Monday, December 8, 2008

And we have Winners, a Christmas Present and some stash.

I was without a computer this weekend - so I couldn't have a BOD drawing yesterday - so instead I randomized the list this morning for a winner or I should say winners of the the Snoopy's - (Rico had a second one at his office - so there are two going out instead of just one) Drum Roll...... Jennilynn and Donna!!!! - Now I have Donna's address but Jennilynn if you could send me yours I will get your Snoopy in the mail in the morning. My email is (edgar matt at g mail dot com ).

On Saturday I made a run over to Alameda and the framers to pick up my MIL's Christmas present from us - here is a snap -

I am really pleased with the way it turned out - Rico chose the frame and the mat and did a really great job as now all the rusty-reds really pop! While I was on the island I had to stop off at NIAH and here is a snap of the stash I couldn't live without!! (Now how on earth odes that happen??)

I had to have the Belle Soie as I have switched the pale scarecrow on the ABC SAL to the warmer more golden Teddy Bear - I stitched some on it and really like the difference - will post a snap tomorrow. and.... I really like the etui's in the 2008 Un Natale book this year and NIAH only gets a few so I snapped one up.

This will be short posting this morning as I have a butt-load of stuff to do here at work!! I have some really nice snaps of the my "feather" tree and a party we attended on Saturday. So stop by tomorrow - same Bat Channel and the same Bat station!!!

Thanks for stopping in -
Take care,


  1. Congratulations to Donna and Jennilynn!

    Love Home is where my Heart Blooms you did for Rico's mum - I am sure she will love it.

  2. The framing is lovely, and you're right, the mat really does make those reds pop! Teddy Bear is one of my fav colors...have fun with that one :)

  3. OMG! I went to the framers and NiaH on Saturday too! How in the world did I miss you?!

    Love how the framing came out for the gift. Beautiful matting and wood really makes those colors pop!

    Congrats to the winners!

  4. Beautiful framing...great frame and mat choice!
    CONGRATS to Donna & Jennilynn:)
    Yummy stash!!

  5. Oh, your gift is so lovely! I'm sure your MIL will cherish it for many many years to come. Methinks Rico has a future in picking matts and frames for needlework pieces...would he like to come to Hoosierville to help a girl out?

  6. Congratulations to the two winners! The framing is lovely on your BBD piece! Your MIL will totally love it! This is one of a few designs on my to do list!

  7. Wow! Your MIL is going to LOVE her gift!!! The mat and frame are perfect :)

  8. Love the sampler and the stash. Rico is a good "picker"

  9. Your Where My Heart Blooms is gorgeous! Kudos to Rico for his choice of mat/frame. Perfect!

  10. What is the red chart in the picture with the Sierpenski(sp) triangle tree?

  11. Great framing, it's looking gorgeous

  12. Wahoo! I just read about Snoopy!!!!! The kids are gonna love him! Thank you Edgar!!!!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...