Monday, June 22, 2009

A couple of nice Days

It was a lovely weekend here in SF. Both Saturday and Sunday where breezy, bright and cool. The weather really cooperated staying in the mid 70's with not a bit of fog yesterday. This week is supposed to be on the warmer side - getting into the low 80's. I spoke to my Mom yesterday and it was a blistering 100+ in Daytona Beach - and she wonders why I live here and not there????? :)

The weekend stitching was focused on Christmas things but I did get a move on the BBD Sampler - Here is a snap of the progress -

This piece is moving along nicely - with very few problems. I am now just starting the final panel and will have to make the decision about the basket that is the main feature. It calls for alternating squares of flax and another colour. Well, the dye lot of flax I have is so close to the linen colour I switched it out for another colour - Rain Shower - now do I want to have the basket with all that blue/grey??? too many decisions.

On Saturday Dale , Rico and I went out on our regular Estate/Garage Sale savaging - I really missed it the last couple of weekends. The haul was pretty good - Here is a snap of the stuff I picked up -

I found a couple more Christmas plates - 1966 and 1968. Now, I told myself that I was only buying any that where earlier than 1970 - and there they both where - and you just can't pas up spending $4 on two plates!! - But, I will still only buy earlier than 1970. :) I also found a beautiful Heisey "Greek Key" bread tray - pressed glass is not something I have ever "collected" but Greek Key is the exception. I also got a little coffee pot and a tack hammer for the kitchen. At one sale I picked up the DVD's for a $1 a piece - now you can't beat that price with a stick!!! But, all those things aside the gigantic deal of the day was.....

.....the Ott-Lite!!! I couldn't believe it - Rico saw it and asked me "Isn't this that light you wanted?' - I said "Yes" and reached for it when some female person grabbed it as she had just set it down. Then the story unfolds...... a few mins pass, and I am walking around the house just looking -then I go back into the living room and I see the lite just standing there next to the register..... I circle it like a vulture over road kill - and a few more mins pass. Dale is now checking out - then I check out with my hammer - and I get Dale to ask about the lamp - the guy running the sale says - "$20 - down to $12" - I say "SOLD." Hand the guy the cash and walk out with the Ott-Lite stand lamp I have wanted for a long time but didn't want to fork out the big bucks for!!!! I wasn't even sure that it worked, but when we got home I plugged that sucker in and I now have a super de duper lamp that throws off a great light for stitching!!! You just never know what you will find at these sales!!!!!

There where a bunch of flickers yesterday - One of them was "The Big Heat" - 1953 - starring Glenn Ford and Gloria Grahame. A great Film Noir that moves along without ever letting up - either on snappy dialogue or acting. If you like a crime/drama film I would highly recommend this film.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. It looks great! And such a deal on an OTT light. I've been wanting one forever also. :-)

  2. WOW, wow, double-wow on your Ott light! Did you happen to grab a lottery ticket on your way home???

  3. Ooh; ott-lite! As for the rest of your haul...I feel like I've seen these christmas plates somewhere, but I'm not sure...but seeing them on your blog is REALLY making them grow on me! Why the pre-70' only? Do they still produce them yearly?

  4. Your sampler is so gorgeous! I love the name Rain Shower - have never seen that color.

    Congratulations on your treasures! I love the blue and white plates, and the OTT light - WOW!

  5. Nice progress on the Mystery Sampler! I love the detail work. What a great buy on the OTT light. You deserve it!

  6. Your BBD sampler is gorgeous Edgar.

    Great buy on the Ottlite

  7. Your sampler is gorgeous, great progress!! And what a steal of a deal on the OTT light, you can't go wrong for that price! Reminds me of the IKEA commercial I've seen... "Start the car!!!"

  8. $12 for an Ott-lite!? Wow, total bargain! Your BBD is coming along great. Glad to see you had such a great weekend.

  9. Congrats on grabbing the ott lite! What a bargin. Or should I say steal. :)

  10. Oh you lucky duck :) Good for you!!

  11. what a great deal on the OTT Lite. I don't want to pay full price either.

  12. Now those are some great yard sale finds!! Love those little blue plates.
    The Ott Lite - now that was a steal!!

  13. I LOVE my Ott-lite for stitching!! Really brings out the colors and saves on the eye strain! What a bargain:))

    The Big Heat is a great movie and one of my fav's. TCM was showing producer Vincent Minelli movies yesterday so I watched "Father of the Bride" with Spencer Tracy and Liz Taylor, then "Father's Little Dividend" with same cast then the one I wanted to see the most, "The Bad and the Beautiful" (sounds like it should be a soap...LOL) with Kirk Douglas and Lana Turner was on late and I could only stay awake until midnight :( I'm sure they'll have it on again. At least I got a lot of stitching done :)

  14. YOU da' man Edgar! That was a S-T-E-A-L!!! Couldn't have happened to a better person ;)

  15. That is the coolest story ever! Love how you got your OTT light!!! Enjoy!

  16. Congrats on the Ott-lite, and a cute story to boot! That was a great find.

    Love your progress on the Mystery sampler!

  17. Your stitching looks great. Love that sampler.
    Congrats on that OTT light. That was a real good deal.

  18. I love reading about your weekend treasures. Great deal on the Ott light - I have a small table one and would love to have one of the large ones.

    The BBD sampler is looking great. Do you already have a frame in mind for it?

  19. Oh, you are one lucky duck!! Great find there! I have the exact same one and I LOVE it!! Congrats on the great steal!

  20. The work on your mystery sampler is looking fantastic… and ka ching!!! What a score on that OTT-Lite… I have 2 myself, a table and a floor model both the early 2000-2001 versions. Got mine using 50% off coupons from Jo-Ann Fabrics.

  21. My mother left me all the 60's and a good part of the 70's christmas plates in her will when she passed in the early 90's. I proudly display them as they were so special to her. Can't believe the price you found those at. I also have that same Ott light but I'm always having issues with it wanting to tip over...ugh!

  22. Wow did you get a deal or what? Lovely and useful acquisition, Edgar! Yay for you!

    Your Mystery sampler is looking most luscious!!!

  23. Awesome deal on the Ott light :)

  24. Your collection of the plates is sure growing nicely!! Love the lamp!! What an awesome buy!

  25. woohoo!!!!!! what a GREAT TREASURE you found!!!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...