The other two PIF's have arrived safe and sound - Here are some snaps ....
for Karen.......
...and for Lisa.
Do you see a theme here?? All the charts where parts of Alphabet Zoo - such a great stitch. I will need to do this whole alphabet piece at some point.
I do thank you all for the kind comments about the ABC piece. I also think we all agree that baby Pidges are less than beautiful!! Don't we learn lots from each other Mary gave a name to the pidgelettes - Squabs - now who would have guessed. I have had squab on a plate and it was way more delicious and better looking than either pidgelette in my window box!!
Berit wanted to know about the stuffed shells - yes - it is a la Florentine - I actually sort of made up this recipe as I couldn't find a single one that I liked but I could find parts of recipes that appealed to me - so I just combined them together for the final product. The basic recipe is one from the Frugal Gourmet I got a long time ago. I have changed it up quite a bit since then with other additions to its present form.
A little Mystery Stitching and more Christmas Stitching last night. We have a three day weekend coming up so I hope to finish up the mystery Sampler to show it off next Monday. Now that I have put that in writing it probably wont happen!! :)
There have been quiet a few flickers but nothing remarkable and lots of repeats. I do love watching a good movie again and again. I know it makes Rico insane and I have heard more than once "Haven't you seen that before???" He gets the raspberry and I re-watch the flick!!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! I really appreciate the time you spend here!!
Take care,

Do you see a theme here?? All the charts where parts of Alphabet Zoo - such a great stitch. I will need to do this whole alphabet piece at some point.
I do thank you all for the kind comments about the ABC piece. I also think we all agree that baby Pidges are less than beautiful!! Don't we learn lots from each other Mary gave a name to the pidgelettes - Squabs - now who would have guessed. I have had squab on a plate and it was way more delicious and better looking than either pidgelette in my window box!!
Berit wanted to know about the stuffed shells - yes - it is a la Florentine - I actually sort of made up this recipe as I couldn't find a single one that I liked but I could find parts of recipes that appealed to me - so I just combined them together for the final product. The basic recipe is one from the Frugal Gourmet I got a long time ago. I have changed it up quite a bit since then with other additions to its present form.
A little Mystery Stitching and more Christmas Stitching last night. We have a three day weekend coming up so I hope to finish up the mystery Sampler to show it off next Monday. Now that I have put that in writing it probably wont happen!! :)
There have been quiet a few flickers but nothing remarkable and lots of repeats. I do love watching a good movie again and again. I know it makes Rico insane and I have heard more than once "Haven't you seen that before???" He gets the raspberry and I re-watch the flick!!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! I really appreciate the time you spend here!!
Take care,