Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fun Weekend Things

Gentle Friends...running around Saturday I wanted to stop in Japan Town for some things and found that we had landed in the middle of an event......  the annual "Children's Day Festival."  You can click HERE to read up on the traditional festival.  We parked and walked around some - set up there were dozens of tables and events for kids - and there were herds of them running all over the place - everyone seemed to be having a great time!!!!

In the Peace Plaza these were "KOINOBORI" - carp kites - blowing in the lovely breeze.

The stage had continuous demonstrations going on ....

.... we stayed and watched some KENDO using shinai......
... as you can see from the little girl behind the noise level was quit high 
when the bamboo swords hit......

.....  it was very interesting and was just by happenstance we stumbled on such a great festival.....

 These types of events and festivals happen all over the City all the time, especially during the Spring and Summer months there are so many it's hard to keep up with them.

On Sunday we made a trip out to our favorite Farmers Market, knowing that the Summer 
fruits where coming into season......

....  the beautiful cherries have started to come in and are quite tasty this year!!

.... there were some great apples....

... and some super bakers had set up, so we got some bread.....

... this was a new to me type of vegetable..... 
 and only a couple of older vendors had it - any thoughts out there about "Chinese Cauliflower?"

...we picked up some Brussels Sprouts and I roasted them for dinner Sunday night with a steak....

... and we couldn't leave without some of the lovely flowers that were being sold....  over all a lovely day and I did enjoy getting back into the swing of a visiting the Farmers Market as I like to buy local and in season!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and remember to leave a comment on Monday's Post to be entered in my 8th Blogaverary Gift-a-Way.

Take care,


  1. A beautiful Farmer's Market! Never knew there was a Japan town. The carp kites look so pretty!

  2. I spotted some beautiful Sweet William flowers in the pictures. Love the farmer's market...going this weekend to my local FM.

  3. Those cherries make my mouth water! And I have to say that I LOVE roasted brussels sprouts.

  4. I also did not know there was a Japan Town in SF. I love a 'farmer's market'. What is behind the apples? They look like some kind of root vegetable. They look huge! The Brussels sprouts and cherries would have been in my shopping basket for sure. Never heard of the Chinese cauliflower...let us know what you do with it please.


  5. Oh yummy! I'm waiting for cherries to show up at the market. Too early here for farmer's markets too. Fun stuff stumbling on that festival in Japan town.

  6. Beautiful offerings from your Farmer's Market. I have never heard of Chinese cauliflower... Did you buy any to try?

  7. What a fun day you had. Your farmers market looks wonderful. love Annette

  8. Lovely photos. I am anxiously awaiting the opening weekend of our Farmer's Market. Things start a little later here in the Northeast. I have already done some patio planting: peas, Black Beauty Eggplant, Italian parsley, Roma tomatoes, English cucumbers, Bell peppers, sweet basil, and mint. The hardy garlic chives have already come up: great with potato and with egg dishes. The peas should be ready for harvest mid-June and the herbs should be mature enough to pick starting in a few weeks anf into September. The rest of the vegetables should be ready at the end of July. I love fresh vegetables but I am limited to container gardening on my townhouse patio. Therefore, I limit my own plantings to favorites and get everything else at the farmer's markets. I love it when the local orchards have peaches, cherries and apples for sale.

  9. oh, now I feel like having Brussel Sprouts for dinner too!
    our cherry tree hasn't been hit by hail or heavy winds so far, so we might finally enjoy some very local cherries this summer, who knows! :D

  10. That Farmer's Market look fantastic! The
    cherries and that BREAD!! Be still my grumbling stomach!!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...