Monday, March 20, 2017

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I finished up Fragments Friday evening and here's a snap....

February 20 - March 17, 2017
"Fragments in Time - Sampler Motifs" by Summer House Stitche Workes
36ct Barn Owl called for GAST

Although I used the called for GAST floss I did change up some of the charted areas for certain colours and I stitched the little bird in the M N Square in red.  It was a fun piece and a pretty quick stitch.  I did make a pretty major counting mistake early on but made do and shifted up the motifs as I went along.

Here is the small start on my next piece.... "Anniversaries of the Heart" by BBD, I have pulled all the called for GAST and WDW floss, but have already made a major colour change in the first square.  This is a mostly white square and I stitched up the vine part in the white to start but it disappeared into the linen and looked weak.  I then looked around at some completed pieces on the Internet and found one that had a darker stitched vine which gave some visual structure to this corner.... so I went with a darker vine.  This will be a great piece to work on during the coming months.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Fragments is gorgeous! Nice start on Anniversaries, such a pretty and dainty border.

  2. Great finish, Edgar! That one went so quickly. I can't wait to see your version of Anniversaries. I stitched this one myself a couple of years ago as a gift for my mother. I love a project that can be personalized, and you have a really good eye for that.

  3. Edgar, congratulations on your fragments in time finish. It is looks fabulous. You have made a good start on the AotH piece. I like the darker vine color.

  4. Congrats on your finish, Edgar! I will enjoy seeing your progress on Anniversaries of the Heart! This is in my WIP basket and is fun to stitch up the different blocks!

  5. Congrats on the beautiful finish Edgar and great new start.


  6. Great finish - congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing your take on Anniversaries of the Heart too. You have such a good eye for colour.

  7. Super finish.
    I've seen a few variations of the anniversaries, even a pink one!

  8. Fragments is beautiful! Enjoy your new project.

  9. It always fascinates me to see your stitching. I did some counted cross stitch years ago, but it is too hard on my eyes.

  10. You stitched this one in record time! This one was not one of my favorite of yours but it has grown on me. My grandmother used to say that's why they make chocolate and vanilla....not everyone likes the same thing. And that's I do love the colors in it and of course your stitching is beautiful. I'd love to see it framed. I'm looking forward to seeing how you personalize Anniversaries. I have that one in my stash. I've never started it because I hate dealing with all the fabric that hangs over the hoop....just a me thing. It would be interesting to see how you roll, fold or otherwise deal with the huge piece of fabric while you stitch.

  11. I love this pattern, haven't seen it in the U.K. I am looking forward to seeing your anniversaries of the heart, I have a few of the patterns and keep meaning to start, although I will probably do them separately.

  12. I think I am going to have to track down Anniversaries of the Heart. But, I do have a question about it ... Just glancing at it, I can't find E or F. Are they there? 'Cause if they aren't, I'll have to add them. My super obsessive mind would drive me crazy without them. :-)

  13. Fragments in Time is beautiful! I am so excited that you are doing AOTH. It is such a great piece and fun to personalize. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  14. Fragments turned out wonderful! Looking forward to watching your progress on Anniversaries of the Heart.

  15. Ye gads, you are speedy and good...but that is already a given, isn't
    it Edgar? Fragments lived up to all its promise.... looking forward to
    how you enhance the original Anniversaries... Would love to have Rico
    sit beside you with a time watch per inch and report your speed and
    coverage per a 15 minute segment...or just video you in action LOL....

  16. Gorgeous finish - great start!

  17. Well done, as always! Another beautiful finish! Anniversaries of the Heart will be so fun to watch as it grows.

  18. Beautiful finish Edgar! Looking forward to following your progress on "Anniversaries". I especially loved the red bird in Fragments. Perfect!

    San Pedro, CA

  19. Beautiful finish on Fragments. I also have had a few pieces where the white just didn't show up on the linen I chose, so frustrating!

  20. Dearest Edgar: Congratulations on your finish, it always feels good to finish and start a new design.
    Love the Black Bird Designs Sampler start.



A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...