Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday rolls around again....

Good morning one and all - another week begins - :)

Dale and I ran around once again to the sales and once again I am stunned by what some people will buy then sell at a garage sale - I am sure when we get it together for our sale I will be dumbfounded by the accumulation!! Until that time I still pack rat it at the sales and drag home stuff I could very easily live without, but the question is do I want to live without the "stuff." I think not!!!! One of the Estate sales we got to was a true estate that was up for grabs - and the home was just packed with collector collections - tons of Holiday Fitz and Floyd pieces - and I am talking dozens of pieces from gigantic table things on down! Also piles of pressed glass and plate silver. There was also piles of the Danish things - Mothers day Plates, Fathers Day mugs AND some Christmas Plates!!! So I finally finished out the 1970s collection of Jule Tide B&W plates at give away prices...... Here is a snap of most of the pile I dragged home -

At another sale I picked up the Christmas table cloth and the DC souvenir plate for a couple of bucks. We stopped at a Goodwill and I got the baby's plate for $1.50. I don't need it but couldn't pass it up - I just love the little pics on it. I got the books a various places for .25 and .50 each. It was a very good day -

I stitched quite a lot this weekend but only on exchange things so no snappers of any of that yet.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. I'm in love! Especially that owl plate!! Magnificent!

  2. Oh, I wish you lived near me or vise versa so I could tag along on your yard sale trips! I love yard sales but DH doesn't and since I don't drive (medical reasons) I seldom get to go! You always find such great stuff!

  3. Beautiful finds!! What a fun day!
    Edgar, I think you should start a business finding pieces for people to decorate their homes with or open a shop! Lots of people hate the shopping or don't know where to go. You have great taste too. We have a few antique stores here, but I shop a lot on Etsy or Ebay looking for pieces. You're surrounded by good "stuff"!

    Hey! Ck my blog! I almost forgot;)

  4. I'm so jealous of those plates! They're gorgeous - and worth a tidy sum to boot. How are you going to display them all?

  5. Gorgeous plates Edgar - what a great find!

  6. You & Dale get such fabulous things
    (at fabulous prices, too!) at the
    sales. I wish we had those kind
    of sales around here - only occasionally.
    Love your stitching and your blog.
    Best wishes and blessings...

  7. Wow, what a hall! Love the plates will you be hanging them on a wall. LOL I'll bet you don't have one empty. You did good....


  8. My brown eyes are now green with envy!!! Great eye you have!!

  9. I am so envious of your plate find! I LOVE those.

  10. I just reading about and seeing all of your packrat find, Edgar!! Such great fun, my daughter and her significant other went to a downtown antique mall today and had great fun!!

    Have a great week!:)

  11. Those plates are gorgeous. What a find!!!!!

  12. WOW, what a great haul! I love the plates, what an awesome find!!!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...