Wednesday, October 29, 2014

****UPDATE***Here's a Question......

Gentle Friends, still waiting on the new camera - it should be here in a day or two.  I feel so out of touch without it nestled in my murse......

The question I have is - How long should I wait to see if the linen I ordered on July 25th from the "Christmas in July Sale" at PTP  is ever going to arrive.  I know they can take a really long time to fill orders and the sale inundated them with a lot of work - but it is the end of October and not a peep about my order.  Is anyone else waiting for their order???  Just thought I'd throw it out there, as I had been wondering about it for a little while now.

I just got an e-mail about 12 minutes ago that my order has been shipped!!!  I knew if I put it out there something would good happen!!!  WOOHOO!!

That's about it for today sports fans. Thanks again for stopping by, do stop again soon.

Take care,


  1. Edgar, if it makes you feel any better mine just arrived on Monday! It was well worth the wait. :-) I want to say I read a comment somewhere that they hoped to have it all out by the first part of November. Hopefully yours will arrive very soon!!!

  2. I can't believe you've waited this long. I think I can honestly say that over here in the UK most places ship out the same day or next day at the latest. You've been very patient.

  3. Miss your beautiful photos. What kind of camera are you getting.

    WOW! You have some kind of patience--glad your order has been shipped

  4. yup...i am so glad your order is shipped..
    and we sadly facing a long postal strike here from last three months..our life is up side down..
    love and hugs x

  5. That's good news indeed! Coincidence? It always seems that whenever I start questioning when an order will be shipped or arrive, that's when it happens!

  6. I would have cancelled that order a long time ago. So glad your order has been shipped. I am not a patient person.

  7. So glad you are finally getting your linen. Way too long to have to wait!!!!

  8. Holy Cow ... what a patient man you are.

  9. That's too funny! I once waited nearly two months for a PTP order from an ONS. I nearly G.A.V.E. up!

  10. So glad your fabric is finally coming, was just going to post that I only just received mine last week.

  11. 3 months!!!!! good job you weren't in a hurry to stitch something on it....

  12. When I was at the shop at the end of September, Marilyn had shipped about half of the 600+ orders they received in that 24 hour sale. They were busy dyeing away as fast as they could! I know the wait is long after the CIJ sale but it's worth it. I've already started my list for next year!

  13. Oh it is worth the wait! My order came the end of September. I try to order as early in the morning as I can as if you wait till later in the day it will take forever. The sale has grown so! I can't imagine how they handle it! But the person who has the last order filled gets a surprise from them! PTP is just the best. They aim to please. Love visiting the shop. They have a wonderful supper bowl sale but you have to be their in person for it! Some times we are treated to sneak peaks at colors and designs (if it is ok with the designer--she always checks to make sure it is.) Great business.

  14. The Christmas in July sale is a great effort on their part. They say up front that they fill the orders as they arrive (internet only sale). There is only 3 or 4 people that work there and I think two might be just part time. So they are dyeing and filling orders at same time hence it takes a lot of time to get them all processed. And if you order charts that they do not have on hand they have to order them and are at the mercy of those slow ups....they are also busy filling non sale orders that come in after the sale.

    Non-sale orders do not take very long at all.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...