Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Visit to My LNS...... Needle in a Haystack!!

Gentle Friends I am really lucky to have as my LNS "Needle in a Haystack."  I planned a trip for last Saturday and even the deluge of rain couldn't keep me from going.  I think once I make up my mind that I just go with things with a "Get 'er done" attitude they usually pay off well - like last Saturdays visit.  One of the reasons I wanted to make it over was it was the last day of the "Egg" cellent Anniversary Sale, where you get to draw a discount egg when you check out.  I made sure to bring my camera and took some snaps......

... there is a huge selection of floss......

... one of the tables of new things to peruse.....

... there are racks upon racks of charts and fun things to stitch.....

... did I mention all the gorgeous floss... silk, cotton and wool.......  at the linen wall the ladder was up and I climbed up and took these......

... looking across the store towards the front... and ....

.... looking out and towards the back of the store... you really get a feel from these snaps just how comprehensive the store is for stitching!!  It is a real joy to walk into this store as everyone is so nice - Cathe and Debi are very kind and helpful, they can answer just about any stitching question you might have.  If you get anywhere near the shop I would highly recommend a visit - and if you live far away, they have a wonderful Internet presence and can ship fun stitching stuff to you.  Of course I couldn't leave empty handed and brought home some fun things.....  my aim was to acquire some linen, specifically 40 count. 

When I started back to stitching after a break of about 10 years,  I didn't want to stitch on Aida cloth any longer and so I started off stitching on 28ct, then quickly moved to 32ct.  After a few months I hen made the leap to 36ct - and have been using 36ct almost exclusively for the past few years.  Recently I acquired a piece of 40ct linen and have been really hesitant to try it out, but with my most recent project, SMS being such a large project, I decided to just make the leap and see if I could stitch on 40ct.  Needless to say I am totally enjoying this higher count linen and needed to stock up on a few pieces for the future.  I really didn't need any more charts ( I already have 100's) or any floss..... but linen I wanted....

I picked up a couple of project zipper bags, some Petit 28 gold needles, I did find a couple of charts from my very short list of charts I wanted, a micro cloth, on the cloth a "Bat" needle minder, some 3" rings, I use these for floss organization, and some larger cuts of 40ct linen.... from the top they are, Linens by Design "Barn Owl," a special cut of "Vintage Sand Dune." (on which I think I will restart a WIP I am less than pleased with) then another giant piece of LbD "Barn Owl," and a LbD piece of "Meadowlark," and a great piece of LL "Vintage Lt Exemplar."  Linens by Design used to be Birds of a Feather, a company that made the best linen, IMHO.  It was a great visit and when I checked out I drew a discount egg that saved me 20% on my purchase - woohoo!!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Thank you for sharing. Did not know Linens by Design was formerly Birds of a Feather--do you find the linens to be of the same quality?

  2. Thank you for sharing. I did not about the change from Birds of a Feather to Linens by Design. Do you find the linens to be of the quality?

  3. Wow, I love how light and bright your LNS is! As I was looking at your photos I was wondering how we could get up there just so I could get to that shop (and sight see in SF at the same time of course!) Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wonderful linen Edgar -- love the colors you bought. Love the wall of fibers -- a little touch of heaven for us stitchers!

  5. Wow!! What a store! Can I go with you next time??

  6. My plan is to not buy anything stitching-related until May, when I visit the Bay area. These pictures have convinced me to stick to this plan! I will definitely be paying a visit to Needle In A Haystack!


  7. Oh, I hope I have a chance to get there in real life one day! Thanks for the glimpse into Wonderland. :)

  8. I wish we had a store like this here :p

  9. Ooooh my, that's a dream. Wish I could have such a store here in Germany!!

  10. I knew that BoF stopped producing fabric,......but I didn't know someone else was making their linen colors!! I concur - they are the most beautiful fabrics! I'll have to inquire at my LNS. Thanks for the tour of Needle in a Haystack - looks like a fun place - but I would get in soooooo much trouble.

  11. Oh that would be too difficult for my eyes!AriadnefromGreece!

  12. Edgar thank you so much for the NIAH photos. It makes me so envious that you have but a short drive to heaven while all I can do is order from them on-line. Oh the damage I could do to my bank account if I were ever let loose in there. ;-)

  13. Very nice assortment! I love 40ct, too!

  14. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Really pretty shop. Lucky you.

  15. Wow. I wish I lived next to them. I actually ordered online from them because I know you liked them. It took awhile for the stuff to get here because a bunch was on backorder but I have everything now except for one By Jupiter charm (it is hard to find places that carry them).

  16. What a lovely store! Thanks for sharing the pictures and the news about the linen. You have inspired me to plan a trip somewhere where there is a great needlework store soon!

  17. I wish that were my LNS! Swoon.

  18. I am so jealous of you, here I have nothing but Michaels they only carry DMC floss. Everything else and I mean everything must be ordered via internet. I would love to browse a shop. Nice discount too.

  19. Aww I wish I can come too :)
    Hugs x

  20. I almost drove to the bay area for that "egg" sale but didn't make it. I do love how they stack the colors of linen by brand and count so you can see what's all available when you're there in person. Examplar has become one of my all time favorites! Enjoy your new stash!

  21. I am soooo glad I do not live by that store! It would do some serious damage to my credit card! Glad to hear your stone is history!! Hopefully no more will appear any time soon.

  22. Thank so much for the photos of all those yummy fibers...gosh, I am still dreaming of them right now.

    You have the most amazing places out your way. I am green all over...but keep those pics coming....such a truly lovely store.

    Can't wait to see all the things you bought getting started, too. :)

  23. WOW! What a store! I only wish there was one like that here! I would spend hours in there! How fun!!!
    I'm a new blogger--please visit my fledgling blog, A Symphony of Stitches!!!! I need followers!

  24. NIAH looks like such a great shop. And yes, 40ct is the way to go. lolol! It's been my go to fabric for years now. Love your new stash!

  25. Looks a bit like heaven to me!! I might have to go to SF just to shop at that store!!!!!

  26. What an awesome store!!! I never in all the 11 years I lived in the Bay made it over to Needle :( Sad I know LOL What an amazing space!!

    I am lucky to have an LNS close by but it is nothing like that.... Love your stash you came home with :D

  27. I'd love to go drop a load of cash there, one day!

  28. What an amazing needlework shop!

  29. My Oh My and a great big Thank You for the virtual shopping trip. When I was down there for training a few years back, the shop was closed on my day without classes. I was so bummed because I have heard how great a shop that NIAH is. Your pictures really prove it. Happy Stitching!

  30. I have never seen such a great store! I have to buy everything online. Glad to hear your stone is gone, it sounded horrible. A shopping trip was just the ticket!

  31. Ooh thanks for sharing these pictures! I see they have a good selection of Rainbow Gallery fibers so I will have to order some from them!

  32. I am bound & determined to visit NIAH the next time we're in SF ... more so than ever now after seeing your photos : ) I also enjoy stitching on 40 count linen. The smaller counts just don't cut it for me anymore.

  33. Looks like Heaven. I would probably spend hours and lots of $ in there. My husband would have to pull me out kicking and screaming. LOL Thank you for sharing your the photos.

  34. Dearest Edgar: Wow what a beautiful stash enhancement, that store looks huge, I love 40 count, I use it for many ornaments for my little tree.

    Happy Stitching


  35. What a gigantic store!! Lucky you.

  36. Maybe someday I will get to visit there! Thanks for sharing! Great new stash :)

  37. How lucky are you to have NIAH as your LNS! I order specialty silks from them that I cannot find at most shops, as well as that Linens by Design linen, which I agree with you is one of the best linens available (along with Lakeside Linen, IMHO). I see some goodies in your shopping haul that I have waiting to be stitched here also (M. Woods sampler!) but I ordered 50 count linen (GULP) and Tudor silks to stitch it - haven't had the guts to try it yet! Lol. Have a great weekend, and HAPPY STITCHING with your new stash!

  38. Oh my word, I have never seen such a wonderful cross stitch shop. We have nothing like that in England at all as far as I know. Enjoy your lovely stash. xx

  39. Oh how I wish I had an LNS like this! Your fabric selections look fabulous.

  40. It was so fun to see this shop. I so want to visit! I just placed another order from them. I was drooling on my keyboard as i viewed these pics. Thanks for sharing.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...