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Wrap Up

GR&DF I wanted to thank you most profusely for the kind words about the "Snowy" Cardinal ornament.  You are the best - so supportive of my hobby.  I do look at my stitching as a hobby, and fun, and relaxing.  I usually pick up and stitch at least a little bit every evening.  When I don't stitch - even a little - I feel the evening wasted, no matter how many loads of laundry, vacuuming, dinner fixing, kitchen cleaning I get done - I have to have a fix of the needle and floss.  I guess it is just one of my many crazy quirks.  I also really enjoy getting things framed - whether I do it or have a shop frame something - I love to see a piece on the wall. 

Which leads me back to yesterday....... I was reading a Stitching Forum/Board and the topic of framing came up..... or was introduced .....  I was really amazed at all the differing opinions about self framing and "Professionally" framed needlework.  I do like the variety I can have at a Framers, but when I can find the perfect frame (old and beat up usually) that I think will make the piece of needlework look great up on the wall I have no problem framing that sucker up myself and getting it hung up.  Of course there are always some wonky spots, but they are minimal to nonexistent.  Even with some beautiful "professionally" framed pieces - if you scrutinize a piece long enough you can find a bit of the wonky.  I would rather spend less than $50 and do it myself than spend $300+, I can find a lot of stash for "the heap" with that extra cash.  I also like the idea of re-using older frames for my stitching.  I think it adds to the charm of the finished object.  I was totally amazed at how nasty some of the comments where - even when cloaked in sugared words - nasty is just nasty and uncalled for!!  For me I feel that if you have nothing nice to say then keep it to yourself.  We should encourage each other in our efforts - not tear each other apart and cause a lot of hurt feelings.  There is always going to be someone else with more experience, more time, more money, but this should be fun and we should be enjoying each others Finishes - I know I always enjoy looking at all the completed pieces and see how something was framed or finished - I often get great ideas from the broader Stitching community. I think I have droned on enough about this.  I guess the whole subject just stuck in my craw and I had to say something.  Thanks for your patience.

Last night I ran to Safeway for some Haute Cuisine - corn dogs and potato wedges  - and since Walgreens was right next door I stopped in there.  I found they had gotten in a load of  individual water packet mixes.  I got hooked on these little packets quite a while ago.  By having these I have cut soda out of my diet - or I should say almost out of my diet...  I might have 1 soda during the week or every two weeks.  The replacement for soda I crave and need is Peach Tea.  I especially enjoy the Wyler's Light -  I have been low and almost out of them for the last two weeks and finally they got some in....

... and I bought all they had - all 10 boxes of the stuff.  There are a few reasons to like this stuff - no sugar, low to no calories, delicious peachy taste and its a buck a box, for 8 packets - you can't beat that with a stick!!  In the stores I have seen the same thing for $3.89+ - and I gotta draw the line somewhere!!  I have tried many flavours available but always come back to the peach tea. 

While at Safeway I walked through the produce and found they had gotten in some delicious summery fruits.  I broke down and had to buy some, not much , but some....

These Chilean cherries are simply delicious.  I have such guilt about them, but couldn't help myself.  Even I need a fix of summer!!!  - and cherry season is soooooo far away!!!!

On the stitching front I am working on my little prezzie and REALLY liking how it is coming out.  I should have if finished and in the mail the early part of next week.

I think that's about it for today sports fans!!  Thank you for stopping by, your sweet comments and the continued kind support you give!!  Have a great weekend and do stop by again next week for more of my babbling.  There are three big Estate sales this weekend - lets hope I can get a little something.

Take care,


  1. OMG - I cannot believe someone would criticize your framing. Do they not realize that you are our uncrowned king and can do NO wrong!!!! How dare they.
    You stick to your guns Edgar. You do the most amazing stitching and you are so supportive of all the other stitchers out there.

  2. Can't wait to see your estate sales finds since this is something we don't find in Greece!
    I love peach tea too in summer!
    You are right if you have nothing good to say better not say anything!
    I would apreciate your opinion on my In memoriam for my dad article on my blog.I finished a piece I had working for years!
    Ariadne from Greece!

  3. I have always admired people who can frame their own pieces ... it's something I plan to try my own hand at very soon. Just an interesting aside, back in the days of the Renaissance, art patrons routinely spent twice as much on a frame than on the artwork it showcased ... the theory being that the high craft of framing [all that carving and gilding] added greatly to the value of the piece. Pity Michaelangelo and DaVinci ... to be outdone and outshone by now forgotten and nameless woodworkers.

  4. I always love a good discussion, but there is just no excuse for the nasty comments that somehow always get into the mix. We should support each other rather than tearing each other down.

    Those cherries look scrumptuous.

  5. Framing is almost like religion and politics! There are many different methods and opinions - one should always do what they like or are capable of doing. I learned framing many years ago to help with my framing costs - I love reusing old frames when I can - they have character. I also always look at the bargain frame boxes when I am at my LNS or a frame store - you can bet that if I see a frame I like for a good price, I grab it - eventually I'll stitch something to fit!

    Now, I need to go find some peach tea and cherries! Have a great weekend!

  6. Edgar --
    I so agree with you about our stitching being for fun and relaxation. Everyone should do what they feel best about. There should be no "rules". No matter what we stitch or how we finish it it is for our ENJOYMENT!

    Glad you found your peach tea.

    Have a great weekend

  7. Recycling = Awesome in Every Way!

    The only professional framer that I have really wanted to send stuff to is Jill Rensel. After visiting her studio last year, I can only conclude that the lady is an artist!!! Other than that, I go for cheap any day in the week.
    We don't have a lot of (good) second hand stores around here, but I generally pick up the cheap and ugly art at TJ Maxx, discard of the art and use the frame. The thing that is great is that "the art" comes in more sizes and shapes than all the standard size frames in the frame section of craft stores.
    Speaking of, first time I went to Michaels and asked for a quote on framing work I almost passed out. I meekly handed over my coupon and said that "I have a 40% off coupon here" whereon the framer informed me that the price included the 40% off... Gasp!
    Anyway - I'd rather spend that money on more stash... ;-)

  8. I have a similar problem with not being able to find something I truly love. Cherry Chip Cake with Cherry Frosting! YUM!!! I have around 5 boxes and jars in my cupboard at the moment, imported (yes you read that right) from Michigan! I can't find it anywhere in Florida so I send money to mom and have her send me 5 boxes of mix and 5 jars of frosting (or pick them up while there). Oh, and as to water packets, I love Crystal Light's Raspberry Peach flavor. Another hard to find item in Florida.

  9. I love it when you get on your "soapbox" Edgar, it always makes me smile. I think the reason for that is usually that I totally agree with what you are saying.

  10. I think it is very important to support one another in our little stitchy world! I too have spent big bucks having a piece framed but I have also framed pieces myself and I'm very proud of them.

    I don't drink soda much either. I will have to try this peach tea.

    I can't wait to see what you pick up at the estate sales!
    Have a great weekend Edgar.

  11. Hi Edgar,

    I think I saw that particular topic on the message board. I did leave my two cents worth on it. I said that sometimes people just need to keep their opinions to themselves for the sake of politeness. Unfortunately, many people don't see the point in being polite. Too bad for all of us.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you hit a home run at the estate sales.

    Do you watch Antique Roadshow? I Love it!

  12. Stitching is supposed to be fun not stressy! I can't believe some people are so opinionated that they feel their opinions matter over the hurt feelings of others. I really hate that. I love all your framing and if I lived nearer I'd be knocking on your door for help! xx

  13. Edgar~ how frustrating it can be when people can't be nice... I mean seriously! I tell my youngest quite often, God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth... before you open your mouth use your brain! Can't people just agree to disagree and let it go at that? anyways... ;)
    and I sooo agree with you about the old frames... they are so worth the effort!
    Have so much fun at the estate sales!!! I would love to do that... sigh... oh well!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. I so agree with you -- if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything. I think either way to frame is good. It's up to the individual. I do wish I knew how to frame myself. It would definitely save on dollars! But I love my framer so for now that's how I go. One of these days maybe I'll learn how to do it myself.

  15. You do this everytime. Here I am in gale force winds, bleakness all around and up pop those gorgeous SF fruits. I need to come for a holiday methinks.

    Good for you with the framing. The only time I got framing done here in Ireland, they glued it with a glue gun!!! I kid you not!
    Nothing like doing it yourself if you are able, and equally, if you have a good framer and the money, then why not treat yourself.
    Bear in mind though pepes, the origin of stitchy goodness and sampling was to be home made!
    I cannot understand anyone being nasty with craft: the fun is that it is all individual!! Do what is right for you is all I can say!

  16. Happy Friday Edgar! I'm just like you are - no matter what I get done around the house I'm not complete without my needlework.

    It's nice to hear your views on framing. I used to go for just the custom framing. But, I started to find some wonderful frames at estate and yard sales and found I could do just as good a job myself. I love the old frames, or a frame with a chip or some paint worn off. To me a frame like that just adds to the handmade look which I feel has a lot of charm. Sometimes custom framing can look too commercial if you know what I mean. On the other hand it can be absolutely gorgeous, but I just love a piece I have started and finished to the very end myself.

    Have a fantastic weekend, and I hope you find lots at the estate sales!

  17. I saw that post and participated in that exchange. You are proof that one does not have to be a professional framer to be a good framer. Because of people like you, I am getting closer to attempting to frame more of my own things again. That person was silly.

    This is the time of year when fresh fruit is so tempting. I have succombed to the allure of blueberries this year. We need something to get us through the months of apple.

  18. I also feel a day is incomplete/wasted without a little stitchy time.

    I agree with you about comments - I like to see blogs and forums to share my passions, and learn from others. We all have our own opinions and standards, but keep those to yourself!! I'm lucky in that I've always found the online stitching community to be a friendsly bunch.

    Enjoy those fabulous looking cherries, guilt free... after all, SOMEONE had to eat - it would be far worse if they ended up at landfill!

  19. It was because of you that I started finding frames at Goodwill, thrift stores and the likes. And because of you some of my pieces are now framed and displayed on the walls of my house - instead of languishing in a drawer where they had been for years. One of them I paid a whoppin 25 centrs for and it is PERFECT for the piece!!!!! I'm glad you inspired me . . . and I don't care what the framing purists would say about my framing - I'm enjoying it and that's what matters! :-)

  20. I'm pretty divided on the issue of framing. I interned for a framer at one time in H.S. and also took my post-secondary ed in the Design and the graphic arts, so I have a different level of expectation on framing. To date, I've not framed any stitching in any way other than the tiny small in an ikea frame on my blog right now. lol!

    I'm way more likely to spend on things like acid-free mats and museum glass than an expensive molding, however.

    I'm also trying to work from a belief that just because you are saying a negative doesn't mean you can't be nice. There has to be (I so hope) a way to say, "I wouldn't do x with my framing b/c of Y consideration, and I want to share this with you to make sure that you're aware of Y before you continue doing X." without it being mean. I think it's all about the spirit of the person.

    I have met some of the most shockingly nice (mostly online) and conversely some of the most shockingly mean (mostly irl) people in the stitching world. I guess it's a yin-and-yang thing.

    I think that a person should do what they can to enjoy their stitching, and if your great joy is actually disparaging the work of others, well, there's counseling for that!

    I also love peach tea, though I *try* to stay away from mixes and packaged things lately!

    P.S. I made your Rum Cake with a ginger liqueur and it was divine!

  21. I went to a large antique mall last weekend and paid attention to the transfer ware. Since it is not my taste, I hadn't really looked at it before. This place is absolutely huge and I did not find one piece of that one with the anchors that you like so well. It must be rare here also because this place has everyting with all prices.

    I did pick up a couple of things most spectacularly a cut glass pickle dish with a little round finger handle. I love clear cut glass.

    Good luck in you estate sales this weekend.

    Mary in TN

  22. Edgar, don't feel guilty about those cherries! As far as treats go, it has to be cheaper and better for you than a raft of other things I can think of.

    I am also addicted to flavored water packets, so much better for you than soda! Keep on drinking!

    I must agree with you on the framing issue. There are so many ways of doing things out there that it is mean spirited and impertinent to assume there is one right way. Disagree? Fine. But be civil.

    Hugs for you, cause it sounds like you could use one. I hope you have some nice weekend adventures!

  23. I do hope you find some fabulous bargins at thte sales this weekend. I always enjoy seeing what neat things you come home with.
    As to the framing debate. I too try to frame things myself because I simply cannot afford the big bucks. Even with a coupon. And my feeling is that if you don't like it than tough. :) I try not to get involved in "those " kinds of debates. Life's too short and all that. I'll read what other say and do what I think is best for me.
    Have a great weekend.

  24. Oh, good grief...(sounds of grunting and huffing and puffing as a rather portly yet loveable spinster tugs on her nun's costume)...

    Attention, all of the peoples out there who feel it necessary to open their pie holes and spew forth nasty or negative comments regarding any aspect of this thing of ours...

    Mind your business and sit up straight, or I'm going to come over there and knock some heads together.

    Sister Mary Stitchy Etiquette

    P.S. Why can't we all just get along?

    P.P.S. Bravo, Master Edgar for stating things so freakin' eloquently...this is a hobby that is supposed to bring us joy and peace and te kindness of fellow stitchers. Why in the name of all that is stitchy would somebody feel compelled to have something negative to say about FRAMING, of all things?!

    This is why there will never be peace in the Middle East. All the great minds of our generation are stuck kvetching about framing.


  25. Interesting post Edgar. I'm very particular about my framing and I only take it to a few places I trust because I've had not-so-good experiences elsewhere. I will attempt smaller pieces myself to save money sometimes but while I'm still working and can afford it I do get a lot done professionally.(I also hate doing the mounting) In my opinion the 'big box' craft stores jack up their prices then offer those coupons so you think you're getting a great deal. The 'coupon price" seems to be mostly the norm now. Frankly it's a personal choice and I can't imagine criticizing what someone else chooses to do with their own needlework! Someday when I'm retired maybe I'll do more of it myself but I'm hard put just to find time to stitch the piece LOL.

  26. First, the cherries look wonderful and I am so glad you found your Peach Tea.

    Now, I am so glad when you get on the band wagon about stupid things people say and do.

    Know this - "there is no excuse for stupid"

    Have a great weekend.

  27. I'm a bit of a "miserly framer" myself, so I guess I would be one to get some of the nasty comments. But a Genetic Miser can never change. Love those little drink packs. They kind of remind me of those sugar-filled straws that EVERY KID BUT ME was allowed to have in the 70's. I go for the Kroger brand Green Tea or Pink Lemonaide in the sugar-free variety.

  28. Edgar, you are so right about the nastiness of people. I quit visiting almost all of the BBs I used to frequent because of it. It seems the bloggers are a friendlier group.

    I absolutly love cherries, and have never seen Chilean cherries. I'm hoping since you've found them in northern Cali I can find them here in southern Cali.

    Have a great stitchy weekend.

    Oh, and I'm enjoying your momma bird pictures and hope she and babies are doing okay.

  29. Edgar, I couldn't have said it better. Shame on those that were negative. I can frame myself and do frequently when something doesn't have a border. I don't have a straight eye and the sides are always off. So those pieces go to the framer. The rest I do myself. I love the old frames that you find. They add to the pieces.

  30. Life is way too short to be nasty! Even if it is cloaked in "nice" words. I think you have the right idea! Stitching should be fun and relaxing not a competition! I have made hobbies into"work" in the past and vow not to do that with my stitching. I love the things you do so just keep up the good work and especially all the very kind comments!

  31. Hi Edgar! I read your blog faithfully, but since I use Google Reader, I don't comment often. I just had to say that I agree with you 1000% about encouraging and supporting other stitchers rather than being mean and nasty, no matter how it's covered over. I've left several stitching lists and message boards over the years because I don't care to deal with that sort of attitude, whether it's on finishing or stitching.

    One of the best things that I ever read about stitching came way back on the old AOL boards.. the only rule about stitching is that the thread goes through the needle, and the needle goes through the fabric.. although once I learned about couching, I also realized that's not always completely true either!

    In any case.. thank you for sharing your bit of the world, your views on movies and your stitching and finishing with us.. it certainly makes the world a bit brighter!

    Paula H

  32. Ah..there are as many opinions on framing as there are people, and I think some people say hateful things to make themselves feel superior, don't you?
    I love that bowl that those cherries are in! Is it Mason Cash? Do you need my address so you can send it along? You know..when you send that red plate to Paulette's house? You can just send that here..I'll make sure she gets it. :) Have a GREAT weekend, Edgar, and I hope you get lots of stitching between loads of laundry.

  33. While I love the shineyness of a new frame, sometimes the best frames are ones that are "recycled". I'm constantly on the lookout for frames whenever I head to an estate sale. I've found some beautiful frames at dirt cheap prices. Those frames tend to have the character that you can't always find in something new.

    As for the nay sayers......phoey on them!

  34. Edgar,

    Let me tell you. I feel the same way about framing pieces. I like using frames from thrift/antique shops. I would rather spend less $$ and do it myself and if I am happy with it then I feel I have done a good job. Plus re-used frames have such character. As for nasty comments--some people are just not happy unless they are complaining. Keep Stitching and framing:)

  35. Edgar, I am so glad you spoke up about the framing part of our craft...I am like you, I LOVE an old repurposed frame..And, when I can, I do my own framing.. I have had many things custom framed but that is usually because I could not find a suitable ready made frame.. NO ONE should ever make nasty comments about either way of having our stitched pieces framed. Like you and most others out there, I feel it is a personal preference and should not be critizied. And, my momma, like your momma, raised me to know that if you don't have something good to say, then you should keep it to yourself.. There is nothing that will give me a better feeling than when I score finding a beautiful frame that I know I can use on an already stitched project...You know my terf...from Raleigh down to me in Pinehurst all the way to the eastern coast, there are small towns full of thrift stores, yard sales, barns and the likes full of those diamonds in the rough... Plus, knowing the money I saved makes me all the more ready to spend it on more stitching supplies!! Thanks again for all you do to inspire and keep the positivity in our craft alive!! Take care, Faye

  36. Yes Edgar , it is summer in Chile now , wish i was there ......
    You should try the figs , chirimoyas the plums etc etc
    Patti xx

  37. Don't feel guilty about the cherries....think of all the money you saved on the water packets! See, it all evens out!

    Anyway, who could resist them? They look scrumptious!!!

  38. I follow your blog reliousy but hane never commented until now. I want to say anyone posting a negative comment is just crazy. Framing your art is a wonderful thing, be it professionally done or personally.

  39. I follow your blog religiously but have never commented until now. Anyone who critisizes your finishing is just crazy. Speaking as a person who has two drawers of unfinished sewing I think that a frame for your art whether professionally done or not is a wonderful thing. Let it shine.

  40. Oh, Edgar! I could not agree more with you on the subject of "if you don't have something nice to say . . ." I made a suggestion on how to save money on framing on my blog and someone came along - and anonymously - (which to me was really being a coward) was saying how this way had to be considered very carefully because if you did it this - or that - or 15 different other reasons why my suggestion was a BAD idea. Well, OK, I thought, but I was just making a suggestion, for something I did - on MY blog - and what was wrong with that??? Hmmmm? Also, on the flavor packets - my husband used to drink gator*&^ (rhymes) with MAID and it cost alot and has a LOT of calories in it. I was getting all over him about it. And then he discovered the flavor packets - and he's a happy guy now and I'm relieved that we're saving money and he's not taking in so many calories. Have a great weekend!

  41. Edgar, thanks for speaking up about framing. I totally agree, my Mom always said 'if you don't have anything nice to say...' I totally agree on the thrill of finding a yard sale, estate sale, frame and making it work! While framing isn't my 'forte' I do give it a go from time to time. I just can't afford to take everything to 'the professionals'.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...